Star Wars Episode 7 News

Sunday, March 30, 2014

J.J. Abrams: I'm Having A Blast With Star Wars: Episode 7.

star wars

While promoting the new TV series Believe (produced by J.J. Abrams and Alfonso Cuaron), J.J. Abrams briefly spoke about the upcoming Star Wars movie...

From dailymail:
'The best science fiction stories use technology as a catalyst, for great storytelling, they’re not about technology.’ 
Abrams cut his teeth in lower-budget sci-fi, creating cult hits such as Lost and films such as Cloverfield and Super 8 before being chosen for Star Trek - and then Star Wars 7, perhaps the most daunting sequel of all time.
Star Wars has earned $27 billion in box office, DVD and Blu-Ray and merchandise sales - and this is the first time Lucas has taken his hands off the helm.
‘It’s great to take something like Star Wars and do something new with it. It’s wonderful - I'm having a blast,’ says director Abrams, who has been handed the keys to one of the biggest franchises in cinema history - the $27 billion, three-decade behemoth that is Star Wars. 
star wars
 George Lucas may well be nervous, having taken his hands off the helm for the first time since 1977 – Abrams’ usual approach is to tear up the rulebook. In his hands, even Star Trek suddenly became bleak and frightening, with Earth in ruins.
‘We’re working hard on Star Wars - we’re casting, looking at locations,’ he says. 
Abrams has a finished script, but won't reveal what exactly is ‘new’.‘Technology has given us this amazing ability. We can create things that are photo-real,’ he says.
‘You can show and do anything you can imagine. Now that we have got to that place - and Alfonso showed that with Gravity - you’re faced with this question: What are we going to show? What makes it emotional?’ 
But Abrams believes that the popularity of sci-fi isn’t simply due to the powers offered to directors by computer effects - it’s because we already live in a world that is becoming less human and more robotic with each passing year.


  1. Nice find, VH... I guess we won't get a shooting date until the casting is really done.

    1. I don't know much about the technicalities of movies, but is it unusual for a big budget film like Star Wars VII to not have the cast in order only a month before shooting?

    2. Depends on the movie. Guardians of the Galaxy had its cast set 5 months before shooting. JJ had his Trek cast set a couple months before shooting and picked Chris Pine at the last moment. Pine's first audition was lousy by his own account, but he got a second chance. But yeah, this is cutting it pretty close to have no actors announced for SW 7.

    3. It's obviously part of their marketing campaign. Why else would they be waiting to announce the cast and keeping the fans anticipating?

  2. the cast must be ready. they are shoting in may

    1. ^one may assume this. But then again, withholding information time and again, rewriting the script for no obviously-stated reason, and pushing the date back to december, I'm not sure what's going on. We'll get news when we get news. But I'm not holding my breath.

    2. Let's say they start shooting May 19, as rumored. The shoot will be 4.5 months. They would wrap the shoot about October 1st, leaving them with 15 months for post-production. They don't need that much time for post production, more like 11 months.

      Point is, JJ can start shooting as late as August 1st if he wants to and still have it ready for Dec. 18, 2015. Why do you think he fought for the time extension in the first place. The May shooting start is just a rumor at this point. It has not been officially confirmed.

    3. @AnonymousMarch 31, 2014 at 4:24 AM

      The May shooting start is not a rumor.
      It's quite official:

    4. Thanks, Anon, for the the link. Point taken!

    5. It's OK to assume that they're going to be taking 15 months for post-production, but you have to bear in mind that they have the technology to be able to great real-time cinema-quality graphics ( ), and the plan is currently in place to release a movie every year after VII. So does that mean that post is going to take 15 months? Or is something else being done in that time as well.... ?

    6. Yeah, they are going to have to write EP 8 in that span of time.

  3. Alec Guinness has to be in, Lucas bought the righyts to his likeness so it has to be a done deal. I hope.

    1. No no no no no. How would they even do that? Create a digital sir-Alec and then get someone to do a fake sir-Alec voice?? No way. They shouldn't bring Alec into this trilogy, for both respect to him, and for the logistics of how they would do it. But bringing back Yoda for a quick scene with Luke would be good. Using Frank Oz as the voice and a puppet.

    2. maybe they should recreate Alec Guiness with "practical effects." That way you OT fans will be happy. haha ha.

    3. haha ha. that was so funny. haha ha. wow you should take up comedy. OT fans like the superiority of practical effects. haha ha.

    4. I vote Eddie Izzard does Sir Alec's voiceovers.

  4. Shooting date has already been set. JJ and the Star Wars team moved into Pinewood just a few days ago. There's like one more actor to cast. They'll make their date easy. Also Chris Pine was cast 3 weeks before ST starting film. Use that to help with some perspective.

    1. Source?

      Not that I believe your story in the slightest.

  5. i like the idea of an Obi Wan force ghost, it is almost inevitable seeing Obi Wan learned the secret of contacting Luke in the original trilogy, even if it is for one last time before passing completely away into the force i would be ok with that...

    1. I'm surprised nobody here has spoken of this, but do you know who must also make an appearance in Episode VII?

      That's right: Anakin Skywalker.

      If Star Wars was seen as the rise, fall, and and redemption of Anakin, and since he appeared as a Force Ghost in the end of VI, would it not be logical to assume he'll guide Luke and the new order of jedi?

      Yeah, yeah, I know you guys hate Hayden Christensen. But I think that if they want to keep continuity through the saga, Anakin should not be forgotton.

    2. They haven't even spoken to Hayden Christensen about reprising his role in Episode VII. I don't think that's going to happen.

    3. very interesting thought AnonymousMarch 31, 2014 at 4:02 AM ! If they could work it in (and if Hayden did a decent job) that could be really interesting (A young Annakin and an old Luke).

      Fettman, while I think its remote, how can you speak so confidently about Hayden C? you aren't him are you?!

    4. No I'm not him. But can you present to me any concrete evidence that they have spoken to him about reprising his role as Anakin Skywalker? No you can't.

    5. Hayden in the ST? Are you serious? Did you see how bad his acting was? I don't want him anywhere near the ST. His whiny voice will ruin any scenes he's in.

    6. haha oh I have no idea, just thought it was an interesting thought.(see above statement). I literally just said I think its remote (see other above post). you're the self assured one Mr. Fettman

    7. Hayden would just ruin the entire film. everyone would be talking about it.

  6. Obi-wan? But Alec Guiness is no longer with us. Recasting old-ben is pretty much a criminal offense, especially for such an iconic role, played by an actor who has died, and was oscar nominated for the role. It would just be cheap and distracting.

    1. I vote no Obi-wan or Anakin force ghosts. Yoda is the safest. I don't like the idea of switching from old to young force ghosts.

    2. Agreed. If we are to see any force ghosts showing up to deliver some warning of a grave disturbance in the force 30 years after ROTJ, it'd only make sense that it's Yoda.

  7. Question for Star Wars fans. ( regardless if your PT, OT or EU )........
    In episode 1 we are told about a chosen one who would bring balance to the force. So heres the debate.... Anakin was created by something. He had no father. Now, the chose one is supposed to be pure goodness, not go kill kids at the Jedi Temple or throw baby fits like Anakin did. Also, Sidious in episode 3 told Anakin about a sith named Darth Plagius The Wise who could not only prevent death, but create life. So if Anakin became evil, couldnt there be a connection between Anakin and Darth Plagius The Wise ? Think about it. It seemed Anakin was doomed anyway. Now, some believe Luke could be the chosen one. However, he didnt kill Sidious himself, and if the sith and evil is still out there ( sith planet in part 7 ), then the balance hasnt happened yet. ROTJ ( part 6 ) basically delayed the sith it seems if part 7,8 a,d 9 will be made. Now, with all this evidence pointing at a possibility that Darth Plagius The Wise could have been the one who created Anakin, and if the Skywalker twins Luke and Leia redeemed the family name, isn't it possible the chosen one could be in this new trilogy ?. Could it be one of Leias children ?... So heres the facts we know of from all 6 episodes ( movies )... We know their is a chosen one somewhere. We know that Anakins mother got pregnate without a fahter. We know Darth Plagius The Wise was a sith who knew how to create life. To me, the connections tell us that Darth Plagius The Wise used the dark side of the force to pregnate Anakins mother. Anakin was always mad about something and got worse and worse. It got so bad he killed kids at the Jedi Temple. So can that mean the Anakin was a false prophet ?. After all, it seems you have to have a false prophet before the real one shows up. So , to all SW fans, could the first trilogy be about the rise and fall of the false prophet , the second trilogy be about the rise and redemption of the skywalker twins, and the third trilogy be about the rise and stand of the chosen one ? the last skywalker ?.... think on this.... Anakin was born. he got with Padme and had twins. One twin didnt have a child, but the other ( Leia does )... Leias last born chil ( son or daughter ) was not from Han but from the power of the force which would make that child the last Skywalker....... anyway. it makes me think alot about this..... Ok PT, OT and EU fans... what about this theory and could it be possible ?......

    1. Darth Plagueis did create Anakin and George has stated that Anakin was the chosen one.

    2. Who said the Chosen One's supposed to be pure goodness? You're just assuming that balance is supposed to be all good and rosy, but it isn't. Balance is a state of non-duality, where there's neither good nor evil. Also, Anakin was not the result of some Sith Lord's experiment. Lucas himself spoke of the concept of the Chosen One's immaculate conception, which is very common in many religions and mythologies in the history of the world, not just Christianity.

    3. No, Darth Plagueis did NOT create Anakin. Anakin was created by the Force as the entity to create balance between the good and light sides (hence the prophecy.) Anakin was not 'pure goodness,' and he wasn't meant to be. In order to balance the Force, he had to defeat the two Sith Lords and then cleanse the Jedi order (hence the killing of jedi. As mentioned by obi wan and mace windu, the jedi were becoming arrogant and were losing their abilities to use the force.) The dark and light were getting muddled. Anakin Skywalker brought balance by creating a clean slate. Luke Skywalker continued this new jedi order.

      With that said, I have no idea what episode vii will be about.

    4. "the chose one is supposed to be pure goodness" — this is not claimed anywhere in the movies. It is incorrect.

    5. A funny thing is that yoda was told in clone wars the final chapter that "there is another skywalker"
      So maybe Anikan has a brother/sister maybe Leia isn't the other skywalker after all.
      We realy don't know anything about Anikans background,he could even be a clone. Or maybe a sith createt.

    6. No, Darth Plagueis did NOT create Anakin.
      "They (Plapatine and Plagueis) were even unwittingly responsible for the procreation of Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One."

    7. "Another skywalker" - no, no, no. Leia. This is very clear, he was talking about Leia. Heck, even mere moments after that, we find out it's Leia.

    8. I think that could make a pretty damn compelling story AnonymousMarch 30, 2014 at 11:25 PM! However, I don't think George Lucas is that clever perhaps not even JJ.

      Would be neat though.

      and btw AnonymousMarch 31, 2014 at 3:43 AM ... he had to defeat the two Sith Lords and then cleanse the Jedi order (hence the killing of jedi. As mentioned by obi wan and mace windu, the jedi were becoming arrogant and were losing their abilities to use the force.)

      he had to create a small genocide for the good of the force? this sounds insane. you're arrogant you all must die... huh? what?

  8. " photo-real" I haven't seen that yet in a movie.

  9. I'm glad you're having a blast Mr Abrams. we're having a blast waiting for some news on the new film.

  10. "‘It’s great to take something like Star Wars and do something new with it." "George Lucas may well be nervous, having taken his hands off the helm for the first time since 1977 – Abrams’ usual approach is to tear up the rulebook." Creating 'something new' with Star Wars? 'Tearing up the rulebook'? Oh dear. Not a good omen.

  11. JJ Abrams does not have the depth as a director to deliver on anything but spectacle look back at the movies he has made (mentioned above). And TV? who remembers lost with fond memories? no one. Abrams is unfortunatly a creator of work that has no milage in story and he is yet to make a connection (other than unexplained confusion) with the audience on any level with any of his work.

    Abrams will make people realise with SW7, that what Lucas created with his movies did actually takes skill, understanding of the subject mater based on research and a depth of personality to reinterpret it to make it work for a modern audience. Abrams has displayed non of these abilities in any of his work and the writers he works with are truly awfull at there chosen proffesion.

    Abrams is flash in the pan who has regurgitated 2 movies dead ended one franchise and it about to stall another one.

    1. I thought he was working with the writer of ep 5 and 6?

    2. AnonymousMarch 31, 2014 at 6:53 AM
      I don't think you have any solid reasoning behind your statements here. This is all opinionated...

    3. Perhaps you should read it rather than having an opinion.

  12. George Lucas always intended that other directors and writers develop the Star Wars saga, although life had other plans for him. He invested a lot of time and effort in Dave Filoni to enable this younger man to perpetuate animated projects, and he'll be doing the same with Kathleen Kennedy, Kazdan and Abrams, just as he no doubt did with Arndt. They all, in turn, will respect his wisdom and knowledge immensely. This is only the beginning of Star Wars! All sorts of creators will be entering the arena in the next decades and taking the stories to unimaginable and fantastic places :-)

    1. They all, in turn, will respect his wisdom and knowledge immensely.

      Its that attitude that got us the prequals so not a good basis to move ahead on, Which is why it everyone is moving on. What was said is that Abrams is a poor choice based on the very same issues that delivered the prequals.

    2. The "issue that delivered the prequels" was George Lucas' insistence on doing everything himself, with his "collaborators" being little more than hired employees. He always said that he hated directing and hated writing, and it showed bigger than life when he wrote and directed the prequels on his own. Unlike what happened with the OT, there was really nobody there to challenge him on his bad ideas, or to help him hone his good ideas to be all they could have been.

      The sequel films seem so far to be far more of the collaborative effort that the OT was. Will they take Lucas' ideas into account? Of course. They'd be fools not to, because he's always been great at coming up with story concepts. What he lacked in the PT was anyone to tell him when his concepts were garbage. In the case of Episode VII and onward, Lucas won't have absolute control over every last decision.

      Abrams, Kennedy and company aren't Lucas' direct employees the way his PT production team was. So while it remains to be seen if the new team's vision for Star Wars is actually anything worth committing to film, the core problem that dragged the PT down - Lucas doing everything himself while surrounding himself with yes-men rather than with a collaborative team - is not part of the equation here.

    3. I'd be concerned if EP7 was the only SW film on the slate - if it's not up to expectation then that would truly be a bitter pill to swallow (or take up the ass). But there will be many opportunities to refine and improve with future installments. I'd certainly be peed off if Luke and Han got a bad send off.

  13. Let's put it bluntly: Abrams is a poor choice for SW7, period. I happen to absolutely hate both new Star Treks (and I'm still hoping for a DS9 movie!), and apart from that his portfolio includes two rather shallow movies (Super 8 and M:I3) and a hideous TV series, which, as the previous Anonymous correctly pointed out, no one remembers even with an ounce of fondness. His reputation is based on the fact that today's audiences are completely dumb from constant consuming of cola & pizza.

    1. He's one of the only directors around that understands star wars though. He understands practical effects and real locations over CG, and understands the effects is not what makes star wars good anyway. He understands that star wars is about the visceral feeling and the magic and the characters. Wasn't Joss Whedon the one that said the ending to Empire strikes back was really bad or something? Even though it's amazing.. There's so many "good" directors around that would be hopeless at star wars and just create 2 hours of explosions and bad jokes, So with a director who understands star wars, and working with people like KK, Michael Arndt, and Lawrence Kasdan, I'm sure we'll receive something great. As for JJ in particular, Super 8 was well recieved, as were the star trekk. I don't think a bunch of people on the internet who "absoluely hate" his work, even though they are good and generally get high reviews is going to change anything. All his directorial work has at least got a 70% rating on rotten tomatoes. Rotten Tomatoes is infamous for it's savagery so having your lowest rating at 70% is pretty damn good. Star Trek got 95%. To compare it with star wars is stupid anyway as there are completely different. Star Trek was just designed to be a high paced action summer movie, and that's about it. It was not designed to be anything iconic. If you want something iconic and great, then why do you think lawrence kasdan and academy award screenwriter michael arndt was brought onto the project? JJ, who understands star wars, will bring it on screen. He understands practical effects, he is brilliant with actors. It's allll good.

    2. Thank you AnonymousMarch 31, 2014 at 1:20 PM, I couldn't agree more!
      The other thing is that JJ has always considered himself a late-in-life Trekky and never particularly liked the franchise until he was approached to direct the recent films. He's been a fan of Star Wars his entire life and credits it as one of the reasons he began pursuing a career in film making. Who would you rather have in the captain's chair, AnonymousMarch 31, 2014 at 11:10 AM? I think Abrams is going to deliver with EpVII the installment that the fans have been waiting for. It's going to be something that everyone can enjoy, just as the OT was; innovative, familiar, enticing and truly remarkable. You really have absolutly no reason to be as pessimistic about this movie as you're being. At this point, there's really nothing that could drag this next trilogy to the ground. I'll admit I am nervous about some of the new material and what they're doing with the overall canon, but I have faith that EpVII is in good hands and I'll continue to reinforce that faith until someone gives me a real solid reason to believe otherwise.

    3. His casting for Star Trek was brilliant. That should at least give you a little hope.

    4. JJ Abrams haters just have no logic to their argument. It's all just subjective hatred and waffle.

    5. Glad to have some Star Trek 2009 hate popping up from time to time.
      They were literally putting the middle-finger to the philosophy of Star Trek and abusing every creation.
      Not even being a true fan of Star Trek is absolutely no excuse to what was made out of the original vision.

    6. I'm sorry, VH. My vocabulary was poorly chosen as I am distracted here at work.
      This is a site dedicated to official news, credible rumors and other information associated with Star Wars EpVII. AnonymousMarch 31, 2014 at 7:01 PM, if you're here to bitch about Trek, you've obviously come to the wrong place.

    7. @AnonymousMarch 31, 2014 at 7:01 PM

      Explain. I thought Star Trek was pretty much on it's last breath until JJ's reboot.

    8. @ dopeyjoe
      You don't have to be sorry. Actually I sounded like a real dick with that my particular comment. You shouldn't have deleted yours. Every opinion is respected.

    9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    11. Wow you are a touchy one dopeyjoe. Maybe that's why you have nothing to do at work. If you don't think Star Trek is relevant to this forum and the conversation you may not have realised that JJ Abrams directed both of the recently made Star Trek movies and I'm sorry you don't see the connection. Multitasking never works as you have shown in your comment's

    12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


    14. LOL, that's a good one! I'm not deleting it. :)

  14. Having Kasdan on the team is a really big deal, and it gives me a ton of hope.

  15. As long as JJ doesn't go nuts with the shaky cam, rapid editing, and lens flares, I trust he will put together a good movie. Plus KK is behind the scenes and she is money.

  16. Does anyone know how presale ticketing will work? Will disney/LFL announce ahead of time when they'll go on sale?

  17. Way to much hate on Abrams here. If truth must be told Brad Bird was the ideal choice for director of EP7. He was approached, but turned it down. So they went with the next best thing in Abrams. Who I'm sure got the job because of his Spielberg style of filming, minus the lens flares of course. The man gave us the first actual good Mission Impossible film, A very good classic style sy-fi kids film, and a near perfect blockbuster in Star Trek. Star Trek for the most part was a test reel for Star Wars, as far as I'm considered. All of witch critically acclaimed and enjoyed by most, so the few who dislike his work are just going to have to suck it up. I'll be the first to say Into Darkness was a crap Star Trek film, but it was still a pretty great blockbuster. And as for him trying to do something new and ambitious with the franchise, Hell Yeah. I don't want to see another Star Wars film that just plays it safe and does the whole Sith Lord lightsaber fight stuff over and over again. I would like to see something new come from this.

    1. I not sure I understand why you'd think Brad Bird would be more of an ideal choice to direct EpVII over Abrams...

  18. JJ is the right guy for this. Very few directors can handle a production of this scope with tons of special effects. Apparently several directors were scared off by the pressure. So give Abrams credit for stepping up to the plate to even make this film. I think he has a lot of balls to do this film.

    1. For a die hard fan of one of the most touchy fan-based franchises to take the next installment into his creative direction takes balls. This could determine the outcome of his career's success. If it flops, it could potentially ruin him. He knows this and I believe that is enough for him to take initiative and make this a remarkable movie.

    2. Definitely a pair of big ol' clanging cajones on ol' JJ for taking on Episode 7. I don't know that a less than stellar SW movie would completely ruin his career, but it'd definitely take a little wind out of his sails. And I think that pressure is internal as much as it is external industry pressure. Can you imagine having had your career massively inspired by your love of Star Wars, and then getting your chance to have a whack at it and blowing it?

      If that happened to me, I'd never be able to have a mirror in my house again for fear that I might accidentally catch a glance of myself in one. LOL!

      I think JJ will do just fine. On top of this being such a hero-or-the-goat moment for him career-wise, I imagine that he also has things he's always wanted to see in a Star Wars movie, as well as a good sense of what makes Star Wars cool in the first place.

      Lucas, god love him, never really had that ability to see what it was that people loved about Star Wars. After all, this was the guy who famously got ticked off at Kershner and company for spending so much time perfecting the dialogue and character interaction in ESB and said, "It didn't need to be this good!"

      I seriously doubt that Abrams would agree with that sentiment any more than the rest of us would.

    3. Ah-thankyouverramuch, DJ! ;^)

    4. Good points all around. JJ has the potential here to develop new technologies and apply them to SW, in the same way that GL did back in the day. Lucas had to invent the special effects for A New Hope.

      My feeling with the prequels was that George was trying to push the envelope with digital technology/CGI.

      Problem was that some scenes felt like you were watching someone playing a videogame. And videogames are only fun if you are the one playing them.

      But yeah, we should be happy that SW is coming back in 2015. A lot to look forward to, no doubt!

  19. ...about "photo-real" and practical effects. Having seen Alfonso Cuaron's Gravity and knowing that J.J. and Cuaron are close friends makes me hope Star Wars will use the same revolutionary technique because Gravity was mind blowing when it comes to photorealism and CGI mixed with live action. There wasn't one shot that made think it was fake or something like that.

  20. I can't wait to see what he does with it. I have a feeling that the ST will be awesome.So much good speculation, I am trying hard to not have any so I don't get my hope up for nothing. I want it to be a fresh surprise so when shooting starts and we know the cast I may not jump on here for awhile for fear of ruining the movie. I have a feeling this is gonna be one of the best Star Wars movies made....... fingers crossed

  21. Well I think it was the ghosts that made OT so great, they absent in PT was my biggest disapointment .. The only way they could ruin this is not bringing ghosts to it. Also darth plagueis is a top choice as a kind of the first of all "force" ghosts, makes sense with the whole concept of influencing the midi-chlorians to create life.. that would be awesome
