Star Wars Episode 7 News

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Rumor: The Star Wars Spin-Off Movies Won't be Based on Characters from the Movieverse!

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Forget about Boba Fett, Han Solo, Obi-Wan, Jabba or Yoda. The new Star Wars stand-alone movies will be based on characters outside the stories from Episode I to Episode IX. At least that's what our source JediDigger told us...

Few days ago I was discussing again the EU rumors with JediDigger and managed to get some info about the upcoming spin-off movies that was quite shocking for me. Of course that is if they turn out to be right. JD was very cautious about what he could share with me because of the really tight security around Lucasfilm and Disney and the possibility to track down the source of the rumors.

As before JD stood behind his words that some of the characters, in the new continuity will be based on EU characters. Also he mentioned that the core of the new continuity is the Prequel Trilogy, The Clone Wars, Star Wars: Rebels, The Original Trilogy, The Sequel Trilogy and of course  the Spin-Offs with everything circling them (which is not surprising at all).

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He once again said that The EU which began with The Thrawn Trilogy from Bantam and Dark Empire from Dark Horse is over and it doesn't count to the new stories coming out.

Later we discussed the latest rumors about the possible delay of the spin-off movies and especially Ali Arikan's tweet.

JD said that there is no delay with the spin-offs, they are just being kept under tight security and there's a particular reason for this, unfortunately he didn't want to say what that reason is, but it's somehow connected with Episode 7.

Still he was able to share that the spin-off movies won't be about Han, Boba or any other character that we know from the movieverse (Episode 1-9). When I asked him if they will be about new characters or ones from the EU, he refused to answer.

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And if we look back at one of Kathleen Kennedy's comments about the spin-off movies you can definitely see that she was hinting the same thing.
"The spin-off movies, or we may come up with some other way to call those films, they exist within that vast universe that [George Lucas] created. ... There is no attempt being made to carry characters [from the standalone films] in and out of the saga episodes." (via playlist)

I know this comment could be interpret in several ways but JediDigger was clear that this is indeed the case, sharing also that he knows the actual stories of the spin-off movies. He refused to say more about the stories.

Now this will be a good test for JediDigger's credibility for those who doubt him. Unfortunately the development of this story won't come soon enough. According to JD we won't get details about the spin-offs till sometime next year. This year belongs to Star Wars: Rebels and Episode VII.

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Quite frankly this rumor was really shocking to me. It'll turn things upside down. We've heard so many rumors about the Han Solo and Boba Fett movies. Even movie directors said they know for sure that the first spin-off movie will be about Boba Fett and that it'll be written by Lawrence Kasdan himself. I can't wait to see the development of this. 

Of course until there's an official confirmation from Lucasfilm and/or Disney treat this as a rumor.


  1. We don't want characters based off EU characters, we want EU characters. This is akin to rebooting Star Trek with a recent timeline change the some how makes Kahn 30 younger too and Klingons evolution to have made them even more alien looking in a span of a decade.

    Don't do this LFL, its a trap.

    1. Well you won't get EU characters, you'll get characters based off of the EU. You can't speak for everyone you know?

    2. "we want EU characters." No that's just you. 99% of the general public and fans of star wars who are focused on wanting a good film couldn't care less about the EU. It's just the fanboys like you who flood the internet because you just want to see things on the big screen that you like and are used to, rather than accepting the fact there is no place or reason for novels and books and comic book stuff to be copied into the continuation of the actual film saga.

    3. Nor can you. I too want EU characters, not copies in their image. Talk about starting off on the wrong foot.

      Not sure it matters though this digger sounds like he's digging in a pile of ****.

    4. "there is no place or reason for novels and books and comic book stuff to be copied into the continuation of the actual film saga"

      Your words contridict the past actions of lfl when they included eu characters in both the prequals and clonewars. There is no harm in adapting characters into the sequals, everyother franchise carry over tons of stuff from reboots, in this case of the eu. Since it helps thefanbase accept changes

    5. "As before JD stood behind his words that some of the characters, in the new continuity will be based on EU characters."

      This is a quote from the above article. It also says treat this as a rumor. Until the films come out we won't know for sure now, please all of you EU fanatics stop whining and just be patient.

    6. So what else is the comment section for? Other than making opinions known even on the rumors.

      Not to mention the irony of fett seemingly hating the EU when the EU was the only place he really shinned. I love the doublestandard used here though 'deal with it' then 'oh its just a rumor, I never meant anything. You blasted EU fans'.

      All star wars camps have a right to be hear and voice their opinions. Not just those who agree, be they OT, PT, TCW, & EU fans

    7. I just quoted what was written in the above article. Now what really pisses me of is the fact that all the EU fans are up in arms because Disney/LFL will not be making movies of their beloved books. Like I say we won't know until the films come out what these stories will be about. Sprout all the opinions you want, just wait for December 18 2015.

    8. The books, in my opinion, existed because impatient fans wanted to know what happened next after ROTJ in the 80's and 90's and so they decided to write the continuations themselves. My point is, those are all fan-written stories that gained a following because of the immeense popularity of Star Wars. I believe we'd be much better off if the games, books and comics remained as they are. The EU is great, but it's time for the legitimate continuation to be defined and premiered on screen. This is what we've been waiting for since the 80's. Why would we disregard what Star Wars has been for the passed 40 years and start basing the films off of book series that vary in continuity anyway? I'd rather wait and see something that happens that I haven't read in a book/comic or played in a video game, as both Star Wars trilogie have been in the past. That's just the way it is. This isn't LOTR or The Hunger Games.

    9. No one said making a movie based off the book. Where are you pulling that tidbit out of?

      All that was stated is adapting in characters, which is no different than any comicbook film or tv show adapting comic characters to fit their purposes. Which is exactly what the Clone Wars did, they where name only versions or started off loyal but took far different paths as the story progressed. You're adding 2+2 and getting flying rancors as your result then accusing the EU fans of being crazy.

    10. I too am a fan of the EU. I just enjoy those series more as they were made: books, comics and Video Games. I'm all for basing characters and certain concepts off of material pulled from EU, but using entire plot points and exact characters from the fan-made universe to the point where I recognize the ongoing plot and can predict what will happen next isn't what I want from the new trilogy. I know it's not all about what I want, I'm just speaking from the perspective of a life long, die-hard Star Wars fan.

    11. I've read plenty of posts where people have said that the next three films will be based on the Thrawn trilogy. When the news came out that the next three films will be entirely new stories the whole Internet erupted with "How could they do this?" and "The only logical way to make these films is to follow the EU" I'm taking all this news that I'm reading in my stride. I've not moaned that The Eu won't be used. I've not moaned that some of the characters will be based on EU characters. All I'm doing is looking forward to seeing Ep VII and the films that follow, which is what everybody else should be doing.

    12. "All I'm doing is looking forward to seeing Ep VII and the films that follow, which is what everybody else should be doing."
      Amen to that!

    13. "Your words contridict the past actions of lfl when they included eu characters in both the prequals and clonewars." haha oh dear. My words contradict a process that went into making the prequals and clone wars? Yes, let us all hail the masterpieces that are the prequels and clone wars.. I'm saying there is absolutely no reason for the creative team to use EU characters. They do not owe you ANYTHING. Sure, they can use them as templates if they want. But it has nothing to do with your wishes and demands. It's entirely up to them. All you babies need to shut up screaming and throwing tantrums all the time as though these films should owe and respect your picky wishes for EU stuff, over everybody elses wishes for what THEY would perhaps like to see. We can all say what we want to happen but people need to stop pushing their opinions on others. "We don't want characters based off EU characters, we want EU characters."
      Ugh it's highly irritating. I kind of hope the new films completely ignore all the EU so you can shut up. Although then you'd start silly rants about how they are making some sort of huge mistake because they aren't doing exactly what you want.. What do I want? I want a good film. The end.

  2. Yep. Interesting. Spin offs based on characters outside the stories probably would be better. And if you do it right we could see very good films. No replacing characters with new actors, no resurrections, no continuity holes...


    The Thrawn Trilogy is the best?!? I don't Care what Disney says i am sperating the old era of lucas and the new era of disney, they are two different universes of cannon, and both happened or in disneys case will happen ( whatever new stories and cannon they are planning)

    I will forever cherish the EU and i will consider it a alternate universe. the ORIGINAL universe that george lucas approved of and said it was cannon.

    This new universe is something Disney must do for them to have freedom with the movies without their arms tied.

    1. George is always changing his mind. Just like he said that there will be no Ep VII VIII & IX

    2. i know but George has nothing to do with Disney s decisions right now regarding cannon

    3. The Original EU had some really bad stories. Actually, almost everything post Return of the Jedi that was not the Thrawn trilogy was awful. The Emperor's clones, the Yuuzhan Vongs, legacy... I've been waiting for Episode VII for years just to make all this stuff not-canon. If the prize is to lose Thrawn, I'm happy with it

  4. I'm calling bullshit on this one. Han Solo and Boba Fett movies are guaranteed money-makers for Disney. I'll believe it when 2017 rolls around. Theres a lot of rumors that will circle before then. At this point, nothing is certain.

    1. Agreed, after all this is the same 'source' that just magically appeared in the comment section.

      Would anyother site post a rumor from Anonymous? It just screams fan seaking attention the only place someone would listen.

    2. Read again the previous rumors from JD. He has nothing to do with the post in the comment section.

    3. Let me save you the time:
      "First just to clear some things up. After we posted the Mara Jade rumor from the comments section we were contacted by one of our sources who confirmed that there is indeed some truth in it. Then we changed the title of the article from "speculation" to "rumor". After that the source who we will call from now on "JediDigger" (by his request) shared with us TCW-Rebels-Episode 7 connection through the Yoda arc."

    4. No offense Viral, but I think JD is bs trying to sensationalize things. I could claim to be a trust worthy source and say that the plot of the ST will be twi'lek dancers trying to stop being seen as objects. Mind you that could be cool but.....

    5. As I said, this rumor will be a great test for his credibility. :)

    6. And if episode 7 revolves heavily around twi'lek dancers it'll be an amazing test for anonymous internet people everywhere (;

  5. I'm optimistic about this. It could lead to a whole new group of characters for a new generation to enjoy for the next 40 years. It could take place during the height of the Jedi order or long after the new order has been established after the ST. The possibilities are endless and it opens the flood gates for these folks to create something uniquely their own in this universe. After the ST ends, where would they got from there? This could be the answer to that.

    1. Not if the big three are returning in lead roles it can't, just as virtually every source is saying. Its limited to their characters life span.

    2. 40 years is quite a long time. I'd expect them to save those films for the far future when they have already well established the new world of characters and get as much as they can out of the existing movieverse sooner. There's still so may things they could do with what they have, instead of already branching out into something completely different. That's just my two cents...

    3. Yes, to dopeyjoe you listen.

      Star Wars will last for 40+ years since they'll save this strategy for later after they've milked this time period

    4. I believe the first few spinoff movies will be used to expand our canonical knowledge of the universe we're familiar with to then leave way for us to gain a better understanding of the new characters.

  6. Here's a thought.

    For years we heard about this live-action SW television series that had been scripted out and was just waiting for production logistics to be worked out. Now, assuming that they didn't adapt this into SW: Rebels (which I doubt, given the fact that the live-action program was supposed to be rather more adult in its themes and that Rebels is apparently going to just be yet another cartoon about precocious adolescents) then maybe, just maybe, they're thinking of taking elements from the stillborn SW TV series and adapting them into these stand-alone films?

    (Just an ideer, mind ya...)

  7. This rumor doesn't sound very true...there has been too buzz (from more reliable sources) around the spin-off about Boba Fett. But if it is true I believe it could be better. Think about it: do we REALLY want to see a younger, adolescent Han Solo portrayed by an actor who isn't Harrison Ford? Or see the face behind the helmet of Fett? I think those kind of films could be really disappointing and screw things up, even more than the prequel trilogy. And they could do the same thing if they talked about old EU characters (fans of the EU could be disappointed, the others don't want them at all).
    What if this stand-alone films started a new trilogy, or kind of, that explores the era even before the prequels? Or simply they could start a new story, how great would be that? Nothing to screw the stories that already exist, but completely NEW Star Wars characters and adventures, planets, things that we never imagined.

    1. If Anthony Ingruber was playing Han Solo and Fett never showed his face besides eyes or something like that, I think those movies would take viewerson adventures they've only dreamed about when watching the original films. The idea of expanding the Star Wars central composite story to new boundaries, I believe, should be reserved for the distant future.

    2. I couldn't agree more, Anon. The more I think about it, the less I want to see a bunch of established SW characters bled white via ill-conceived origin movies.

      Yeah, I'm absolutely interested in seeing Harrison Ford as an older Han Solo, going out in one last blaze of glory. But some kid playing Han in yet another "Muppet Babies" origin story of a classic SW character (didn't we suffer enough with that crap in the PT?) is something that I really can't see myself watching without going away afterwards feeling all dirty and hollow inside. "Why is that man weeping in the shower and scrubbing at his eyes with a brillo pad?"

      Stand-alone SW movies featuring all new characters and situations, though? Now that I could certainly live with. At least if the films ended up blowing pox-ridden banthas it wouldn't be quite as emotionally catastrophic that way. ;^)

    3. That's a very good point. I could certainly live with that.

    4. The louder and more incessant the buzz, the more likely it is that the rumor is
      misdirection, e.g. Benedict Cumberbatch.

  8. thats an interesting thought Dekka! I was hoping that that TV show would still come to fruition as a tv show but that would be really cool.

    Also I hope for the sake and enjoyment of the fans that they keep an open mind on any characters that may or may not get tweaked and pulled from EU. The star wars universe gets more and more boxed in and impossible to creatively write about if you keep everything.

    First and foremost we should want really good writers and directors etc not perfect experts in time lines and EU. Its good of course to think of the ramifications of the EU material and would be a good idea to continually consult with the story group, but as fans we should be mindful that they need some breathing room to work on new stuff.

    After all I'm currently much more interested in what they come up with than what is either in the EU or what the fan EU experts on here may come up with as ideas for stories should be.

    fingers crossed!

  9. The $$$ says this is FALSE!!!

  10. More people should have listened to Kathleen Kennedy... then they would not be surprised by news like this.

  11. perhaps now we can actually see some Star War movies with original young characters, instead of a bunch of 60 year olds running around the galaxy reminiscing about the OT.

  12. Korriban is now Moriband, that says it all.The arrogance f u Disney, who cares anymore.

    1. I sense a butthurt fanboy

    2. hahaha "korriban is now Moriband.... who cares anymore" that has to be the funniest sentence I have ever read. We need a suicide help line link on this website.

    3. Anon Feb 11 @ 7:06 is right though. Korriban is an extremely important planet. It's where the original Sith came from. if their going to change something that big in fan history then what else are they going to change just so they can have the freedom to "not be limited by the existing canon" Please, Disney, Kathleen, JJ and Kasden are butchering this thing left and right.

  13. Right. Because the OT would have been so much better without Obi Wan and Vader and Yoda and the Emperor. All old and running around the galaxy reminiscing about the Clone Wars an' whatnot...

  14. I always figured that if the spin-offs were from anything, it'd be from the Sequel Trilogy, not the older stuff. So I'm not that surprised. I knew it wouldn't be Yoda, because George considers the mystery part of his character. And a young Han Solo thing would inevitably anger more than it would please (young people who prefer the Prequels and TCW over TOT would have little interest, older fans wouldn't like Harrison being replaced.)

    What it looks like from this rumor, is that they are adapting some EU characters like Rogue Squadron, Kyle Katarn (AKA Star Wars' Chuck Norris), whatever, into the new continuity via these movies.

    1. The article said the spinoffs will not be about any characters from the movieverse meaning 1-9. Not the currently existing movieverse.

  15. If this is true it is not a very commercial move- most fans would love films about young Boba Fett, Yoda etc. Still, I suppose we should see what they come up wit before we judge. I would be very surprised if they don't use the EU at all- all those books full of ideas..

  16. I am still hoping for an Obi-Wan Kenobi movie during the dark times.

    1. Now actually, they could pull that one off and have it actually make sense. In the original film, Ben had all sorts of interesting keepsakes hanging from his walls in his home, had that big trunk of stuff that he pulled Luke's father's lightsaber from, etc. Obviously, at the time that was meant to convey a sense of Ben having had a lot of adventures as a Jedi over the years. But since he went into hiding with little more than the clothes on his back, it's certainly possible that he could have gathered all of these souvenirs during the 20 years he lived on Tatooine, It'd require that he keep his Jedi powers under wraps, of course, but I reckon he could have had an adventure or two offworld in that time.

      He did know where in Mos Eisley to find the best freighter pilots, after all.

    2. Slap some make-up on Ewan McGreggar and give him dialog that isn't written by a three year old(on a legal pad) and you'd actually have the ability to do a really cool character story.... And who doesn't love Ben?

    3. Hell, you wouldn't even necessarily have to age him. Remember, it's been almost ten years since he filmed ROTS. Just white his hair and beard a bit and he ought to be good to go.

      And yes, dialogue that doesn't look like it was written by a band of relatively clever monkeys would help immensely. ;^)

  17. This is really, really, really good news if true.

  18. Finally! I put my money on drumroll please,.,.,.,,..,


  19. This means that idea of the 7 Samurai star wars spin-off is more likely :D

    This idea has so much potential... I hope that this is not only one of them but they pull it off as well.

  20. I think its time to move on from all these characters. Lucas screwed up Boba Fett. I don't need a Solo back story it would be a prequel side story anyway. Yoda too i don't care. Obi-wan has some possibility but hes kind of in hiding. I'd rather they move on. Lets see a Knight of the Republic or something that goes back many years maybe an old Jedi Sith story.

  21. does that mean no luke????

  22. I think it would be cool to see a Palpatine/Plagueis story. I know disney doesn't want to do things by EU at all but the book about Darth Plagueis the Wise is in my opinion one of the greatest star wars novels ever written. It explained everything that the movies failed to do like the birth of Anakin, the order of Sifo-Dyas's Clone Army, who Count Dooku was and why he left the order, the fact that Darth Maul had a biological Nightbrother(Savage Opress) we later see in TCW, all these things are explained in that book and I feel if they did it right we would really be able to see how malevolent Palpatine really is and the tragedy of a great Sith Lord which in a way would show you even he someone who could create life and prevent death was a pawn in Sidious's evil agenda. Which would, in a way, make you feel bad for the bad guy showing their audience an idea that even Sith have feelings and emotions too. idk just my two cents...

    1. Agreed 100%. Especially if they bring back Plagueis as the ST's main villain...

    2. @ anon Feb 12 at 1:44 PM, ehhhh idk about that he is kind of already dead haha

  23. Kyle Katarn or Republic Commandos, ftw!

  24. Why do we believe this person is credible?

  25. Not to bring up the loathed EU, but the Crispin Books about young Solo were brilliant. I liked them better than Thrawn and anything created around the prequel. I hope they make a Han Solo movie and end it in the cantina.
