Star Wars Episode 7 News

Monday, February 10, 2014

Star Wars: Episode 7 Filming Starts in Mid May and Wraps in September?

star wars

The site HitFix is reporting this as confirmed news although there is still no official confirmation from Lucasfilm and/or Disney. This is the second report regarding the Episode 7 filming schedule in the last few days. The previous report was with actual dates (May 19 - August 8)...

From HitFix:

Multiple sources now have confirmed for us that "Star Wars Episode VII" is set to start shooting mid-May and will run through September of this year, and most principal casting on the film is complete, with many announcements still to come. While Abrams had mentioned May during the TCA press tour and there had been speculation about the summer date, the full production schedule was finally confirmed for us.

So you choose which one to trust. It feels like an official announcement is imminent.


  1. With all due respect guys, Drew McWeeney is rock solid. I'd trust him over just about any source, including this site.

    1. Drew is very credible indeed, but this report is pretty vague. And the title is misleading. "Shooting Dates Revealed". I didn't see any shooting dates. I wouldn't call mid-May and September shooting dates.

    2. Er... to quote the article (emphasis mine).

      "Multiple sources now have confirmed for us that "Star Wars Episode VII" is set to ***start shooting mid-May and will run through September of this year***, and most principal casting on the film is complete, with many announcements still to come. While Abrams had mentioned May during the TCA press tour and there had been speculation about the summer date, ***the full production schedule was finally confirmed for us.***"

      So not vague at all, really.

    3. Maybe it's just me, but when I read about shooting dates I expect to see shooting dates. Not shooting months. :)

    4. Yeah, that's fair enough. Anyway, my point is that we know the rough time frame now.

  2. Wonder if these dates are just for shooting at Pinewood or also include location shooting

  3. hopefully we gonna get annoucements in may

  4. Hard to believe it's really coming. I think I'll almost be numb when we are a few weeks out. I promise you I'll watch the trailer at least 10 times... on the first day of it's release.

    1. at least 10 times on the first day? I will have watched it on repeat all day and then downloaded it to study every single frame. (not even kidding) I will drive myself mad. I hope there wont be anything significant in the trailers because I will have no self control to ignore it.

    2. Opposite for me. I go on news blackouts when talked-about things come out.

  5. Hopefully we will get some sort of confirmation before December 2015!

  6. "It feels like an official announcement is imminent"...
    Ehm...guys, this has been said a lot by too many fans through last months, regarding quite everything.
    In my opinion there's no way that they're gonna tell us anything untill this summer...they've got still 2 years to go and few things to share (see: confirmation of the big 3, major casting, then trailer and a bit of plot), so I don't see why they would announce the filming schedule before they even start filming.
    They'll feed us little by little.

    1. To be honest just confirming the Big 3 would do me for now.

    2. Well, I hope they "feed" us something. I'm starving.

  7. Thank the baker! Oh, and the maker, too!

  8. That shooting schedule makes sense - now Disney all you have to do is confirm the cast & hurry up already..........

  9. I'd assume the casting announcement is still waiting till they can announce the entire cast, and if reports of still looking for 2 key leads rings true it's likely wont happen till at least then.

    1. I wouldn't be surprised if the actual cast leaks in-between them getting the last people, and flying them together to take photos and stuff.

  10. Good article, besides that quote. I have to agree with him about not wanting to spoil the surprises.

    In fact, considering the history, where things changed between movies (like Anakin and Vader being different people, Luke's sister being a new person etc), the real spoilers will probably be kept by a few people, and only revealed in later films.

  11. I am still skeptical until Disney speaks.

  12. If they're shooting in May, we'd probably have to assume some kind of casting announcement before then, once people know where they're filming and when, it's going to be considerably harder to keep it a secret, especially if someone see's Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford chilling out in a London Starbucks

  13. As the actual start of the production of the Episode 7 begins to gain
    some more momentum, I wanted to share with you my fellow Star Wars
    fans some theories that I have come up with in regard to the possible
    plot of the new movie. I thinking about what I would do, if I was either
    George Lucas,JJ Abrams or Lawrence Kasdan. Let's get this conversation
    started! By seeing if our combined story ideas end up mirroring the actual
    plot of the new Star Wars movie when it finally hits movie theaters in December
    of 2015. What if Padme's older sister Sola Naberrie was forced to marry either
    the son, nephew or grandson of Grand Moff Tarkin after Padme's big funeral on
    Naboo and Anakin's full conversion to the dark side to become Darth Vader?
    By making this great sacrifice she would have saved her parents and daughter
    from a very public execution by the Empire. Instead they would all die of old age
    in some Imperial super prison on some dead world on the other side of the galaxy.
    The marriage would then have had the full blessing of the Emperor himself.
    Darth Vader would never have known of this horrible act that the Emperor had
    done behind his back. Now imagine that there are two dark jedi twins born from
    this unholy union of the Naberrie and Tarkin families. They then would have enrolled
    at a young age into Luke Skywalker's new Jedi Academy with the help of the Emperor's secret Sith advisory council. Who went into hiding at the end of Return of The Jedi. Perhaps these particular evildoers were actually part of the lost twenty. We learned briefly about in the Attack of the Clones. To make matters worse for the galaxy they were allies with the former serior leadership from the old Imperial Empire.
    This alliance of evil could pose a very serious threat the Skwalkers,Solos,the Jedis
    and Co. Where should we go from here in regard to this wonderfully entertaining
    hypothetical Star Wars storyline? In the meantime, May the Force Be With You.

  14. do we have any idea whether schedules are clashing with the given filming timeline, that in itself would give us a solid yes or no on the casting, if possible to find out!
