Star Wars Episode 7 News

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Is Carrie Fisher/Princess Leia in Trouble?

star wars

A few days ago the nypost posted an article about a week-long investigation, during which they witnessed Fisher repeatedly visit a "shady LA apartment, meet with someone in her car and then behave bizarrely as she went back home." At first I didn't want to post this with respect to Fisher's private life, but with the latest re-cast rumors, could there be a connection between the two? Are Disney trying to find a substitute to Carrie?

Here are some excerpts from the nypost article:
The Post observed a messy-mopped Fisher, 57, hardly looking regal in a giant black trench coat, waiting in her car while one of two women rushed down from the apartment to hop in the passenger seat for no more than 30 seconds at a time.The pal then got out and returned to the apartment — and the actress drove straight home.
In one instance, Fisher was seen sitting in a car as a pal appears to hide something concealed in a folded piece of cardboard.On two occasions, Fisher — who would show up in either a green Mini or black BMW — took one of the women for a quick spin around the block before dropping her back and heading home.
A reporter observed Fisher acting erratically — either violently bobbing her head up and down, clenching her fists or frantically wiping her nose in the rear view mirror.
When confronted on the seventh straight day she turned up at the apartment, Fisher, who has struggled with addiction, shrugged off her strange behavior and claimed she was clean and sober.
“No, darling,” she said when asked whether she was buying drugs.
When quizzed about the daily meetings at the apartment, she said it was a friend’s place.
“I’ve been coming here for years,” she said.
star wars

Now this is really a sad story and I hope it's exaggerated. Still just only 3 days later we hear not one, but two rumors suggesting that a casting call is happening in the UK at the end of the month, and one of the roles available is Princess Leia. 

The first rumor came from Den Of Geek, but they reported that the audition will be for more than one role. So if Disney has decided to do a last minute recast of Princes Leia, why auditioning for other roles as well?

The second rumor came from JediNews. According to their source:
"On February 26th there is a casting call in Soho, London for Leia Organa."

The way the rumors were both revealed almost together could suggest a certain level of urgency, of course if this casting call is true. Still this could be just a coincidence, but I do have a bad feeling about this. I'm sure we'll find out more on this in the following days, so stay tuned.


  1. This is truly discouraging... I hope the casting announcements come soon so we can all just stop worrying about what's going on.

    1. Agree. Sometimes I think Episode VII is cursed and some god somewhere is trying to stop this film from being made.

    2. The very first Star Wars seemed like god didn't want it made either, so maybe they are on track.

    3. This is nothing compared to after. We should start a list of things that get called "The next Jar Jar Binks" before anyone sees the film.

    4. Don't worry, she's just doing a little meth to make the pounds melt away.

  2. Carrie Fisher is the cast member who I want to return the most. Please dear god I hope she is in this film

  3. I reaaaaly doubt they would recast Princess Leia. Have her not appear at alll maybe, but Im certain noone from the original trilogy would be recast

  4. Or you could do none of the above. Besides there are plenty of drugs that are physically impossible to overdose on.

    Anyway I suspect these are just rumors for rumors sake

  5. She might have just been buying weed..I hope Carrie's Leia again, but if they decide she's not up to it I would rather just have it that Leia died some years ago..please no dubious recast!

    1. what kind of weed makes you act like how the article was describing?! she must've got ripped off if weed made her act like that!

    2. Everyone reacts to drugs differently, so unless you're a woman in your late 50's and smoke pot you don't really know how she "should" act

    3. Don't be a fucking ass.
      There is no certain ways to react to weed.
      Everyone reacts the same. and it is NOT jumping around like a maniac.
      AND visiting the same spot multiple times A DAY.
      No, that's not weed she's buying. Baretta.

    4. Yeah, it's a special kind of weed. It comes in a white powder, and it goes up your nose.

    5. iPadCary
      I like smoking weed as much as the next guy but research shows that because of the biological makeup of every individual's brain on this earth being constructed differently, marijuana does have effects on some people that aren't the same for many stoners: schizophrenia, hallucinations and many other side effects can be triggered by smoking excessive amounts of marijuana, but only in subjects who had those conditions already present in a dormant state. The marijuana itself does not inflict those conditions because of the any certain natural chemical it contains, but it can be a catalyst to their effectiveness certain users.

  6. Impossible to OD on... Are you serious? This woman is popping prescribed pills as well for depression. A cocktail of so many drugs together is like a timebomb counting down. Od'ing is just one of the ways she could go if she doesnt sort her shit out. Hope she gets it together

    1. You don't know what she's doing or even if she is doing anything. Who doesn't love LSD, a very safe psychotropic drug!

    2. Are you kidding when you say "LSD, a very safe psychotropic drug"?

    3. Darn you've seen through me! LSD isn't *technically* psychotropic it's psychedelic. But yes, acid is one of the safest recreational drugs.

    4. First anonymous slander, then anonymous drug pushing. I wonder what's next?

    5. It's not drug pushing. Arguably it's slander against drugs. Zero deaths are attributed to LSD and you would literally die before you were able to give your self enough to overdose.(hyponatremia) Truth of the matter is people are going to "get high" one way or another, you might as well properly educate them so they don't swallow one to many prescription pills or brake a needle in their arm. I don't condone illicit drug use or substance abuse, merely make sure people know the safest options if they do said activities.

    6. Ok. You are anonymously shilling drugs then.

    7. I still think that's a tad harsh as I don't sell any type of drug... But yes, I'm shilling

    8. A little off the subject but still on track. Is anyone here familiar with the Syd Barrett story? He was the original guitarist and song writer for Pink Floyd back in the late '60s. He took way to much LSD over the course of about 3 - 4 years. Towards the end he couldn't even perform on stage. He would just stand there and look blankly into space, or just play the one chord for the entire performance. It got to the point that they had to replace him which paved the way for David Gilmour. Now I'm not saying that LSD made him that way, but illicit drug use can exacerbate the symptoms of schizophrenia and other mental health issues. that being said, it looks to me that Carrie is still battling her drug problem. I'm no expert but I've been around enough people to recognize the warning signs. I hope this is not the case for Carries sake. I want to see her in Ep.VII, I don't want her to be replaced by another actor. If the rumors are true and she is unable to play the role, I'd rather no Princess Leia at all

  7. I really hope this is false but since she does have a history of drug abuse it is extremely disappointing. As for the recasting, if she isn't off drugs and in shape by the time filming starts, we don't need to be looking at Leia the Hutt.
    I'd rather they just kill off Leia. I suppose they could get lucky and find someone who would resemble her at an old age (sort of like Ewan McGregor/Alec Guiness) but I think writing her out would be best.
    Same goes for Mark Hamill (minus the drug problem), if he can't get in shape by the time filming starts, I'd rather not see Luke the Hutt. Imagine, it would end up being Luke and Salacious Crumb sitting around together again!

    1. In a weird way I would quite like Mark and Carrie to come back as overweight just to give a middle finger to people who would rather a main character be written out because they aren't skinny enough or whatever ridiculous reason. Mark has lost a huge amount of weight judging by recent pictures and is now a normal size. I'm sure Carrie is loosing weight too although there hasn't been any pictures of her recently. Not that it matters. I guess Marks weight is arguably important if he is to be the new jedi leader. But Carrie really doesn't matter at all, and you're acting like she is huge. She was huge in like 2008 or something but recently she's just been a normal average weight, and if she's been loosing weight too, there really isn't a problem. To have their characters be written out because they don't look the same anymore is just insane.

    2. Probably the most sober and reasonable post on this site. Good luck to Carrie as an actress but more so as a person. I hope they come back no matter what they look like, humanize the characters. As for the other posts on here, have a heart people! Jesus!

    3. The weight isn't really an issue. Luke Skywalker is the 2nd most powerful Jedi ever, he can fight using the force. Leia is a political figure.

    4. Exactly. I'm excitedly looking out for Luke and Leia, I'm not looking out for their stomachs. I just know that floods of shallow morons will make jabba the hutt jokes if they don't loose weight. There's only one reason I want Mark and Carrie to loose weight, and that reason is for their own sake. Carrie experimented a lot with plastic surgery when she read someone's comment who said they thought Carrie looked like elton john. She laughs it off but I can tell comments like that really are hurtfull to these celebs. I hate the internet sometimes. But yeah I don't care what they look like, I just don't want to watch the movie to then see people making inappropriate comments about their looks when I want to talk about the damn movie.

    5. As much as we hate to see someone suffer from drug addiction, they are their own person and only they can make the decision to stop. If her drug use, if that is what this is, interferes with the film then Disney can obviously step up and deal with it in a number of ways but as it stands now she is going to do what she is going to do no matter what people say. Remember though that during the (arguably) best Star Wars movie, Empire Strikes Back, Fisher was at the height of her drug use. She was even told by John Belushi that she had a problem (UH WOW!) but look how Empire turned out. Sometimes the greatest albums or movies are rife with drug use, pain and controversy. A good example would be Fleetwood Mac's album Rumors. Two of the couples were going through a nasty divorce, they all wanted to kill each other and were all using drugs (they've admitted that themselves) yet Rumors was, in many's opinion, their greatest album and remains one of the greatest albums ever recorded. The personal toll is something that should remain on the personal level while we as fans should just be overjoyed with the fact that we are getting a movie that we all never thought we would see. All of the energy and emotion in these actors lives gets put into the scenes and when the height of the energy is so high it is palpable then you get a very dynamic movie. It might capture the magic of our favorite episode, it may not but at least we get the chance to see it and form an opinion so I am happy about that. The demons that Carrie Fisher and anyone else in the cast or crew have to deal with are their own and when they are ready to get help I pray that it will be there for them but they have to face that themselves, we just have to buy a ticket.

    6. If you think that somehow personal strife and drug addiction is the secret ingredient to a grat artistic peace I have some beach front property to sell you in Kansas. There are plenty of great albums and plenty of movies done by people with clean noses and stable relationships. Great works of art that were done by people on coke are remarkable in that DESPITE the decline in their sense the artists created something good.

  8. This is a discouraging rumor but I'm not jumping to conclusions.

    However, more sad news:

    Christopher Malcolm, played a rebel pilot in TESB who discovered Han & Luke on Hoth, is dead at 67.

  9. No... That's not true!... That's imPOSSible!!!........ NOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo!!!!!!!

    1. Hahahahahahahahaha! XD

      Best use of a quote I've seen on this website!

    2. Yeah, hilarious reaction to someone dying.

    3. Anonymous joking. It's better than what was written before.

  10. Anyone who believes that they are recasting Leia is an idiot. These rumors came from non-sense sources. And the whole "Carrie buying drugs" is from the NY Post. another BS source. pathetic

  11. I'm really worried now :(
    We need some insiders to debunk this :(

    Please :(

    1. Yeah I've always been worried about Carrie's mental health. She always makes jokes and puts on a brave face bless her, but like she has said before "If I can convince you I'm alright, then maybe I can convince me."
      But I never imagined she could be back using drugs. Hopefully she gets help or this is all just (hopefully) a big misunderstanding.

    2. I hope that this is people encouraging her to get herself together, so that pressure doesn't get to her during filming.

  12. The simple fact is if Carrie Fisher was not going to be in it then Princess Leia would not be in it also...the fact is if they re-cast then who in their right mind would want to watch it ???

  13. "Still just only 3 days later we hear not one, but two rumors suggesting that a casting call is happening in the UK at the end of the month, and one of the roles available is Princess Leia."

    Didn't they say that if the original cast didn't do the film they would write their character out instead of getting a new actor?

    1. They aren't going to re-write the script this late, there is no way.

    2. Maybe this was part of the Lawrence/JJ re-writes. Maybe they killed Leia at childbirth or something to force some kind of emotion blow from us.. Hence they are casting another Leia and will be used in a flashback, and hence Carrie is taking the blow pretty badly. But I really dearly hope not and don't think that's the case. Carrie recently/supposedly said she is due to start star wars work in march or april. I have no idea what will be of Luke Leia and Han in episodes 8 and 9, but I hope we at least get some great and memorable moments for at least episode 7. Not bringing them back would be heartbreaking.

  14. that is what i am wondering about, the written out, no recasts. of course, that was under lucasfilm, disney may have altered the deal, pray they don't alter it further. i will not speculate on this, i consider it undignified to go public about someone's problems. i hope these are just rumors for her sake, but if not it is definitely not the public's concern to drag anyone's problems out for public humiliation. i hope the best for her and i hope to see her in SW.-prymal

  15. Oh man. I hope. With all my heart and mind and soul. that the one character I truly love. comes back for the next StarWars movies..... JarJar Binks

  16. This is the New York Post. Its disappointing that anyone is referring to this.

  17. There is something I haven't seen considered above. They could be recruiting someone to be A DOUBLE FOR HER. Like that lady who she was tanning with in the desert?

    Some of the comments above make this look like TMZ, the scum of the earth. Someone had their privacy invaded, I wouldn't be surprised if the New York Post broke the law and/or will get sued by Carrie's friends.

  18. Sad news if its true, but if they have to rewrite the script and delay once again they might not make their release date as well as delay production... unfortunately that's money. If Carrie is indeed not prepared to start shooting a recast seems plausible.For her sake I hope she is fine and its nothing more than rumor.

  19. one more thing, if u are true SW fans, you 'd be morr worried about carrie & not so much ep 7

  20. If carrie fisher is out of EVII then don't recast Leia.
    I think it's okay that Viral Hide posted this storrie. I know it's Fishers life but it's also an reson fore the recast romer

  21. She'll hold together. Hold together, Carrie.

    1. All the fans should show their support to Carrie. This is bigger than Episode 7. Hope she'll be fine. She is really a true hero.

  22. Guys she would do coke and smoke weed on the sets of star wars in Harrison Ford's trailer. This isn't really news. I understand she's a lot older now and times have definitely changed, but she'll be fine. This Leia Organa audition isn't there to replace Carrie.

    1. Who knows if they might or might not need to still audition her? Yes, i'm saying the audition could be for her specifically. Why? Well, after the huge change she has made over the years, they'd probably just like to be 100% sure she can still pull of a witty leia we all know and love. As dumb or senseless as this may sound, it is just an idea (: I really am confident that she is coming back though.

    2. ..No I'm sorry but that really is too, as you say, "dumb or senseless" haha

    3. coke and weed in ford's trailer? that happened in between takes haha look it up

    4. No, the fact they would audition Carrie

  23. Personally I think this is all a load of rubbish.
    Maybe these nasty rumours were started up in an attempt to push Disney into making some kind off announcement regarding the original cast.
    Thank you.

    1. I heard Chewy was pimping Ewoks in the San Fernando Valley and will not be considered for Episode 7. They are recasting him with 1980's ALF. Real Talk.

    2. I heard the same thing. I think they should just supply Carrie with whatever are her drugs of choice and get on with filming. I mean, they didn't seem to mind her coking it up on the set of TESB so why enforce any rules now. We just want to see her back.
      But as someone posted earlier, I'm not interested in seeing Leia the Hutt so they would have to put her on Jenny Craig or give her the Jedi mind trick to stop eating. Perhaps a crack diet might help

  24. If Carrie Fisher is not able to shoot SW7, please don't look for an actress to play Princess Leia's role, what a nonsense...

    1. We have to remember that JJ is first and foremost a fan of Star Wars. I'm sure he has the same gut reactions we do to the thought of replacing Carrie Fisher and casting someone else to play Leia. He would certainly rather exclude Leia from the film if Carrie is stuck in rehab and I bet good money he would be smart enough to not kill her off but leave the door open for her return to 1. Give Carrie something to strive for in her recovery and 2. give the fans some hope that they would see Leia make a triumphant return in Ep VIII.

  25. My own feeling is that the role of Princess Leia is not been recast at all. Those auditioning are likely doing so for the part of her daughter. In order to see who looks and sounds like her - as her daughter would - the casting directors are having the actresses reading some of Leia's lines from the OT script. When they arrive at the auditions they are told "you will be reading lines for Princess Leia"

  26. I hope that this is the baseless tabloid horseshit that it appears to be. I know that Carrie has battled a lot of personal demons over the years, and it would be a damned shame if they were starting to get the best of her again at this late date.

    That said, unless she's a total basket case to the point where she is unable to work, I see no reason why they would replace her in Episode VII. Because she's using recreational drugs? Fer cryin' out loud, if they made actors whiz in a jar before making a movie, we'd have about half a dozen new movies every year, roughly half of which starring Kirk Cameron! ;^)

    I really hope that Carrie is okay, but this all sounds like a whole lot of sound and fury, signifying nothing (with apologies to The Bard...)

  27. Maybe all the secrecy concerning the original cast members returning or not has put mounting pressure on her and driven her mad as it has the fans as well.
    Blame Disney for not making an official announcement sooner and putting pressure on the cast members to keep their mouths shut.
    Carrie Fisher has already let slip several times about her returning but has quickly backtracked when realised her mistake.
    Disney... do everyone a favour and just let us all know what is going on for Christ's sake!

  28. You don't think it's possible that this is all one big set up, do you? How credible is the NY Post? This could be something meant to slip into the paper and everyone get some idea that Carrie is not in the movie when she really is. Don't you think it's all kind of very sudden and really close together? Something about this stinks to high heaven.

    In a completely different direction: I know Mark is in really good but men can get into shape a lot easier than women can. I'm not being sexist, it's just reality. She may be getting into trouble because she can't lose the weight and is turning to drugs to relieve her stress.

    I'm more inclined to believe this is some sort of ruse, though. Either by the post to get circulation or by JJ and company themselves. Call me a conspirtist theory guy, but I really don't believe that Carrie would fall back into her crutch when so much is riding on it. I could be wrong, as I've never done drugs and don't know what it's like.

    1. No way is this something that JJ and the producers are spreading around. How would that phone call go? "So Carrie, listen. Obviously Star Wars needs all of the marketing help it can get to keep it front and center in the minds of its fans. So what we're going to do is, plant a rumor in a New York tabloid that you're wrecked on drugs, and then we'll leak another rumor that you're being recast. Wha... uh... well, I'm sorry you feel that way. I... well, I don't think that's physically possible, but I'll ask my yoga instructor if she thinks I can pull it off. Now... huh? No. No, my mother and I are just good friends. Plus, I'm not really her type. So look, what we'll do is... what, ALL of us? Carrie, I really don't think you want to get THAT kind of reputation. Plus, a couple of us are married, and I don't think... hello? Hello? Goddamned AT&T..."

      IMHO, this is just some crap that the NY Post dreamed up, and a few of the SW rumormongers are running with it. I could be wrong, but at this point I agree with you, Rebel Scum. There's something hinky about all of this.

    2. I hope this news is just a rumor, but I have no doubt in my mind that it's possible. Drug addicts aren't themselves when using, especially when they're deep in the death spiral of, say, meth. You get to be so miserable that you forget what it was like to be normal, so your only solution is to get high again. They'll throw anything away at that point -- family, career, life. So, yeah, it's catastrophic news if she is using.

  29. Carrie Fisher... if you read this, the fans love you.
    May the force be with you... always.

    Carrie Fisher, the one and only Princess Leia and greatest sci-fi babe in movie history.

    1. Greatest sci-fi babe in movie history? What about the 3 breasted woman in Total Recall? 3 breasts for god sake.....Amen to that.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. You removed the comment?!?
      What the fuck happened to free speech,
      you fucking fanboy faggots?
      You really think Carrie Fisher is some lady from outer space, you stupid shits?
      She's a person: a fucked-up person hooked on dope.
      What, you think "The Force is strong in her"?!?
      Jesus, what losers you all are.
      The Force is stong, alright:
      especially that force in which she uses to rip open
      a glassine packet of the Lady H! lol

    4. You seem angry. I am guessing the F key on your keyboard is worn out. Of course she is not real...but I wish the 3 breasted chick was.

  30. new leia = SHIT STAR WARS...

    we want to see Carrie!!!!! or disney better kill leia....

  31. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  32. The London casting call was for "Leia Organa." You'd think that by this point int he timeline, Leia would be going by the last name of "Solo." That being said, I'm thinking they may just be casting an actress to portray a much younger Leia in a flashback scene of some kind. Also, this tabloid is overexaggerated garbage. Any news regarding Star Wars is guaranteed to draw consumer focus. Just a poorly made stunt on the Post's behalf.

  33. Wow I just hope Carrie is doing okay, more then anything I hope these rumors aren't true or like you said exaggerated

  34. Doesn't seem this rumor is getting much traction on other sites. Probably don't know what to make of it, and feel they need something more offical. Still, I don't think they recast you in a movie, because you may or may not have been buying drugs from your dealer. If that were the case, then there wouldn't be any movies. There needs to be something more concrete. Like her coming to audition f'd up, or her not reading the part well. If she's to be replaced for something, it will be AFTER shooting starts, not before.

    1. Unless they find her high in a hotel room wearing a shiny bikini chained to Michael Moore.....Wow, I threw up a little in my mouth.

    2. Hmmm. Good idea.... Michael Moore would make a good Janna the Hurt... ior one of his relatives

    3. Poops... typo.... meant to type Janna the Hurt.... not Janna

    4. Damnit.... another Typo.... Hurt.... not Hurt.... hahaha

  35. I am from Staten Island New York and If you ask most people in New York they will say that The New York Post is a Tabloid no better then the Inquirer, and how many casting calls start out with the characters names? most casting calls have a vague description of the character. This is Bull $-H-I-T and so is the Lawsuit against Eli and the Giants....

    1. Is that the lawsuit stating that Eli and the Giants beat on an old man in the parking lot? Wait, that can be it. The Giants cant beat anybody.

    2. Real funny A-$-$ Wipe.

  36. I don't know; 4 rings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sounds good to me. TRUE BLUE.....

    1. I love football as much as the next person, but let's keep this a Star Wars related discussion, please.

    2. Thanks dad, you take the fun out of everything. Im going to my room and never coming out. Thats why mom left.

    3. Oh, pity the Gmen have one less that their division rivals the Cowboys!

    4. @ Anon Feb 20 4:33 PM

      Who's your daddy!

    5. Nooooooo. It cant be. Thats not true. Thats impossible.


  37. I am from Staten Island New York and If you ask most people in New York they will say that The New York Post is a Tabloid no better then the Inquirer, and how many casting calls start out with the characters names? most casting calls have a vague description of the character. This is Bull $-H-I-T ....

  38. This post is from the forcenet but I agree,

    Thank you for saying this. I have been thinking 'Thomas and Rachel' the whole time I have been reading the fireworks of this conversational thread. Also the idea of "Blue Harvest" comes to mind along with the idea of "Revenge of the Jedi" when it turned out to be Return all along. They were all rouses or misdirects to cause a stir.

    As far as an idea of a Flashback scene with a younger Leia --- technically they would not even need an actor. All they would need is a stand in of a warm body marked up with those marks that they use as optical points of reference --- Just like Disney presented us with a younger version of Jeff Bridges to represent Clu in the new Tron. I mean come on people the technology is out there and Disney is really good at it.

    I truly think this rumor of the casting sheet for a 'Leia Organa' is a big rouse to stir the internet up or a need for someone who looks like she could be a blend of Leia and Han's child --- JJ Abrams, etc is not going to put Jaina Solo on a casting sheet to leak to the internet. I remember reading that Lucas used a picture of a 26 year old Alec Guiness to do the cattle call for young Obi-Wan. Now unfortunately the youngest pic I could ever find on the net was of Alec at around 40. But Ewan has said that his resemblence to the picture was a little scary.

  39. Yawn... Gotta love these rumors.

  40. The casting call says Leia Organa, Not Leia Solo which would indicate perhaps a younger Leia in a flashback. Like what Lucas did in the end of episode III where we see Vader, Emperor and Grand Moff Tarkin in the background. Someone who looks like Peter Cushing.

    1. Well if they were to recast Carrie Fisher for an older Leia (which is completely stupid and therefore I highly doubt), they wouldn't exactly go about it with some casting call, they would choose specific actress's they wanted and then ring them up to see who's interested, they wouldn't go open and bother auditioning the general public, they'd just pick an established actress that they thought would be good for the part. But I don't think they would replace Carrie. I think this casting call is for actresses who are auditioning the role of Han and Leia's child. They probably want a match that would be suitable for the daughter of Han and Leia so they are just briefing the actresses auditioning that it's basically an audition for Leia.

    2. Yes, I suggested this a few days ago. The actresses may also be reading some of Leia's lines from the OT to see who sounds like they could be her daughter. So they are in effect auditioning as Princess Leia.

  41. There was a rumour on Tuesday that Carrie Fisher had died. On wednesday this was exposed as a sick internet hoax. Her agents confirmed she was well and everything was good, saying people should not believe everything they read online. Carrie Fishers camp seem calm and relaxed about the whole episode from the last few days.

    1. It's relative Star Wars news whether it's fabricated or not. That's why the article was posted and that's why people are reacting to it the way they are. I'm with you, but some people have a hard time seeing passed the bullshit.

    2. If Carrie dies then I will die. But that's truly disturbing, it can't exactly be helpful to Carrie with all the stalkers and the media.

  42. What a surprise that three days later still NO ONE has found a website that actually has the casting call list for "Leia Organa". Surely this London casting agency would have a website, would they not? And that website would have details of upcoming auditions? Just goes to prove this is the biggest pile of rot we've heard yet, and I'm shocked how many people are falling over themselves worrying about something that has absolutely no evidence to back it up.

    1. Yeah thanks a lot for copying MY post over at the Jedi Council Forums.

    2. Well to be fair a lot of the time casting calls only goes out to agents. Loads of casting calls never end up on the internet.

  43. They would never recast this character....people are fucking retarded. If they dont want to hire fisher they will just kill her character off. to cast someone else as this character would be suicide...BESIDES when lucas first had meetings with fisher and Hammil, he told them if they werent interested they would kill the characters off...noone would replace them.also...Carrie dont take any shit..if she was removed from the star wars franchise..i am positive she would blow the whistle and be very vocal about it.
