According to the site Cinelinx Disney is already holding auditions for a new Star Wars TV specials and even a mini-series...
From Cinelinx:
According to my source, who I can't name, Disney's casting auditions for Star Wars haven't just been limited to the upcoming film, Episode VII. Rather, they were told the people holding the auditions were casting for roles in as yet unannounced television projects including "specials and mini-series".
With so many rumors about ongoing auditions this report really sounds legit. Remember that a few months ago JediNews revealed a very interesting info found on a brochure from the European Brand Licensing Show.
The most interesting thing from the brochure was the upcoming Darth Vader Themed TV Specials. So could this be one of the projects that the auditions are for? Most likely. And about the other projects we just have to wait and see what else Disney has in sTore for us...
Speaking of TV Live Action Series here's a cool comment from screenwriter Ronald D. Moore about the times when he was working with George Lucas on the cancelled Star Wars TV series called Underworld:
"I did, for a bit of time, work on what was going to be a Star Wars live-action series. We’d go gather at Skywalker Ranch periodically, every couple of months, and break stories and write scripts for this proposed series that George was interested in. And George was in the ring with us every day. And it was a fascinating, amazing experience. There was George Lucas and we’d be arguing stories and there was a point where I found myself in an intense argument with George about what Darth Vader would or would not do, and part of my brain kind of went, ‘What the hell are you doing? Are you really going to argue with George Lucas about what Darth Vader would do?"
It looks like Darth Vader was part of that series. Come on Disney, resurrect that project immediately!
(via makingstarwars)
I hope this is true. A live-action TV show would be cool
ReplyDeleteI will freak if this is true
ReplyDeleteI'd kill for a modern-day, actually-trying-to-be-good-but-still-kind-of-corny Holiday Special.
ReplyDeleteA Very Vader Christmas?
DeleteBring Star Wars Underworld!
ReplyDeleteThere's actually a fairly good chance of that happening..
DeleteStar Wars: Underworld was conceived as a more adult series. I wonder if that fits with the Disney strategy? Before, they said they couldn't do the show because it would cost too much special effects budget to be viable, I think.
DeleteI'm not sure whether that would fit into Disney strategy, but I'd enjoy the hell out of it. It certainly would be cheaper now then a few years ago.
DeleteWhat does Disney have in "SORE" for us?
ReplyDeletehaha. I knew there would be someone who noticed. And I love the subtle change to sTore ;)
DeleteDisney should really have that 'Sore" looked at..
♫ This would explain a lot of the crazy casting rumors, and the re-casting of princess Leia rumors. Most of the voice actors for rebels like Freddy Prince Jr were rumored to be in Episode 7 before being announced in Rebels. I have a a feeling a lot of the names we are hearing could be for the live series. But with all the delays and problems with Episode 7 so far, I'm surprised Disney is working on the Rebels cartoon and the live series at the same time. ♫
ReplyDeleteA live action series has been in the works for years. They had over 200 episodes written before Disney bought 'em.
DeleteThe Clone Wars/ Rebels is a separate crew from films, and maybe there will be another team for a Live Action show (not like they can't afford it). George's long term strategy before he retired involved working on the animated shows to help cheapen special effects to make other projects, like a Live Action show, viable.
DeleteAre these those Darth Vader Specials that were mentioned a while back?
ReplyDeleteWell, this explains the sheer volume of rumors.
ReplyDeleteSo could this be the answer to the rumored Leia recasting by a young actress that has everyone freaking out and believing a 20 something actress is going to act alone side a 60 something and 70 something like there's nothing up at all?
ReplyDeleteStar Wars Machinima video
I think the live action series written a few years ago partially became Underworld and primarily is what REBELS is.
ReplyDeleteThe show being discussed with Vader is a sit-com, actually. Think The Odd Couple, but with Vader and Motti.
ReplyDeleteDoes Vader have a wife beater on? Poor Motti..
DeleteAt this stage in the game, Motti's afraid of Vader's sorcerous ways.
DeleteHalfway through March: no official news.
ReplyDeleteWhy am I not surprised?
Disney will not release any official information until the day it comes out. Calling it now
DeleteI would hope that Disney realizes that Star Wars isn't just for grade school kids. I always thought that Star Wars: Underworld sounded like a fantastic idea. And I'm sure it wasn't like The Sopranos in space, where kids couldn't enjoy it too. It just wasn't going to be full of teddy bears and baby-talking space ducks is all.
ReplyDeleteReally,it always sounded to me that it would have a similar feel to The Empire Strikes Back - which, if you think about it, really didn't have much at all in it that was geared specifically toward young children. Even Yoda ended up spouting some pretty heady dialogue, and you had things like Darth Vader torturing Han, Han being sealed in a block of metal, Luke losing his hand AND getting the tar pounded out of him - twice!
Underworld would probably be in the same vein, and I think it'd go over very well. Hopefully Disney realizes the broad demographic to which Star Wars appeals and ends up greenlighting Underworld for production.
If you all go on over to and to the jedinews section you will see test footage of Jesse Plemmons firing a gun and with an ATAT in the background.
ReplyDeletetheJDG74 if u believe that then u will believe anything. obviously fake
ReplyDeleteNever said I believed it. Just like I don't believe that he will be Luke Skywalker like someone on Twitter is suggesting. But yeah, it looks fake as hell especially with that AMC in lower right hand corner of screen.
DeleteOf course it's fake. It's from Breaking Bad. It was just a joke. :)
DeleteHow to Market the New Star Wars Movie
Shame someone didn't argue with George about what Vader would and wouldn't do during the prequels! I fear most of t issues were due to Lucas not having anyone to say, "no George, that's not gonna work!" M
ReplyDeleteGlad you say that. Absolutely you argue with George Lucas about what Vader would or wouldn't do. Guy has no idea what's going on.
Deleterest asure all star wars fans, when disney bought lucasfilm for 4.8 billion dollars they were interested in all ideas from the franchise & they are the only company with the capacity to realise all projects. They will look at all ideas (shelved or not) & we will see a lot of things happening in the future,