Star Wars Episode 7 News

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Harrison Ford "Delighted" To Be Working On Star Wars: Episode 7. Updated With Video!

star wars

2 days ago we reported Harrison Ford's brief comment about Episode 7 that he made while promoting "The Expandables 3". Now you can check out the story with a video clip from the press conference...

"He recently attended the Cannes Film Festival and during a press conference for The Expendables 3, in which stars, he was asked about Star Wars. After reportedly trying to pretend he didn't hear the question, he gave in and said he was "delighted to be involved." And he went on to say, “We have a great cast and a great script, and the director, J.J. Abrams, is at the top of his game.” You can watch video of the exchange below:"


  1. lol hes'e probably happy cuz han dies :(

    1. what else is he to say? "JJ's script is so-so, I don't really enjoy playing Han Solo, and Episode VII is going to have stuff that will really make some fanboys angry."

    2. Yeah, When Shia Lebouff was completely honest about how he disliked Crystal Skull, Harrison responded by saying he'd refuse any future projects with him.

  2. A great script? If Harrison likes it, it must be good!

    1. I could be wrong, but didn't he also say that the reason they waited so long to film Indiana Jones 4 was to get the script right?

    2. coboys and aliens - great script NOT !!!

  3. He is more happy to just be acting still. It's the job he's liking more then the role of Solo. He ain't changed.

  4. Lookin' real Han-ish there with the longer hair!

    1. He bought a high class toupee. it looks good on him and he does look Solo ish lol

    2. It is a very good one but they will be making him a few just to use for shooting the movie. Those will most likely be closer to how it looked in the originals.

    3. Have as good a toupee at 71 you will not...


  5. Excellent.... everything that has transpired has done so according to MY DESIGN.


  6. Good post, Dandino, thanks!

    1. Keep up the good work dandino8100.

    2. Props to Dandino! xD

    3. great video! thx for the post dandino8100. I mean what can you say, Ep VII is just going to be awesome!

  7. Another Han Solo post ? Lets get to the best topic and lets get into the dark side magic of the force with this legendary Darth Plagueis rather if he is or isnt coming back and the connection with him and Palpatine and Anakin. We have done enough of the rest. There has not been a post of this yet. Viral Hide post it soon and the scenes in episode 3 with Palpatine telling Anakin about Plaguies and the scene with Yoda saying about the prophecy miss read. I been a fan on this post reading many opinions but do this once so we can get it out of the way.

    1. ^if we do, promise me you'll learn to spell and use punctuation better.

    2. He's Rebel scum, he can't spell. He is too busy hiding and running away!

    3. please stop with this stupid argument about Anakin not being the chosen one. He just is. You might as well demand Viral Hide to create a post to debate if Darth Vader was a 14 year old girl or not. You're talking rubbish.

  8. Anakin Skywalker did have a father, but to find it you had to listen carefully and put the facts together

    Shmi tells Qui Gon that there was no father, that it was an "immaculate conception" so to speak. Qui Gon deduces he was born of the midichlorians. This was important to know why??? No other star wars movie discussed Midi chlorians.

    Skip to 3

    Palpatine tells anakin about plagueis. He even states he could even create life NOW WHEN PALPATINE SAYS THIS, listen to the emphasis, right as he says life he looks at anakin, directly at him, not a side glance or a nod but right at him. Now Palpatine saw Plagueis do this so we know that Plagueis created life. Palpatine always knew about anakin and where he was becuase he saw Plagueis create him.

    This was on tatooine because it was a backwater world and the work done there would have been around 9 years before Ep 1. Perfect time for Sidious to kill Plagueis and begin the End Game. People think that Sidious Lost the first round (Ep 1 - Trade Federation Beaten) But let's look at Sidious, This guy was a master planner - The ultimate in Machiavellian scheming. Naboo and the blockade was all for 3 reasons. Not one but 3

    1 - to get a droid army up and running to foreshadow the CIS
    2 - to get elected Supreme Chancellor
    3 - to get anakin into the jedi order.


    Now for more of a simple explanation..... The chosen one destroys the sith. Period. We will see the sith planet in episode 7 for the first time and pretty sure there will be sith on that planet. And history repeats itself before the balance is brought back to the force once again. A repeat we have seen over and over. So put the facts in and what you get ? Anakin was not the chosen one, but an abomination from dark magic that blinded the Jedi. And with the connection of importance about the Skywalkers from what George Lucas has said himself many times, we are sure to see the chosen one being one of the child from Leia. If Leia has a child thats not from Hans blood, that means the child is from the Skywalker bloodline mixed with the real mediorclorians and not through dark magic as was explained of what Plagueis could do. And also it was known that Plaguies could prevent death. Which means its a possibility he might not be dead. Or maybe he has been dead and another sith tries to follow his work.

    1. Almost as bad as a 911 conspiracy theorieist.

    2. Duke Groundrunner you can suck a tailpipe, 9/11 WAS the work of the U.S. government and if you don't believe that then you are misinformed, where is the footage of the plane crash at the pentagon? Why did the government cover up about the third building? Because the third building went down without being hit by a plane. Why were there surgical molten cuts in the foundations on the building which couldn't have got there without specialist explosives? And last but not least, how the **** can one plane bring down an entire building? There's a reason why the survey of the damage was mysteriously never concluded.

      Anyway, go watch some education videos.

    3. 9/11 was too big to be an inside job... think about how many people you'd have to pay off and how much it would take to keep their mouths shut. Occam's Razor... the fewer assumptions made, the better.

    4. The tower's frames melted from the heat of the crash... that's why they collapsed. Even the engineer who designed the towers admitted they weren't designed to withstand the impact of a 747... I mean it wasn't on anyone's mind before 9/11.

    5. This is hysterical. Making up a load of points to try and weave out a conspiracy theory that Anakin wasn't the chosen one. False hope? an abomination from dark magic? History has to repeat itself before the sith are destroyed? You can't just completely make stuff up lmao.

    6. Guys guys guys it's so obvious Anakin isn't the chosen one. You're all sooo stupid. Anakin was a dark remenant and subspecies off dna light enabling force mystical midichlorian false hope prohphet god duplicate humanoid angelical devil worker. It's so obvious guys come on didn't you hear what captain pinaka says in episode 1? "If we can't get the shield generator fixed, we'll be sitting ducks." And then guess what. HE BLINKS. Yes that's right HE BLINKS. WITH BOTH EYES. And guess what. Guess what. R2D2 IS WHITE AND BLUE. Use your heads guys. Put two and two together. Use your brains. It's so obvious. George Lucas has tricked you all. Look at all this evidence.

    7. "Anakin was a dark remenant and subspecies off dna light enabling force mystical midichlorian false hope prohphet god duplicate humanoid angelical devil worker"

      Wow... Sounds like a raving lunatic to me.

    8. yeah that was the point lol. I'm just copying what the original post basically is saying. A load of made up waffle

    9. Plagueis's involvement in EpVII is just as possible as every other speculation, but that's all it is: speculation. Just leave it at that. These anons are forcing this beyond speculation, trying to convince us that it will certainly be the plot outline for EpVII, but that in itself is just stupid.

    10. "go watch some education videos." Ha ha ha , no thanks i'd rather not be indoctrinated.

    11. It's obvious some SW fans didn't actually follow the story in part 3 like they claim. I think they just ignored those scenes waitng for Darth vader to appear. lmao. the evidence is there. I'm a long time SW fan from the OT times and i liked the PT. And i'm telling you doubters that Anakin was not the chosen one. If you would have paid attention to what message Lucas was trying to tell you, is that DP was the one who created Anakin. Plus Anakin was always crying, always had a bad attitude, ignoring what the Jedi was trying to tell him, broke the Jedi code. And no there was no corruption in the Jedi Temple. The Jedi was doing just fine until Palpatine became Chancelllor and then the corruption started. I agree, use your brains. Lucas likes to play mind games with fans to seel tickets. Its about not only the sales, but the mystery. And mystery keeps the fans interested. Not too hard to figure out.

    12. I'm not doubting your theory, I'm merely expressing the fact that it is only a theory. It's really nothing new either. There was a book released in 2012 called "Darth Plagueis" which I'm sure you've read, explaining all of the things you've been theorizing. Don't jump to conclusions and resort to insults. Your opinions give you no authority over the rest of us fans.

  9. Last Anon, you have some very interesting points here to think about. Darth Plagueis the Wise may very well be played by Max Von Sydow and I sure hope this is the case. We have to take into account the Midichlorians beacause GL included them for a reason. To me, the Midichlorians are the atomic or even sub atomic particles of The Force, which is primarily spiritual in its nature, but has physical or material component which cannot be denied.

  10. You have also presented that Darth Plagueis is the creator of Anakin, which seems to be a plausible supposition. In any case, I don't think that Anakin restored balance to the Force. He disrupted it in a major way. Luke restored it. But the Sith have a recurring ability which was first achieved by Plagueis and later recognized by Palpatine. But Palpatine felt he could discover this power with Anakin: "But if we work together, I know we can discover the Secret...." Ep 3

  11. This really isn't a hard topic to figure out.

    "Darth Plagueis, born under the name of Hego Damask and remembered as Darth Plagueis the Wise, was a Muun Dark Lord of the Sith, heir to the lineage of Darth Bane and a master of midi-chlorian manipulation, who lived during the century leading up to the Invasion of Naboo. Obsessed with eternal life, Plagueis experimented with ways to cheat death and create new life from the midi-chlorians.

    His great contribution to the history of the galaxy was training Darth Sidious in the ways of the Sith and the dark side of the Force, whom he incited to take control of the galaxy and bring about an age of the Sith. Sidious, concerned with being replaced as Plagueis' apprentice, eventually killed the Muun in his sleep. Sidious later recounted the tale as "the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise", an old "Sith legend", to sway Anakin Skywalker to the dark side, though Plagueis himself remained a mysterious figure to the Jedi and their allies well into the time of the Galactic Alliance.

    Plagueis' experiments in creating life may have succeeded. It was speculated that Plagueis initiated his plans before dying, and according to the Sith Lords, it was Plagueis who influenced the midi-chlorians to conceive Anakin Skywalker........

    1. Plagueis's involvement in EpVII is just as possible as every other speculation, but that's all it is: speculation. Just leave it at that. These anons are forcing this beyond speculation, trying to convince us that it will certainly be the plot outline for EpVII, but that in itself is just stupid.

    2. Did anyone say that's going to be the plot for 7 ? No you dummy. The discussion was about if DP was the one who created Anakin. Quit trying to spin this. I think you just can't admit that you are wrong.

  12. I hope Sydow is Plagueis. Of course Palpatine Killed him but HEGO had an FTD (Force Trasmited Disease). He was glad to die and do the Essence Transfer Biz. He got hammered and said his goodbyes knowing he would be killed that night by PALPS. Than waited until his Human apprentice blew it many years latter.
    Plagueis did not create Anakin though he caused his creation. The Force created Anakin to counter what Plagueis was rocking.
    I see Harrison Solo being the rock while his Forcing family falls apart.

  13. For the record..... The Jedi prophecy did say the chosen one would destroy the sith. Anakin/Darth Vader did kill Sidious in the Death Star, but he did it to save his son. He didn't destroy all the sith. And if the sith planet is going to be in the next movie, then it's cleary obvious that Anakin was not the hero chosen one. And they are not going to make more Star Wars movies without the conflicts between the Jedi and Sith. I'm sure a Skywalker will be important in this role in some way, but no matter what, Anakin was not the chosen one.

  14. dandino or viral hide or master jedi, whomever runs this post, lets do one of darth plagueis magic or creation or a possible connection with anakin so we can get this done and over with. aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the dark side is consuming us all !!!!!!!!!

    1. The EU is non cannon so that is incorrect now

    2. Technically, Plagueis was mentioned in the PT and therefore his existence exceeds the EU. His involvement in EpVII is just as possible as every other speculation, but that's all it is: speculation. Just leave it at that. These anons are forcing this beyond speculation, trying to convince us that it will certainly be the plot outline for EpVII, but that in itself is just stupid.

    3. We not saying it will be the plot for part 7. What we was debating was the connection that he might have had with Anakin wondering if it was Plagueis himself that created Anakin or not.

    4. The EU ain't got nothing to do with Plaguies. Lucas himself put those scenes in for a reason.

    5. I suppose Lucas came up with the planet Coruscant too, eh?

  15. Han Solo is the Chosen One, it is known! He's even named Solo, singling him out from all the pretenders.

  16. What if Luke turns to the dark side... bahhh you didnt see that comming did you.. bunch of suckers!


    1. That's what I think also. Luke will turn bad or is already halfway. Story-telling wise; colors were always important in Star Wars. Also the "jedi-way"is made very clear throughout the 6 movies. Wearing black and force-choking gammorean guards is not part of it.

    2. it's an echo with one difference. He has a sister

    3. That would be awful. The whole point of Luke is that he DIDN'T turn, like his father did. Destroying that concept would take a massive dump on the OT.

    4. If you hadn't known about Anakin from the OT would that take a dump on the PT?

  17. I totally agree with dandino8100..... if Harrison agreed to come back as Han and likes the script so much it's because our smuggler is going to die heroically IMO

  18. It would make sense that Han dies in 7, and then Luke and Leia become main attractions in 8 and 9. This will be Ford's swam song, and then Mark and Carrie will pick up the reigns for the rest of this Trilogy.

    1. * swan song lol

    2. Ugh, the thought of a Han death scene scares the crap out of me. I can see it being cheesy as hell based how Harrison has been acting lately. Hopefully he'll say his goodbyes over the radio and go down with the falcon right after. Or he gets a lightsaber in the chest, which sends Luke into a rage and struggle with the dark side/revenge.

      I hope it's not Han passing away in Leia's arms.

  19. I hope Han is taken out in episode 7 to create some emotional depth. Hopefully Luke and Leia are still continued on in episode 8 and 9 as they are big politcal figures and Luke of course being the master Jedi. They could potentially have very important roles. Han at the end of the day is not an important figure in the galaxy, so he's the one to go for sure.

  20. I wouldn't be surprised if Darth P created Anakin. That doesn't mean he wasn't the Chosen One, though. The point could be Luke's belief in the good in him helped him to overcome and destroy the Sith. He still did what was asked. Morriband could be a dead planet. Maybe Driver finds Darth P's holocron there. Could be anything.

    1. thats a good posibility Jeffrey. our debate with Plagueis was if he may or may not have been the one who created Anakin. Its just a topic some of us have been wondering about because why else would Lucas put them scenes in about Plagueis and the comment Yoda said about Anakin and the prophecy that might have been misread. But thats a good idea if Driver being a dark lord or any other dark sith thats trying to fing Plaguies holocraun showing how he was able to do it.

  21. Echo-07 is doing an article about Darth Plagueis, so stay tuned! We could discuss it all there :)

    1. Cool. We looking forward to this.

  22. hehe
    HanYoYo, no Money in death han toys, and so on. over and over Again the last 20 years. I bet this is only about the Money for Ford.
    But I don't care it will be great to see the cools spacepirate in the galaxy.

    Besides there is another skywalker and it's not Leia. but a Brother call Deak.
