Star Wars Episode 7 News

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Meet the Mandalorian Weapons Specialist Sabine from Star Wars: Rebels.


Sabine is described as "sassy," "spunky," "feisty" and has "a little bit of attitude." She has an expert's knowledge of weapons and arms, with an affinity for blowing things up. The character will be voiced by actress Tiya Sircar...

From THR:
"She's definitely one who's turned against the Empire and that's going to be to the Rebels' benefit," as executive producer Dave Filoni hints. As Joel Aron, CG supervisor of lighting and FX, says, "She's adding something that we haven't really seen before in the Star Wars universe. You have a character that is expressively creative through art -- whether it's the color of her hair or what she's done to her armor."

The best and most distinct characters so far are no doubt Zeb and Sabine. I like the way this show is going. To all the doubters - just give this show a chance and don't be so harsh. It's not an easy task to create a Star Wars TV show and make everyone happy, especially when the main target group are kids.


  1. Sabine, will you go out with me?

  2. Great. Now we have a Star Wars character that advocates Graffiti spraying. Will planking be next?

  3. cool idea, but i assosiate graffiti with the 21 or 20th century on earth not with star wars. they should do some more futuristic than graffiti.
    that's the problem i have with the star wars universe. you can name the period of time the film, the comic etc. was made. the other one is jar jar binks. but i think its impossible to do science fiction thats not assignable to its century.

    1. Graffiti was made by cavemen...

    2. i just associate it with the 20 or 21th century. associate. but couldnt they come up with something else than spraying?

  4. According to imdb will billy dee williams be voice off lando in the show. Any news off this viral hide

    1. IMDB is notoriously inaccurate.

    2. It depends.

      IMDB is mostly just as accurate as any other database for films that have been released.

      For films in pre-production or in the middle of filming, they can tend to be a bit more inaccurate simply because until a production is released, the information is in flux. People leave and come into productions all the time.

  5. Am I the only one who thought "Buy all 100 variants!" when they brought up the armor? Seems like an interesting character though. So, not only will they be killing people in this show, but blowing them up!

    Makes a lot of sense to have a Mandalorian to keep up with Jedi, with the Jetpack.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Ugh, more Mandalorian fan service. I had high hopes for this show after seeing the concept art. After seeing the characters, I'm convinced this is going to be as bad, if not worse than TCW.
    I know kids don't want to see people, a couple of droids and a wookie on this show but so far pleasing fanboys as well as children might prove dangerous. It's like a 12 year old took over the EU.
    (Sorry, I'm not an EU fan).

    1. I'm pretty sure it will be worse The Clone Wars, i was not a fan of the show but it did have a few good episodes, something i think this one will be lacking in.

    2. Wow how did you see the show already. Oh that's right you have not. Learn not to be so negative about a product that has even been released yet. Seriously you are a downer. If you do not like what you see stop looking and yes you are entitled to an opinion if you can back it up with reasons which you did not. All you said is that I'm pretty sure it will be worse The Clone Wars which is stupid bc you have not seen a single episode. That is all of my rant. Thank you.

    3. Amen to that once again the vocal 2% is trying to spoil the fun for everyone else.

    4. When the show comes out I'm gonna sit back and laugh at all the Anon posts that applaud the new series, because I'll know that a good majority of them will probably be the same people that are bitching about it now.

    5. Fettman pretty sure you were bitching in one of the top of the page comments

    6. I take it that sarcasm is lost on you

  8. I guess i can't state a strong opinion on here.

    1. you are not stating a strong opinion. More like nagging like a bitch. Go somewhere else with you pessimistic comments. Some people like to talk about star wars without people always complaining about how "this is gonna suck" attitude.

    2. Why don't you go somewhere else instead, so a variety of opinions can be expressed in a rational manner.

      If people like the new show, that's fine.

      But it's also fine if some people don't like the new show, and want to voice criticisms of it.

      People can disagree with one another without having to argue and insult each other like two old betty's arguing over a clothes line in their back yard. If your delicate sensibilities crumble when confronted with criticism of something you like, then either get a thicker skin, or lock yourself in your closet where you won't hear or read anything you don't like ever again.

  9. Wolverines!!!!!!!!!
    I love this character and its cool we may get a Mando that is a little more care free but can kick serious a$$.

  10. I believe the graffiti thing might be an association to the roman empire when the masses will write/paint on the wall anti-government/caesar slogans

    1. That comment was a line from Monty Pythons Life of Brian, It was supposed to be funny, not an insult.

    2. Well sorry about that. Just trying to put some boundaries here. :)

    3. "Romanes Eunt Domus"? "People called Romanes, they go the house"?!


    4. That's what I meant about the "Write it out 100 times " bit

  11. At least she's not another Force user.

    I don't have a strong opinion against the grafitti. Looks like in a few shots, it's a little much. It does look like a hip disney kid just thrown into the Star Wars universe, though.

    So, I guess I have mixed feelings about her. I just want it to tie into the storyline and not mess it up.

    1. The grafitti spraying screams rebel, though.

    2. Is it just me or do other people keep getting an 80's vibe from all of these sneek peaks?

    3. 80's vibe isn't necessarily bad, and I definitely agree with viral hide, this character and Zeb seem to have a decent amount of thought put in. Nice that we finally get information on a female character regardless

    4. Didn't say it was a bad thing. Was just asking if anyone else go tthat feeling from it.

  12. Can we have a normal discussion without insults and cursing? It would be nice for a change.

  13. So we've got a punky, hip mandalorian on the show. Seems like another attempt at pleasing the older fanbase made in vain. At least I can say this is something original we've seen from this series.

    1. Her blasters don't really look like something we'd see from Star Wars; even an animated series. She could probably use some sort of protection for her arms, too, if she bothers to wear the rest of the armor. Just an opinion.

    2. A fan service for older fans? How so? And her having unarmored arms still makes more sense then asymmetrical armor sleeve

  14. The only character I've liked so far. I'll admit it still seems like a bunch of children on a ship playing war... but we'll see!

  15. sabine seems pretty fine! :D i like her!

  16. If she's like the mandalorians in tcw, I will be dissapointed. Except from that she's the first character i could almost like, but that just won't happen, because I like star wars better than these star warsish things..

  17. Well I understand it is a kids show.......but I guess I have nothing more to say. I am gonna wait for episode VII but I hope this show brings some new fans to the series.

  18. Hera Syndulla is up next. She's the only hero main character on this show that has been on THE CLONE WARS as a little kid. Hopefully, she will have one doozy of a backstory. What happened to her freedom fighter dad? :'(

  19. I don't know how I feel about her yet. I like that she is kind of original but I don't like the fact that she acts like a live action disney show character. I can almost hear the words "Star Wars Rebels was filmed in front of a live studio audience" before the opening credits of the show. I don't know I'm trying to keep my optimism but I feel like we are gonna get a lot of kiddy disney messages thrown in our faces when watching this. Zeb, Chopper and Kanan are the only ones I'm actually interested in right now. And I don't think I like the change of the symbolic Starbird especially if the origin of it was just a picture drawn up or graffitied on the wall of building by some kid.

  20. Things that make you go "Hmmmm?": Why is Mandalorian sometimes shortened as MANDO? Shouldn't it be MANDA? Just wondering...

    1. The Mandalorian language is referred to as Mando'a so the people are referred to as Mando. The fact that I knew that should make you go "Hmmmmmm".

  21. Fresh Anonymous joining:

    "Especially if it's aimed for children"
    Aren't children the easiest audience to fool?
    There is absolutely no excuse to lack in some artistic direction, just look at what Disney has done in the 50's. It's still Disney, isn't?
    The artistic direction for the series Rebels is simply generic looking.
    If you need lightsabers to make it identify as Star Wars, then there is something wrong with the design.

    Also I think everybody should accept some negative comments about a show that hasn't been aired yet, if you don't like the input of those, you should not response.

    There is just something about artistic design that should be able to appeal without even knowing anything about it, simply by looking at it and in the best case that should work for anyone at any age.
    Disney is probably the BIGGEST entertainement industry on this planet. And producing a series that does not at least blow you away a little bit, without the need to be well tempered. Probably you have to sadly accept the fact that not enough enthusiasm has been put in.

    Please do not indulge yourself just because you love something, that does not mean everything has to be good.

  22. I continue to get more and more excited about this show. The low point for me was the design of the Inquisitor, but since then I've liked it all. I'm hoping that seeing the Inquisitor in action will improve my opinion there as well.

  23. great!! im tired that always they use the same characters over and over with little modification

    pls Ineed new ones, new races to great!

  24. Ugh. Not good. Not good at all.

    I have to admit that I did enjoy The Clone Wars, and while I've made some criticisms over the character design for this show, I've honestly been mostly a fence sitter, opting to wait until the first few episodes to make a final decision.

    Until now.

    A hipster artist fighting for the Rebellion? Please. I understand that this is supposed to feed into the female empowerment fantasies for young girls, but come on. Pink armor? Really? That's a great way to make one heck of a target out of yourself. So realistically she ought to be picked off by any average Storm Trooper within nano-seconds of the show starting.

    It's just so silly. What's next? A poetry slam wookie? A tattoo needle weilding hutt? Maybe a crocheting Mon Calamarian?

    Come on.

    1. What's wrong with crochet? And the difference between pink armor and green armor isn't that big so honestly, go back to insulting the lightsaber hilt design. You know like a normal person.

    2. No I agree with Anon at 12:17 i think this character looks ridiculous and yes I do also have a problem with the hilts however like the original anon I too am a fence sitter and its been tough bc their are characters I see and like and then their are characters like Sabine I see and immediately hate her design and character. But I was also a fan of TCW and hated Ahsoka at first, I thought she was annoying as all hell, but as her character began to develop I started to like her. so maybe there is hope for Sabine yet…

    3. Ever notice how people are Ok with something until a woman shows up? you guys are sexist. In all honesty, did you really think Disney was going to recreate the magic of your awesome childhood 70s memories?

    4. When Disney first bought Lucasfilm, some folks asked about the Disneyfication of Star Wars...

      I think this character answers that question.

    5. This is Anon at 12:17 addressing Anon at 2:52.

      Well that's a deeply stupid comment.

      Where did I say anything about the character being lame because she was a woman? Where did I say anything about Disney failing to recreate the magic of my awesome childhood 70s memories?

      Do you always stupidly make up imaginary things to reply to like this?

    6. This seems like very dumb character design to be honest...Sabine seems like a try hard attempt to shoehorn a "cool" female character into the mix.

  25. This is Anon 2:23 addressing Anon 2:52

    I wasn't born in the 70's….

    I was born in 95… I'm a PT fan but I thought Anon 12:17 had a great point and no I am not sexist… I'm a woman… asshole.

    quit making assumptions dick.

    1. Wow, a 19 year old woman, part time star wars fan who does not mind throwing the "D" work around. Giggity Giggity.
