AICN shared some really interesting rumors about the upcoming Star Wars movie. Hit the jump to find out one possible working title for the movie as well as some hints at the possibility of using a 3D printing technology with Episode 7 and more...
From AICN:
My original source had told me back in January that Abu Dhabi was a location, and when that came to be, he sent me a scoop that the title for STAR WARS EPISODE VII was THE ANCIENT FEAR.
I ran it by everyone in the editorial chatroom and couldn't get confirmation... BUT tonight... a source that I'm told to call Col. Mustard claimed completely on his own that "the working title" was THE ANCIENT FEAR...
He also stated that "it refers to Max Von Sydow's villain who makes Pazuzu (the demon in The Exorcist, starring Max Von Sydow) look like a pussy!"
Now it's fair to point out that the guys from AICN posted something similar back in 2004 about the Revenge of the Sith title turned out not to be true. Here's a quote from the 2004 article:
... Lucasfilm will be announcing the title of Episode 3 early next week, and they were rushing to reprint some artwork with the new title to take to MIP.
The title had been 'Rise of the Empire', but George Lucas recently changed his mind, and it will now be titled 'The Creeping Fear'. This refers to a hooded Death type character who wipes out the Jedi.
The two stories are suspiciously similar, still anything is possible.
And one other opinion:
@MakingStarWars I don't buy it. BUT: If MVS is the baddie, the theory that Darth Plagueis is the ultimate villain, which I've oft ridiculed
— Ali Arikan (@aliarikan) May 6, 2014
And some more interesting bits from AICN:
I do know that the coolest part of this upcoming film is the revelation in regards to the advancement of practical effects that apparently JJ is quite committed to. I hear that very intricate things are built in computers then 3D printed – and that how they’re going to use technology in this film is going to blow minds.
That officially revealed cast photo is a perfect perfect perfect image. Mainly because… I know the session is recorded… that right now, it’s probably been married to a feature length animatic – and that somewhere in this world there’s a cartoon version of fucking STAR WARS EPISODE VII that’s got the right voices for some of the cast logged in.
I’ve heard reports on JJ’s mood over the weekend – and people are describing him by saying things along the lines of saying… “I’ve never seen JJ more animated and passionate” and “He was born to this!”
I do know that the preproduction process has been exhaustive. They tried a ton of different things before arriving at the point they’re at now. Through that process, there was ups & downs, but creatively - right now – when I speak to people on this – they’re ecstatic. They all feel they’re a part of a dream.
Another working title according to Bleeding Cool:
Lots of movies are shot under another name. Sometimes a nickname, sometimes a way to keep lookie-loos away from the set.
Well, Star Wars Episode VII, whatever it will eventually be called is filming, according to the kind of people who talk to Bleeding Cool, as “AVGO”.
Bleeding Cool has corrected their story:
It’s not AVGO, it’s AVCO. We’ve seen proof… named after the Los Angeles cinema that showed a certain film back in 1977. They were one of only four cinemas who fitted Lucasfilm’s THX sound system for the film. And it was the cinema that the young JJ Abrams first saw the movie.
Now I remember that back in February I received a mail from a reader suggesting that AVCO could be a possible title for Episode 7. Back then I researched the story and found out that AVCO is actually a production company in the UK. I decided not to post that. Now it seems more people have come to that. Here's my communication from back then:
Source (user-639):
Samantha Keeble has listed herself as a junior assistant costume designer on her IMDB page here
But on her Linkedin she is working the same position on a production called AVCO
The AVCO Center LA is one on 32 places that Starwars was first shown in 1977 and that is the connection.
So Episode 7 production name is AVCO
Viral Hide:
I checked her profile. It actually says that she is working at AVCO not on AVCO. The AVCO is the name of a production company - AVCO Productions Ltd.
So probably this was just a coincidence. Still you had a good point.
So I personally think more people are confused in the same way about that story. Either that or I missed a helluva scoop 3 months ago. :)
Now Makingstarwars shares even more evidence that "AVCO" and previously rumored "Foodles" are indeed the working titles for Episode 7.
The first piece of evidence is from an industry newsletter. The second is from a Linkedin account which we are editing to protect the person’s privacy.
Well it looks like user-639 was right after all. Sorry for not posting your story. :)
...I've heard worse titles.. But I don't believe this
ReplyDeletePretty much agree with you there. I'd be perfectly OK with that as the title though.
DeleteI actually really like this title. It suggests and/or allows them to bring in story elements from long, long ago...
DeleteWould it be possible that Andy serkis and MVS are playing the same character?
DeleteI really don´t buy it. New StarWars titles have always been kept in secret untill the month of their release. A good example of this is with ROTJ, were the title was supposed to be Revenge of the Jedi. Anyway "Ancient Fear" seems a lot weird to me.
ReplyDelete3D printing will make prop making easier.
ReplyDeleteAncient Fear = The Rakata
DeleteNot credible at all as a title. Look at all the six other films, the titles are very clear-cut and unmysterious. The Ancient Fear is too quasi-poetic, in a high school kind of way.
ReplyDelete"The Phantom Menace" isn't mysterious?
DeleteTPM is the most mysertious of the six, but still rather concrete. A hidden Sith threat. The Ancient Fear is something else, elusive... :) And I have a hard time imagining what it would refer to, in any meaningful way.
Delete"Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."
Delete"Fear. Fear attracts the fearful… the strong… the weak… the innocent… the corrupt. Fear. Fear is my ally."
According to GL fear is the key factor in going to the Dark Side. For me it evokes the idea of an ancient Dark Side threat that resurfaces and threatens to drive at least one of our new heroes to the Dark Side in a world they thought was rid of the Dark Side forever. But fear is not so easily destroyed and the Jedi must be forever vigilant of its rising within them.
Personally, I could live with this rumored title. It's just as "unmysterious" as A New Hope or The Phantom Menace. Both suggesting plot traits that were not revealed to the audience until later in the films. I wouldn't be surprised if this is the real working title, but I'm sure they can come up with something better.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteWell, this Title does have a nice ring to it and does follow the unofficial episode title naming rules established in previous Star Wars movies from both the OT and PT. And in my mind ... Ancient + Fear = TOR + Sith = Awesome Episode VII Movie! :)
DeleteThe first movie of each trilogy (as many of us know) does not have a Star Wars specific term such as Empire, Jedi, Sith, and Clones. Also, the first movie title in each trilogy (as many have mentioned) sets the tone for the entire trilogy with terms such as Hope, Phantom, and Menace ... and Ancient and Fear are great tone setters IMHO.
I know many of us have issues with Ep I as a movie (my son really does love Phantom Menace, he always talks about how cool Darth Maul and the Pod Racers are) but as far as SW Titles go its a great title. So with that being said "The Ancient Fear" follows the unofficial naming rules (for the first episode in a SW trilogy) with no SW specific terms and does establish a certain dark and mysterious tone for the ST. The only "ancient" times I am aware of (most interested in) in the SW timeline is The Old Republic (TOR / KOTOR) era. And any Ep VII title that invokes images of the TOR era is a big time win for me.
This rumored movie title tells me that Ep VII will connect 30 years post ROTJ (the new post ROTJ canon) to the TOR Era (will it now be canon, at least parts of it? We know that Darth Bane and Moraband (was Korriban in ancient times) are in already, and why the big stink about renaming Korriban! It all makes sense now). Not only does that sound awesome, I also buy it! Who needs hope when you have fear, especially an ancient one! :)
That's a pretty bad title but I doubt it's the actual title. I'm glad to hear that J.J. is really into it (If that's true). I hope and pray that this will be good.
ReplyDeleteIt's a silly title, and I don't want to believe it, but then, this is the guy who gave us 'Star Trek into Darkness.' My money goes to 'The Eternal Force,' but that is without knowing a thing about the plot.
ReplyDeleteThe Eternal Force? THAT is a silly f**king title...
Delete"The Eternal Force", man? Really? Seriously? I mean, really? You will earn no money with that title anyway.
DeleteI love how people criticize the supposed title and then propose one that is far more silly and much less meaningful.
DeleteJJ did not come up with the title of the second Star Trek film, nor did he have any part in establishing the material for either of the new Trek movies. He was the director; much different than the screenwriter. It's just stupid to compare his work on Star Trek to what we think EpVII will be.
DeleteI don't give it any credit, what a weak, slacker title!
ReplyDeleteI was really hoping the title would be announced on may the 4th, oh well
ReplyDeleteGuys have in mind that the article says WORKING title. No one claims that this will be the real Episode 7 title.
ReplyDeleteWe know. You know how we get. :)
DeleteI think its a cool title. If it does insinuate an "ancient" Sith Lord and its Darth Plagueis then that will be really awesome. That would mean the Muun found a way to stop himself from dying like Palpatine mentioned in Episode 3 and explored by James Lucino (not sure on spelling) in the DP book. I know EU is non canon now but still it could work. Our it could be referring to Darth Bane who did appear in the final episode of Clone Wars. Just some ideas
ReplyDeleteOr not our*
DeleteThe Ancient Fear...I really like it. It fits with the pattern. A New Hope, The Phantom Menace, The Ancient Fear...yes. Gooood.
ReplyDeleteI was going to mention the pattern too. There are definite patterns.
DeletePhantom Menace - New Hope - Ancient Fear.
Attack of Clones - Empire Strikes - ???
Return of Jedi - Revenge of Sith - ???
While it may not be the actual title, it needs to be something similar.
what about this: Star Wars episode7: The Dwelling of Fear
DeleteOk, every title leaked or rumored until now, is silly for many of you... please, tell us what in your opinion will be an ok title. PLEEEASEEE
ReplyDeleteA good assumption can't be made until plot details are released.
DeleteBut if the title is The Ancient Fear, looks obvious than the plot will introduce some kind of... ancient fear, maybe the sith in general, one sith in particular reborned or revived, or something else.
DeleteSo, if the plots introduces some kind of .. ancient fear, will the title be silly?
I like The Ancient Fear, looks great.
Right. I completely agree
DeletePerhaps It will be called episode 7:Dwelling of Fear,it would then suggest that Luke may go to the Sith homeworld
DeleteStill a rumor but i like it.
ReplyDeleteSuggesting, not cheesy.
I find darker the word "fear" than "darkness" itself.
Though "The Ancient Fear" is a rather dodgy-sounding title and probably just another baseless rumor, I have to say that it at least does basically appear to follow the pattern of establishing an overall tone for the trilogy. "The Phantom Menace" introduced a trilogy about the shadowy overthrow of the Republic and the Jedi. "A New Hope" did the same for a trilogy about the Rebellion and Luke's path toward defeating the Emperor.
ReplyDelete"The Ancient Fear" could certainly point toward a trilogy about the return of darkness to the galaxy, possibly connected somehow with the original Sith.
That being said, the writer/editor in me can't help but to see it as a rather weak title. Why use a comparatively pedestrian word like "fear" when one could just as easily use a more dramatic, pulp-novel type term such as "dread" or "terror"? It would be a bit like calling Episode I "The Unknown Threat."
But as Viral points out, this is at most a working title (as was "Blue Harvest" back in the day) and it comes from a rather questionable source to begin with. I seriously doubt that this will be the actual movie title.
But it's fun to speculate about nonetheless. ;^)
"Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."
Delete"Fear. Fear attracts the fearful… the strong… the weak… the innocent… the corrupt. Fear. Fear is my ally."
Governor Tarkin: The regional governors now have direct control over their territories. Fear will keep the local systems in line. Fear of this battle station.
DeleteAgree with the speculation and fear-based quotes above! :)
ReplyDeleteFact: The title will have only one word.
Fact: The working title is a series of letters and numbers.
"Know, don't think." - Master Luke
Where did that scan with lots of sharpie markings come from?
DeleteHis imagination. There is no logic whatsoever to the blanked-out words.
DeleteAs a working title, fair enough, but hopefully they'll come up with something better. But who knows, maybe this one will grow on us, if the rumour's even true.
ReplyDeleteThe Phantom Menace / A New hope / The Acient Fear. Sounds good as the first title of the new trilogy! ...maybe they have to try to use the letter "R" for the first word of the title (for the "simmetry" of the Star Wars titles)...something like Rise of an Acient Fear
ReplyDeleteAnyway this title seems too "evocative" ad matchs with the other first episodes for a simple working title!
I don't believe anything Harry Knowles comes up with.
ReplyDeleteFear is the path to the dark side, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering...
ReplyDeleteFear is the base emotion of the Dark Side. I like that title very much...
Concerning MVS character, I think it is a bit risky to make him the main villain for the trilogy due to his age. If they were to film the whole trilogy in one go like LOTR, ok. But this thing will take at least 6 years from now to finish. I could see MVS in the role of a dark side fanatic that unleashes an ancient evil on the galaxy in EPVII and is killed of.
I agree this is the likeliest approach. Yet if the entire story is clear and decided upon, conceivably they could shoot all of MVS's scenes right away, including those that will be in the next two movies. Perhaps he is more of a behind-the-scenes villain and doesn't have to personally engage in so many fights.
ReplyDeleteThe final scene of ROTS, where Luke is delivered to Owen and Beru, was shot already when they made AOTC, I believe.
They shot the scenery while filming AOTC, but the actors were then filmed during ROTS against green screen.
DeleteIts 'Out of Darkness'.
ReplyDelete"it refers to Max Von Sydow's villain who makes Pazuzu (the demon in The Exorcist, starring Max Von Sydow) look like a pussy!"
ReplyDeleteThat makes me so excited eeeee! Maybe Max is indeed darth plagueis, who is the "ancient fear". Would make sense I guess.
This would also tie in with rumours about a sith home world being introduced in to the film. Think about all the "ancient fears" in Korriban in KOTOR.
DeleteThe top choices that come to mind for me would be Plagueis, Bane, or Lord Vitiate (Sith Emperor from SW:TOR). The ancient Sith Emperor became immortal after extinguishing an entire world of all life, sort of Galactus-style, and would be over 5000 years old by the ST.
Delete(Disclaimer: I know the whole EU situation, just suggesting character templates).
I think Korriban is canonically Moribund now.
DeleteMoraband, sorry.
DeleteYou know, I don't know that I'd get too much hung up on the name. If the movie kicks booty and the name sucks, I'm fine with that.
ReplyDeleteAs far as Max Von Sydow playing a villain, that would be awesome. Maybe, he's a long lost, unknown twin of Obi-Wan Kenobi. Would that be cool?
How would that make the movie better in any way ??
DeleteWell, for starters, it's just an idea, so sue me.
DeleteSecond, nothing ever has been mentioned of Obi-Wan's family. He could have siblings and I do think that Max Von Sydow could pass for his brother. It has been suggested in other posts that he could be playing Obi-Wan Kenobi as a force ghost. While others have suggested that Van Sydow looks nothing like Obi-Wan.
After all, it is all speculation and fun discussion. Right now, anything is possible.
If you remember production for the Thrawn trilogy, the clone of Jorus Cboth was originally going to be an evil clone of Obi Wan. Maybe this is the direction they are going, borrowing elements from Cboth.
DeleteMax Von Sydow as obi-wan's twin?? ..oh dear god
DeleteIt could possibly be set up like this (and this is probably wrong):
DeleteVon Sydow reaches out to Luke and pretends (or maybe is) to be Obi-Wan's brother. He gains Luke's trust through the movie and pretends to be a good ol' boy, ie Sidious in EP1. Meanwhile, Driver is his evil apprentice. At the end of the movie, Sydow reveals his true intentions to Luke, betraying him and setting up a battle between Luke and Driver. Luke proceeds to cut off Driver's hand, ie Luke in Empire Strikes Back, Darth Vader in Return of the Jedi & Attack of the Clones.
If he is that character that could work.
DeleteWell, as much as Luke thought of Ben, he could easily fall into that trap. Driver could be a deceived pupil of Von Sydow. That would kinda sorta be like Anakin/Sidious, maybe even too much. Luke could spend the next two movies searching for Driver, like Vader did with Luke.
DeleteThey COULD CGI Alec Guinness - Lucasfilm does have the rights to his image. I personally think it would be awesome if they had Ewan Mcgreggor do the voice over for the CGI Alec force ghost. They could edit it in a vocal modulator to get it to sound pretty perfect. If obi-wan makes an appearance - I think that would be the best path they could take. Ewan deserves to be part of the continuity. Its not his fault that Lucas didn't give a shit about the dialogue for the P.T.
DeleteI doubt it will really be Obi wan's brother but MVS's character will trick Luke into thinking so. Like Rebel Scum mentioned before. But I'm still betting on an ancient Sith Lord awakening and threatening the new republic after 30 years of peace
DeleteSince Obi-Wan would be a force ghost, then CGI of Alec Guinness could work. However, I don't think Ewan McGreggor doing the voice and it being altered would be a good idea. As much as Ewan was just about one of the very few things I liked about the prequels, I think you could probably find someone who could mimic Obi-Wan's voice easier than to alter someone else's voice.
DeleteI would stray away from recreating Alec Gennius with cgi all together.
DeleteCould it be Von Synow appearing to Luke as Obi-Wan's force ghost, sort of faded and out of focus so Luke could not tell? Just a thought. I'm jumping around here, just having fun. And then onto the reveal at the end like my suggestion?
DeleteThe fading/out of focus could work, since Luke may think that it's been a long time and Obi-Wan's spirit is fading.
DeleteThat could actually work
DeleteI don't think Max is gonna reprise Obi Wan in any sort of way. "TRICKING LUKE" seems pretty far fetched to me. BUT I always imagined Luke as being unstoppable and the greatest ever. If they do kill Luke off - it will be in the same fashion as Obi Wan where he holds his Light Saber, closes his eyes and disappears as Driver's character slices at him. I think that Obi Wan will make an appearance. It would be really cool if Luke has a new temple where we see the force ghosts of Obi Wan Yoda Anakin and Qui Gon... And Mace Windu if they know whats good for them. Wait - is Boyega gonna be Windu's relative?
DeleteHere I go Again.
DeleteBut Max is Anakin Skywalkers Brother.
In clone wars yoda is tolled this after his fight with palpatine. please look here.
Way to agree with yourself over the fading/out of focus idea, Rebel Scum.
DeleteToo bad he is referring to Luke Skywalker in that YouTube link
DeleteNo I don't think so. Please note that after the there is another skywalker line. comes vaders breath. No it's Anakin but maybe is it a warning about Anakins dark side...... if not Anakin has a Brother or a sister.
DeleteYoda saw a vision of the future so he saw that if Anakin becomes Vader, there is another Skywalker, a new hope: Luke.
DeleteTomorrow we'll post a really cool speculation article about MVS's character. Stay tuned. :)
Delete"It could possibly be set up like this (and this is probably wrong)..."
DeleteI can see this happening with OT Luke, not with a much older, wiser ST Luke.
Viral, just post the really cool article today, I'm anxious for the speculation!
DeleteI'm sure 3D printing will be used. I like the idea of, like star wars in 1977, there is a huge advancements with practical effects. Imdb is listing a model maker called Neil Ellis is working on the project who's built amazing star wars ship models.
Well that's awesome! That's one of my pet peaves about a lot of movies is when they CGI spaceships because models look way better... I hope they build big neo star destroyers, nebulan frigates, and god knows what else models. Thanks for the info!
DeleteI just want to see an army of jedi fighting an army of sith. I want epic lightsaber battles. Is that too much to ask? lol
ReplyDeleteI think the time period to see that is not 30 years after ROTJ. It would be the Pre prequel days, when there were much more Sith and much more Jedi.
DeleteMaybe this ancient fear is a new dawn of sith so there are hundreds coming out of hiding to destroy Luke's new jedi order
DeleteThat would go along the rumored "New Dawn" title. Although, maybe one of the spin off movies could suit your fancy for epic Jedy/Sith battles set in the time when there were a lot more of each.
DeleteI think new dawn is the novel set before the rebels series
DeleteStar wars shouldn't be about a huge "epic" lightsaber battle, so yes it is to much to ask for
DeleteI'm not saying That's what its about I'm just saying I would like to see one in a movie not just in video games or comics
Deleteugh I'd fucking hate huge lightsaber battles. Cleverness and simplicity over shlock please.
Delete@ Anon May 6 2014 4:03
DeleteThat's why I suggested it could be one of the spin off movies.
Remember obiwan and anakin encountering the father and son and daughter? Mvs could be the father. And driver the son. I recall reading somewhere the baddie is not sith
ReplyDeleteWhat is it you're refering to? Is it Clone Wars?
DeleteThat is from clone wars but both of those characters died
DeleteThat would be a pretty good story line though if they take from that. Those were very interesting episodes. CONE WARS - Episodes 56 - 60 - 61
DeleteEp. VII will take place 50 some yrs. after the Clone Wars. That would make Driver's character 60 something by this time, which is ridiculous.
DeleteStar Wars: The Jedi Legacy.
ReplyDeletelegacy?? But that means what's been left. Episode 6 is called return of the jedi, where have the jedi gone by episode 7 lol.
DeleteThey haven't gone anywhere! But maybe the reference is specific to 'someone'?
DeleteIn addition to what Anon@4:21 said, following "Return of…" with "The Legacy of…" makes absolutely NO sense whatsoever from a continuity standpoint.
DeleteWhatever the title ends up being, it can't be worse then Attack of the Clones.
ReplyDeleteYes, it could be worse. It could be titled: "The Second Attack of the Clones"
DeleteCould be a lot worse than even that title.How about 'The Return Of Jar Jar Binks'.
Delete"The Attack of the Jar Jar Binks Clones"
DeleteDarth Binks strikes back
DeleteJar Jar's Big Adventure
DeleteThe Attack of the Phantom Binks
DeleteThe plague of the Gungan fever.
Delete"Revenge of the Gungan". That will be the title and the joke will be on all of the millions of Jar Jar haters out there…muahahaha!
DeleteFollowed by The Sand Strikes Everywhere.
ReplyDeleteStar Wars Episode VII: The Living Force
ReplyDeleteWell think "The ancient fear " is a working title like "Blue Harvest; horror beyond imagination"
ReplyDeleteI know it's way too easy but maybe "star wars 7 disturbance in the force" could be the title it fits the phantom menace" and "A new Hope.
Probably couldn't workwell but I'd love to see it as either the ancient sith emporer or darth bane.
ReplyDeleteA character like the ancient Sith Emperor could work well. It's like a double win for Disney because it gives them an easy bridge back to the ancient Sith (which is one of many spinoff rumors).
DeleteIs it just me, or does the 3d face look like Palpatine?
ReplyDeletePretty sure it's Max Von Sydow...
DeleteIt's nothing like either, and nothing's been stated it's even from SW7 ... looks like a stock photo to accompany this site's article.
DeleteI think the 3D face thing is from the movie "mission impossible 3"... there's a scene were they make a fake mask for phillip seymore hoffman's face... I could be wrong but it looks VERY similar.
DeleteWoops nevermind... this is the source:
I'm very fearful about this rumor
ReplyDeleteStop calling Max Von Sydow MVS (microsoft virtual server I believe in tech terms) please.
ReplyDeleteIs this like how the WWF had to change their name to WWE because of the other WWF?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteTitle is really good and could refer to a anciant Sith lord or something similar.
ReplyDeleteI could live with this title. It is a challenge to come up with a new story that can stand as the continuation of the original six episodes, since RoTJ seemingly saw the downfall of the Empire and the Sith. It could be revealed that the Empire was really just one manifestation of some incredibly ancient evil. This hidden power continues to work and must now be faced. I have suggested before that maybe the ultimate enemy is the Dark Side itself, which is perhaps waking up and gaining sentience -- a dark, angry god stirred and provoked by the downfall of Palpatine, who was so attuned to it and did its will.
ReplyDeleteThe Dark Side is no living entity. It is based on Jung's concept of the Shadow. Lucas worked closely with Joseph Campbell, one of Jung's closest collaborators and an authority in the "Hero's Quest", which the OT is obviously a great example of.
DeleteI'd suggest you learn a bit about Jungian psychology if you really want to get a good grasp on the concept of the Dark Side. (And in that sense, this title would make all the sense in the world, regardless on how good or bad it may be).
Honestly, the whole "Force" concept is kept so (deliberately) vague that they could take it in all sorts of directions -- and ol' George doesn't even have the final say anymore, though I suspect they will try to keep him on board. Sometimes the Force does seem to approach sentience (and hence virtual godhood), as when Qui-Gon speaks of "the will of the Force". We must simply wait and see where they will take this.
DeleteThought experiment: If George Lucas were completely alienated and denounced the movie as "not true to my vision of Star Wars", would fans still accept it as canonical, if the movie as such was great?
I think George has lost his mind, so if GL doesn't agree with it, tough doo doo for him.
DeleteFor example, is it canon that Greedo shot first? Or is it canon that Han shot first (which is my vote)? What about this: is it canon that old Anakin appeared to Luke at the end of ROTJ or is it canon that Hayden C appeared?
Real deep, Rebel Scum, comparing the intricacies and complexities of the Force with who shot first in one of what must've been countless showdowns in countless backwater worlds' watering holes.
DeleteEpisode VII: The Dark Legacy.
ReplyDeleteSimple as that.
And I shall weep man tears if any suggestion in these comments come trur.
Episode VII - Corruption At Dawn
ReplyDeleteThats pretty bad.
DeleteAVGO huh? If that's the actual title, it's obviously an acronym. Any guesses?
ReplyDeleteA Vile Gungan Outcast? A Villiainous Gungan Outlander? A Valiant Gungan Odyssey?
DeleteIDK, but I'm pretty sure that the "G" stands for Gungan!
Oops! I guess I should've kept on reading the comments below before my post above lmao…
DeleteA Vial of Gungan Oil
ReplyDeleteAnother Vindictive Gungan Overrun
ReplyDeleteAfter Victory, Going Out
ReplyDeleteA Voluptuous Girl Overrated
ReplyDeletehow bout this title for episopde 7......
ReplyDelete" Knights Of A New Dawn "....... it makes sense. After all, this part 7 what they say is the older generation passing it on to the new generation of ????? Knights, etc..... it is a new dawn. a new age..... my opionion anyway but who am i ? lol...
Knights Of The New Republic
DeleteA Very Gargantuan Orgy
ReplyDeleteAliens Versus Gungans, Omg!
ReplyDeleteEspecially since we know who would win, if the Aliens were of the try-to-kill-Ripley type ... Ah, imagine the lovely, lovely scene: "Mesa gonna dyin'! Mesa feelin' da chestbuster stirrin' inside mesa chest right now! AAAARGH ..."
Deletea vagina gushing orgasms
ReplyDeleteAngry Video Game Offspring
ReplyDeleteAnother Volunteer Goes Down
ReplyDeleteIt's AVCO.
ReplyDeleteAs in the AVCO Center in L.A. which was one of the first theaters to show Star Wars in 1977.
DeleteThat's what I was starting to wonder.
DeleteThis is where the premier of Episode 7 will take place.
Avenging Vader's Ghost and Obi-Wan's
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteA Vengeance Grown Old?
ReplyDeleteI can't do any better than that. The best I can do is "A Vision of Galactic Order" but I'd need to buy an "O".
DeleteWell, it's obviously doubtful that this is true, but I like it nonetheless. It's appropriately pulpy, just like the titles of the other 6 SW movies.
ReplyDeleteGiven we just had a "good guy" title (RoTJ) plus the fact that the last Episode appeared to eliminate the "bad guys" (Emperor, Vader, Empire), it seems almost essential that the new title invoke some sort of new threat or bad guy that will span the arc of the ST.
ReplyDeleteE7 is has a blank slate for bad guys. They could make them be anyone or anything. We know the good guys from the last Episode (Luke/Jedi, rebels). We have no idea of the bad guys.
DeleteOur legitimate options from past Canon movies are: Sith or empire remnants. If JJ really wants a link to the past movies, Darth Plagueis is the only other Sith mentioned by name -- otherwise the baddies will be entirely new to the movies and could be anything.
My guess is a mix of Plagueis, new apprentice characters, plus a new organizational unit (like the empire or clones) to engage in the actual "star wars" parts of the ST movies.
How about 'Meet Me In Mos Eisley'?
ReplyDeleteSince the last few SW film titles weren't released until 8 or so months before release... I don't see why episode VII will be any different *especially* given JJ's level of secrecy. We still have 18 months to go... wait a year for that title... this rumor is about as credible as Fox news hahah.
ReplyDeleteI think The Ancient Fear works but An Ancient Fear is better.
ReplyDeleteNo, 'the' is singular. 'an' implies multiple threats.
DeleteOf which, there will probably be...
DeleteThe Ancient fear is not terrible, but I doubt its validity. My Top Ideas (with absolutely no prior thinking on this):
ReplyDelete-The Son Also Rises
-Son of the Suns
-Son of a Gun
-Son of a Gungan
-Sonoma, Williams
Okay...I veered a bit there...
Almost there! How about 'What Are You Gungan Do About It?'
DeleteThreat of the New Republic ;)
ReplyDeleteMax Von Sydow is the main villain? Hope he lives long enough to finish the trilogy (he 85!).
ReplyDeleteI hope he's not the villain. I'm tired them being old men.
DeleteWhat as opposed to young men? Young men who are literally the only kind of villains in films anymore? lol
DeleteBut bear in mind rumour has it that Lupita Nyong'o is to play Ventress in Ep7. So does that suggest that she has gone back to her old bounty-hunting ways (after TCW) and could potentially be a threat again? For example, how many times did she make it into the Senate building? Yes, she helped Ahsoka out and started to amend her ways in season 5 of TCW, but that doesn't mean she's now officially one of the "good guys".... Could be very interesting with JJ at the helm....
Delete"But bear in mind rumour has it that Lupita Nyong'o is to play Ventress in Ep7."
DeleteAnd you bear in mind that's all it is, a rumour.
The SW7 script was already written when Lupita won her Oscar and became hot property. No! Not on I'm afraid. But the spin offs, definitely.
DeleteStar Wars Episode 7: Heir to the Empire
ReplyDeleteI still think Palpatine may be the main villain. He wasn't listed in the cast as to keep him a surprise. I know he is dead, but if the Jedi can have a force ghost, why not a sith?
DeleteBecause it is very difficult to become a force Ghost based on the clone wars cartoon a jedi has to basically reach enlightment and a complete balance with the force
DeleteYeah but they can easily introduce something new. If the Jedi have force ghosts, then maybe palpatine discovers how to actually reincarnate their body. He spent a long time falling down into the death star, he could have used his anger or whatever to build a new body somewhere. I don't know. After all the dark side is way more powerful than the light, and as the man is question says himself "the dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural". I bet we've only seen 1% of what the force can do.
DeletePalpatine should stay , dead.
DeleteWell, the flash and rush of energy out of the core when he fell in was never really addressed, so it could potentially be derived that it was his spirit ascending (descending? :P ) to the ethereal plane of the Dark Side of the Force....
DeleteI always Interpreted that as all the energy erupting out of his body as he hit the bottom and died.
Deletebut if the Jedi can have a force ghost, why not a sith?
DeleteSimply because the Sith are anything but balanced, peaceful, harmonious, mindful or enlightened. And neither is anyone who can't see this is what it takes to become One with the Force, for that matter.
Two words:
ReplyDeleteBlue Harvest
horror beyond imagination
The Ancient Fear goes along with the first titles of the previous trilogies A New Hope & The Phantom Menace which describes the protagonist or antagonist....
ReplyDeleteoh no I dont want this
ReplyDeleteI think AVCO is the working title, yes, to mess up the news of the day before, just because someone filtered the real title: The ancient fear
ReplyDeleteHmmm, it was a bit strange how that came out almost immediately after wasn't it?
DeleteYes because it wasn't a real title to begin with... wait a year! No way JJ's gonna let the real title leak, if he's even thought of one to begin with.
Deleteand what i read in other threads, THE ANCIENT FEAR is the opposite of A NEW HOPE...
ReplyDeleteThe Redeemer of Fear MHWAHAHAHAHAHA!
ReplyDeleteHere's bob iger's take on "the ancient fear" title.