A few days ago YouGov.com released the interesting results of a Star Wars-related poll. After the jump find out what they are.
YouGov.com conducted a poll of Americans to gauge their level of interest in the film franchise, specifically Episode VII, by asking them a variety of questions. One of the questions asked was who of the original main actors were they most looking forward to seeing return? The answer should be obvious -- Harrison Ford came in with a whopping 69 percent! Carrie Fisher was second with 50% and Mark Hamill came in last at 48%.
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Was there any doubt? |
Of course this is hardly scientific since those polled had to be members of the website. Aside from that little factoid, this makes the most sense since it was Harrison Ford who was least likely to ever return to Star Wars, wanting Han to die in the Empire Strikes Back, and saying time and again that he was done with Star Wars as a recent EW essay recounts:
In 2010, when MTV broached the topic of reprising Solo (long before anyone considered that a remote possibility), Ford answered: “No, no, no. Han Solo was very good to me at a certain point in my career. But I’m done. I’m done with him.”
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Yahoo! |
But of course Harrison Ford did come back, thankfully, and along with him comes Han Solo! When asked who their favorite character is -- that's right, Han is the man! The scruffy-looking nerfherder came in first with 19% of the vote. And he was also the most popular among fans who'd seen all the movies coming in at 23 percent!!!
While it makes sense for Harrison Ford to be the most exciting for the fans, it's a little more interesting that one of the few characters who doesn't use the Force or a lightsaber would trump those that are strong in the Force. Perhaps this is because Han is simply more relatable to the average American.
There are several other interesting results as well, as 44% of those polled were already aware of the 2015 release. (We're doing our job guys!) And a sizable 49% of Americans said they planned to go see Episode VII during its 2015 release. I'd be interested to see these same questions asked to the general public on the street, but either way, the excitement of Star Wars Episode VII is already at a pretty high level some 576 days out. Of course it will become fever-pitched the closer we get!
Jump on over to YouGov.com for a full rundown of the poll results!
It's fun here in Brazil Chewbacca is a very popular character
ReplyDeleteTrue. I think Darth Vader and Chwebacca are the most popular characters here.
DeleteLuke came last?
some people don't understand Star Wars.
It's not a matter of understanding, it's a matter of opinion.
DeleteYeah, quit passing your judgment on the opinions of others.
DeleteIf you remove Luke from the story, you wouldn't have a story. I'm not saying anyone else is less important, but Luke in last place shows under appreciation.
DeleteLuke may be important, but through most of the films, he is whiny and unlikable.
DeleteAnonymousMay 20, 2014 at 5:25 PM
DeleteAlso an opinionated statement.
To be honest I much I prefer Luke and Leia. But it's all subjective
ReplyDeleteLuke should have been the ONLY returning character of SW7 !!!
Agree- I question whether they needed all 3. By the way, I've read other polls where Luke was the most popular character to return, by a landslide. I believe Market Saw or Jedi News had one..
DeleteHow did Chewbacca get more votes than the most badass hotie princess in the galaxy?? ha oh dear oh dear
ReplyDeleteCould somebody get this walking carpet out of my way
DeleteProbably has something to do with his falling out with Han Solo on Kimmel.
Delete''Perhaps this is because Han is simply more relatable to the average American'', you can't compare like this, it is discrimination, Star wars is in any country, as much as it is in America...
ReplyDeleteI think bysaying "average American" Echo did not intend to discriminate in any way. He must've meant your average, everyday man.
DeleteUh, seems like it was a yougov north america poll, so...
DeleteI assume this was meant as a satirical take on the debates that normally plague this site???
DeleteIt is not discrimination; just a poll amongst one rather large portion of SW fans across the world. No more, no less.
DeleteIMO, this wasn't even worth reporting, since SW is pretty much an intl. phenomenon, yeah. But I guess U.S. folk make out most of this site's visitors, so maybe they'd like to know this or something.
I wasn't discriminating in any way. If you read their website it clearly states the poll was of Americans.
DeleteThe people who were polled were Americans, so I wouldn't be so quick to accuse, though it *is* written in way that made me too left out in a sense.
ReplyDeleteNot surprised by the results, Han Solo always lifted the two first films. He's just cool and funny. Luke Skywalker was never cool.
Luke is not cool he is a Jedi....Jedi are not cool....they are .....Jedi
DeleteUnless you are Mace Windu. Then you are cool and a Jedi. Mutha F*cka!
DeleteSamuel L. Jackson is cool... Mace Windu, not so much.
DeleteYou know what I meant. I was refering to Afro Samurai Jedi! lol
Deletewell maybe these fans aren't very much fans.... and agree Luke is the center of SW universe...all the other characters just complete it or expand it but in the center is Luke....
ReplyDeleteImportance does not necessairly equate to popularity. Boba Fett is an extremly popular villian despite a relatively small role.
DeleteYeah, and I wish people would shut up about boba fett. people talk about him so much it's really starting to annoy me.
DeleteEmperor Palpatine doesn't even get 4% on the poll? Lame.
ReplyDeleteyeah, and PT caused that problem....in PT emperor and Ian's performance are a joke
DeleteI thought it was a good performance... the directing left something to be desired. I loooooooooooooooove the scene when He's telling Anakin about Darth Plagueis the wise... very chilling. And that scene where he gets Anakin to kill Count Dooku... I mean c'mon that was badass.
DeleteThe part where he "converts" was a little over the top when he goes "no, no , no! NO ! NOOOOO!" I was like "omg" at that scene. I didn't like that part because it was just too quick of a turn for Anakin. Again, not McDiarmid's fault... there's only one person to blame for all of that... which is precisely the problem. Beyond that it was all bad writing.
I agree with you there, Aras.
Delete"there's only one person to blame for all of that"
Luckily they won't have a huge creative impact on the ST ;)
Ian's portrayal of Palpatine in the PT was the only performance with any real emotion and passion. All the others were hollow, at best, although I give Ewan McGregor a partial pass as that was more the character than his acting. Of all the PT characters, the Palpatine performance is the last one that I would describe as a joke, relatively speaking...
DeleteThat's 167%???
ReplyDeleteI can't wait when we are done with the OT 3 of Luke, Han and Leia and get to where we really want to get to. And that is the new sith and ancient sith. And about Darth Plagueis ? ya. I notice many are starting to chat about him from time to time on these other posts. i brought him up a while back about his character, etc. And many of you grilled me about it because alot of you are either so blind or just dont pay attention to the story like some of you claim you do. So BOO YA to the haters. Its great to see the OT cast back in it, and it will be even better to see who the real chosen one will be. Anakin worshippers go bite on that !!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThey're going to ignore as much as the prequels as they can. There won't be ancient Sith. Etc.
Deletei hope you remember what you said right after you watch the movie.
DeleteAt Anonymous 6:55pm. They're going to ignore everything about the EU.
DeleteIt would be funny though to find that Darth Plagueis influenced the midi-chlorians to create Anakin Skywalker, as we already know he had the power to manipulate both life and the midi-chlorians... do we know for sure that Plagueis is dead?
Delete"and it will be even better to see who the real chosen one will be. Anakin worshippers go bite on that !!!!!!!"
Deletewhat? The prophecy story has been told. Anakin was the chosen one and brought balance back to the force. This is set 35 years later where I guess a pupil of Luke will turn to the dark side, hence a new story. They aren't going to go back to a chosen one story that's already been told... and 'Anakin worshippers'??? Seriously? Oh dear.
"Anakin worshipers" aka "Christiansens"
DeleteGeorge Lucas also said many other things and later changed it. He's always had to improvise and change things to make the story fit. In the OT, nothing was ever mentioned about a chosen one. In the PT, it was talked about. In episode 3, he once again changed direction of the movie about Darth Plagueis. Lucas always have changed things to make it fit in his movies, from Luke and Leia not being brother sister at first, and also Anakin and Vader being different people. He has to improvise. Just because Lucas said Anakin was the chosen one doesnt mean its written in stone. The prophecy of the Jedi ( introduced in episode 1 ) said that the chosen one would destroy the sith and bring balance back to the force. In episode 7, they will show more sith and the sith planet Morriban ( Korriban in EU terms ). So, to all the ones who keep claiming Anakin is the one, let it go. No matter what Lucas said or what you want to believe, the sith are not all destroyed yet. And Lucas even said that the saga is a trilogy of trilogies. With all that has happened with the other 6 movies, they are not going to make this new and last trilogy with no sith. Use your briains.
Delete"George Lucas also said many other things and later changed it. "
DeleteHAHAHAHA. That's like saying, George Lucas says his name is George Lucas but he could change it so technically his name isn't George Lucas. Use YOUR brain.
AnonymousMay 20, 2014 at 11:12 PM,
DeleteBrilliantly put lmao!
Plagueis's involvement in EpVII is just as possible as every other speculation, but that's all it is: speculation. Just leave it at that. These anons are forcing this beyond speculation, trying to convince us that it will certainly be the plot outline for EpVII, but that in itself is just stupid.
DeleteUnrelated but you guys might dig this... some great fan art I haven't seen before:
Bad ass...
DeleteLot of great art there! Thank you!
DeleteViral hide you are a corporate sellout your "blog" used to b cool now its rubbish over half ur content isnt even about episode 7 the only decent thing is ur sourcing prowess.so now u and ur support team can delete my post .more facist statements from zoosk shud ease ur wallet worries but never ur conscience hey
ReplyDeleteWas this really necessary?
Deletelmao! He must be another EU loser !!!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA...
DeleteIgnore him Viral, basically he's complaining about your inability to conjure up news that doesn't exist. I think 99.9% of us appreciate the work you're doing. This is one of 4 tabs that's always up on my web browser haha.
DeleteI have this site open 8 hours a day 5 days a week. I can also say I'm very appreciative of this blog and the service it provides!
DeleteThanks guys. Really appreciate your opinion. I don't know what the original anon poster meant by that. Every single Episode 7 news is posted here so I don't see what's the problem. It's funny that I'm called a corporate sellout. Actually in the last few months I've been super busy with my real work. I've been working 12 hours a day and thank god that my job requires computer. That's way I was able to keep track and keep you updated with the latest Star Wars stuff. Right now I'm working hard to migrate my blog. I want to make it a better place for you. I'm improving the comment section but this time there won't be any issues. Also we're working hard to bring you a really special message board. I hope we could finish it soon...
DeleteThanks again and take care. :)
I love this blog. Keep up the great work Viral.
DeleteI would love this blog even better if we can have a topic about Darth Plaguies. Im tired of these Anakin yaks.
DeleteThanks Viral.
DeleteI'm on this blog every day. I get excited whenever I see a new update, no matter what it is. My only "complaint" is having to wait 8 hours or so for the next one, lol. :P
DeleteGreat work, Viral and crew!
Darth whiffy im sure ur boss wud b impressed by ur internet browsing.
ReplyDeleteI am the boss...
DeleteMay I remind people that Indiana Jones, a character as equally beloved as Han Solo, also came back AND with the original director, I might add. And, uhh, how'd THAT turn out? Almost ruined the memory of the character. It is far, far, far too late to bring back Han Solo. Had George done THAT instead of the PT, OK, that's different. But he didn't do that, did he .... So there we are.
ReplyDeleteGood thing GL won't have an impacting creative input on EpVII besides his role as a consultant. It could also be that this movie is Han's last big hoorah. I can't see how they'd play off continuing his role in the saga through the entirety of this next trilogy.
DeleteFord worked for Indy IV... it was the directing and writing that sucked, Spielberg is hit or miss lately, and Lucas... well after 1988 'nuff said. Motorcycle library scene was funny. CGI gophers/monkey swinging Indy son/ CGI ants eating Russian/jumping into a fridge to absorb nuke impact/ angry alien frown at the end, that's the kind of shit that made the movie suck.
DeleteWith the ST we got Abrams, Kasdan, Bad robot, etc, etc, etc... I guess it could go badly, but I think with the amount of effort going in I'm not worried at all. Into Darkness was a flop, but other wise JJ's had a solid track record pretty much.
It's really hard to accuratly predict what JJ will do with EpVII when looking at his passed work. The difference here is that JJ is a die-hard Star Wars fan and has been since the movies first premiered. He even credits the OT as being the oil that feuled his aspiration in film making. That being said, it's clear why he really didn't want the duties of directing the next installment of Star Wars to be on him; that's quite a heavy load to carry and if he botches it up, the faans will never let him live it down. That's why I have faith that with the help he's got from Kasdan and the other members of his team, he'll do something great with EpVII. I'm sure any fan of his caliber who saw the OT in theaters would be trembling in fear of his position. He's one brave motherfucker if you ask me and I highly doubt he'd let anything happen that'd dampen the magic Star Wars has offered to us over the years. If anything, I think he'll rejuvinate it!
DeleteYes I'm optimistic, optimistic enough to feel it has a chance of equaling or surpassing the OT. I'll just put it this way... my thought process after Episode I when going in to see the following films was "How much will these movies not suck?" vs. going in to see the abrams "How much ass will it kick?". Yeah since Star Trek was never really Abrams jam I just think they'll atleast surpass the Star Trek reboots, which would be good enough for me... but I think the ST will be HUGE... counting down the days.
DeleteI'm almost certain they'll best the Trek reboots with flying colors.
DeleteThe one thing about the Treks is Abrams didn't script those right? He was a producer and active director... but we can't blame him for that ending haha. If they best Star Trek I'd be pretty happy with that... I don't even like Star Trek that much but I liked those films, very fun.
DeleteYou're right. He wasn't even a huge Trek fan to begin with. The fact that those movies kinda sucked wasn't entirely his fault. It's easy for people to look at his projects and see Trek as the most relatable movies to episode VII when making speculations; since they're both fictional space-based stories involving starcruisers, blasters, etc, but Episode VII is a completely different animal. We cannot jump to conclusions and make judgements based on his work with that reboot.
DeleteI really enjoyed the first Star Trek of his, opening sequence is amazing (JJ does seem to excel at opening sequences which should work real real well for episode VII). If you go back and watch the original Star Trek films I feel like it's kind of better than them... blasphemy I know. Sure Wrath of Khan, VI, and VI were pretty good, I dunno... I guess it's a tie, it's like comparing apples to oranges. It was just into darkness that makes me uneasy haha. Oh that and the last half of Super 8. Ghost Protocol I enjoyed.
DeleteIndy 4 was a horrible movie but NOT because of Harrison Ford or Indiana Jones as a character. That analogy makes no sense..
DeleteHan Solo is hands down my favorite OT character, but moving forward I have to say that the only character that I really wanted to see return was Luke. I know it's all personal preference, but I like the Han and Leia as is from the OT and would be fine with remembering them that way, but to see Luke's transformation over the years into a seasoned Jedi Master would be awesome. As much as I love Han and think he should be in the film (as should Leia), I hope that of the original characters, Luke gets the most focus. I also think we should be moving forward and I am confident that Abrams will do a great job developing the newcomers.
ReplyDeleteHow many fans think the sith are all destroyed ? LMAO !!!!!! Anakin was not the chosen one. If he was, then why are there going to be more sith in part 7 ? Gimme a break.
ReplyDeleteAnd you know for a sure fact that there will be more Sith in episode VII?
Deletewhat?? Just because the sith were destroyed, doesn't mean that they can't return. The dark side is not a disease in which the prophecy said that Anakin would cure it or something. The prophecy was that Anakin would destroy the sith and bring balance back to the force, which he did. But people turn to the dark side. Episode vii is set 35 years after Return of the Jedi. It's set in the future. Nothing is stopping someone going to the dark side again in the future. The prophecy doesn't mean that the dark side of the force will be destroyed. It means the sith will be destroyed. Just because evil is destroyed and a war is one doesn't mean that evil is gone from returning and wars won't return. In episode 7 it's obvious that evil will return and someone will be seduced to the dark side of the force once more for someone new like Anakin to destroy once again before they take over the galaxy. This isn't difficult stuff.
DeleteNo, the prophecy about bringing balance to the force only meant that the dark side and the light side were to be equalized, nothing more, nothing less. During the PT, good and bad were murky, with the Jedi becoming more corrupt and the Sith becoming so powerful the jedi did not even foresee their rise. (They failed to see that the #1 guy controlling the Republic was a Sith Lord; how shortsighted is that???) Anakin brought balance to the force. He succeeded....
Delete...however, 30 years after Anakin's death, one would think the force will need rebalancing again. Think about it: no sith, and probably an entire school of Jedi. The Dark side must rise again.
Does anyone else see how stupid this all sounds? ^_-
DeleteYes. I agree. Whomever The one kid that keeps bringing up plagueis and balance to the force etc. On every thread. Is. We heard you. Please. Stop. I don't. Even think sith will figure into 7 greatly. IMO
DeletePlagueis's involvement in EpVII is just as possible as every other speculation, but that's all it is: speculation. Just leave it at that. These anons are forcing this beyond speculation, trying to convince us that it will certainly be the plot outline for EpVII, but that in itself is just stupid.
DeleteAnon, I'll meet you halfway. Yoda did say of the prophecy, "Perhaps a prophecy that misread could have been." So despite what GL says in interviews, the movies do not spell out clearly that Anakin is this supposed "chosen one". However, in SWCW he did bring balance by destroying the Son (darkside) after the death of the Daughter (lightside). he also destroyed the emperor which restored peace for a time. Balance is not about the eradication of the Sith or the darkside. The balance is achieved when neither side is dominating the other and they live in peace for a time. That is not to say that even though peace was restored, that a future event can't shake the balance again with new threats rising. So is Anakin the chosen one? Who cares? Anakin was a powerful Jedi with some high hopes and he trashed all those hopes for a while only to later find some redemption. I think for the chosen one story arc, Anakin served GL's purpose. However, I am ready to put this concept to rest. I hope they move on from the "Chosen One" concept from the PT and invent a new story that has roots in both the PT and the ST, but is just as different and unique as it is similar.
ReplyDeleteJolee Bindo had the best opinion on this topic.
DeleteI agree Hard Case about Anakin. What he did at the end from killing children at the Jedi Temple to betraying the Jedi itself,etc disqualifies him from being a chosen one. He fits the profile of a false hope or false chosen one. Kind of like the AntiChrist. It would make sense if Darth Plaguies was the one who created Anakin using the dark side of the force. Otherwise, why would Lucas put those scenes in with Palpatine telling the sith legend and Yoda saying that ? And we all know that the saga has always been about the conflicts of the Jedi vs Sith and the Skywalkers with their adventures with others. Lucas like to play mind games with fans. Theres a reason why he put them scenes in. Lucas even said himself many time that Star Wars is a trilogy of trilogies. Theres always a reason for certain scenes in these movies. Im sure episode 7 is going to fill gaps that have been left behind and left fans confused on things. It seems to me that this topic about the chosen one has been the most popular of them all. Honestly, i don't know why Viral Hide won't do a post on Darth Plagueis The Wise and the connection he had with the power of not only creating life, but preventing death.
ReplyDeleteI think ultimately the problem is that we have given more thought to it than Lucas ever did. Consistency wasn't a strong suit of his.
DeleteI doubt Darth Plagueis will be the villian but if he is, as an OT fan, I don't think there is anything wrong with that per se. I doubt it though, because JJ is all about mystery and I think leaving Plagueis in the past makes him all the more creepy + plagueis was bested by Palpatine.
Actually, killing the younglings was part of the balancing process of the Force. The jedi order was corrupting itself over time, as mentioned in (I think) Episode II. The order had to have been cleansed as they were becoming selfish and blind. The Force works in brutal ways sometimes...
DeleteThat's assuming Lucas was consistent... which He wasn't.
DeleteAt Anon 12:52. wtf ?.... killing younglings was part of the balance ? LMFAO !!!! The Jedi was not corrupt. And neither was the children. They were victims of the sith evil doings. Anakin?Vader just helped him get stronger. You have watched too much zombie movies to be thinking that crap. I don't care what anyone says. A chosen one who destroys the evil sith is not going to go out and commit evil things like that , then change his mind at the end after all the years of evil. That's like saying Jesus will kill many innocent before he decides to be good. Give me a fukn break. Anakin was a brat and chose to be evil. A true loving chosen one is not going to be that.
DeleteCan't believe Mark Hamill didn't come in first. I want to see luke as an older jedi weilding a lightsaber and choking Gamorian guards! Harrison and Carrie are great but luke is the story.
ReplyDeleteI think we should call the jump the "jump to light speed".
ReplyDeleteNo, that isn't even a debate; we're calling that.
Don't know if these things I found is for real but if they are then cool
and that;s just a few of them that site has the rest of the star wars movie scripts and other movies and tv shows
Viral, would be nice if you could set up such a poll, would be interesting what the ppl here think :-)