Ever since the April 29th casting announcement, fans have been speculating as to who Max Von Sydow will be playing in Episode VII. Our best clue is the original casting breakdown:
[MAN - 65-75] Tough and opinionated.
Based upon Von Sydow's age we can presume this may be his role. But, obviously, that's not much to go on. After the jump we'll delve deeper into who this "opinionated" man may be.
Before I get into the specifics of the character I have to lay some groundwork for where this speculation is coming from. Star Wars, as we all know, is first and foremost founded in mythology. Joseph Campbell did a series of specials with Bill Moyers in which they discussed "The Power of Myth," especially where it pertains to Star Wars.
Mythology and archetypal characters are the framework by which George Lucas built his universal view for his galaxy far, far away. This becomes most evident in Season Three of The Clone Wars animated series, specifically the epic "Mortis Arc," Episodes 3.15, 3.16, & 3.17.
*** Spoiler Alert ***
If you haven't seen TCW and intend to, you may NOT want to read on.
*** Spoiler Alert ***
Dave Filoni and company produced bonus features for just about every episode of The Clone Wars, except, strangely enough, for the Mortis Arc. Dave did a brief video explaining that the arc was highly symbollic and mythological and mysterious, but gave no deeper explanation. Part of mythology is psychological, which means the viewer is responsible for interpreting the material. However, for the purposes of this article I will cover some of the basics, which are pretty self-explanatory.
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The Universe |
Anakin, Ahsoka, and Obi-wan are taken to this strange and mysterious diamond world of Mortis when they actually should have been rendez-vousing with their fleet. Mortis is Latin for "death" or "of death." Therefore we are immediately told that this arc takes place outside the carnate universe. While on Mortis the trio encounters a trinity of beings, "The Ones" who are impervious to lightsabers and the Force because they are the Force, or, more precisely, the aspects of the universe that have been broken into dichotomy from the One:
1- The Father who represents the One
2- The Daughter who represents the Light Side
3- The Son who represents the Dark Side
This concept can be seen in this familiar symbol:
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The One and the Three |
As further proof, recall what Obi-wan taught Luke about the Force:
"The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together."
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The Dark Side of the Force |
While in Mortis, Anakin is given a test. Tests are a common part of life as everyone can attest. In mythology they are often used as themes. For example in the Roman myth of Hercules he had 7 labors which were a form of test. In the movie Pan's Labyrinth, Ofelia must pass three tests in order to rescue her baby brother. And in Star Wars, Padawans must pass trials, or tests, before they officially become Jedi Knights. Anakin fails his test by choosing to side with the Son, the Dark Side, and is shown glimpses of his tragic future, which the Father erases with a simple touch. As all Star Wars fans know by now Anakin falls to the Dark Side and becomes Darth Vader.
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Son of Mortis, is that you? |
Fast forward approximately 15 years after Revenge of the Sith and we come to the new show Rebels. In Rebels fans will be introduced to a new character called the Inquisitor. Astute observers will notice that the Inquistor uncannily resembles the Son of Mortis. This is not an accident or a mere cooincidence as we were forewarned that Anakin would align himself with the Dark Side and now in Rebels we will see Anakin, as Darth Vader, working with the Son of Mortis incarnate in the Inquisitor as they work together to hunt down and kill the last of the Jedi.
Now here we have to briefly look at the "Rule of Two." It's a Sith concept for propogation as explained to us by Yoda and Mace in The Phantom Menace. But, as we have seen throughout the Prequel Trilogy, is more of a guideline than a rule as Palpatine had Maul but was courting Dooku (according to the "Darth Plagueis" novel which may not be canon.) Dooku was training Ventress while apprentice to Sidious and Palpatine was courting Anakin while he had Dooku, who had Ventress. You get the idea. These guys are sinister so they don't act honorably and are given to back-stabbing as Sidious had Anakin kill Dooku, making room for a new apprentice. They're kinda like monkeys in that they won't let go of one vine until they've secured another.
So anyway, this Inquisitor is trained in lightsaber combat as he wields a cool version of a double-blader. This is important as he may NOT be a Sith in the truest sense, but he is definitely in training (like Ventress was to Dooku), while Darth Vader is officially Sidious' apprentice.
IF there are Sith, or Darkside Force users, as Latino Review reported last year, they will be guided by Darth Sidious as a Sith Spectre. Even going so far as to say that Sidious had a "secret apprentice" before his death. Well, it is said that history repeats, so this rumor does make sense as Palpatine attempted to convert Luke to the Dark Side and destroy his own father while doing so, just as he convinced Anakin to destroy Dooku.
There was a rumor floating around the net last year that a character from Rebels will be in Episode VII. Perhaps that character is the Inquisitor? Could it be that this "secret apprentice" is the Inquisitor character? Keep in mind that the Inquisitor is the only character whose voice actor hasn't been revealed, which is curious, wouldn't you say? More on this in a minute . . .
Then we stumbled upon this article from moviecricket.com, which is very exciting and really supports this theory. Here are some of the more telling snippets they gleaned from John Morton, who you may remember as "Dak Ralter" from The Empire Strikes Back:
'Rebels is the key. Rebels will provide the link to bring in the continuity from Clone Wars, the Original Trilogy and the Prequels to enable LucasFilm and Disney to tee-up ‘Episode VII’. If you want my informed opinion, it will enable ‘Episode VII’ to leapfrog over the whole trilogy.'"
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Pan - Faun - Pau'an |
So, it is distinctly possible that the Inquisitor will be around and with this bit of inside info we can discern that Darth Plagueis, as some have speculated, is eliminated from contention because he is only briefly mentioned during Revenge of the Sith and, since he's dead, doesn't seem likely to appear in Rebels.
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Creepy |
All this begs the question -- Who is Max Von Sydow playing? Could it be the Inquistor? IF we were casting the Inquisitor, who would likely have aged roughly 50 years after Rebels, then Sydow would be an excellent candidate. Not to mention that Sydow is no stranger to villainous roles such as "Ming the Merciless," or "Leland Gaunt" from Needful Things. And he has also been in many movies with mythological elements such as The Seventh Seal, The Exorcist, Flash Gordon, and Judge Dredd so he knows genre films. Hell, he even looks like the Inquisitor without the Pau'an makeup.
Then there's AICN, which posted some juicy info, claiming that Von Sydow is playing THE big baddie and that the rumored title THE ANCIENT FEAR refers directly to his character. Could it be that the ancient fear IS the evil, malignant Dark Side of the Force incarnate???
He also stated that "it refers to Max Von Sydow's villain who makes Pazuzu (the demon in The Exorcist, starring Max Von Sydow) look like a pussy!"
Lastly, about the voice for the Inquisitor -- recall the table read last week. Notice something?
Max Von Sydow wasn't there. Where was he? Could he be in the US already recording voice-work for the Rebels TV show? Disney/LFL hasn't revealed who will be portraying the Inquisitor yet and we haven't heard his voice much either. Perhaps the voice we do hear is just a placeholder for Sydow and that the big bad for Episode VII will be revealed once the show hits in the Fall, as it will surely be disclosed then that Sydow is the voice if this theory holds true.
Easily the only actor announced thus far that has the acting chops or the gravitas -- of the Alec Guinness, Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee ilk -- is Max Von Sydow. And I may be wrong about who Von Sydow is playing, but one thing is certain, he was NOT brought in just to play some opinionated old geezer.
He's playing Ming. DUH!
ReplyDeleteWell Max is 85, which means, as episode 7 is set 35 years after episode 6, he was around during the OT times. So he needs a back story. If this is the back story then I will vomit up my stomach lining. Sorry but I mean it's not even remotely good. I mean how would this make the film any better? It's just complicated for the sake of being complex.
ReplyDeleteAgreed 100%.
DeleteI can't see character who will be introduced in a cartoon (that won't even be watched by everyone who'll go see the movie; that's inevitable) as a lower-tier villan (regardless on how good he might be) behind Vader and the Emperor as a remotely effective bad guy, let alone a really fearsome one.
I have to possible theories regarding this.
Delete1. Ardus Kaine. A cold, calculating baddie who has literally no backstory and can be totally toyed without upsetting fans.
2. He's Gilad Pallaeon. An awesome EU character(RIP), he was basically Thrawn's right hand man and he's old af.
These would be two perfect villains to play with as Disney said they'd mine the EU pretty heavily in their press release.
Totally plausible. I can see this being the case. Nice detective work.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting ideas to consider!
ReplyDelete"Rebels will provide the link to bring in the continuity from Clone Wars, the Original Trilogy and the Prequels to enable LucasFilm and Disney to tee-up ‘Episode VII’."
ReplyDeletehaha who talks like that? That sounds like a fake press release or something, not any old interview answer from some random actor.. and why would some random actor from the original trilogy know inside knowledge about all of this anyway? what a load of crap.
I considered the Inquisitor also as the resemblance is there. Might be a bit too large a backstory though. I would think it would have to be simplified so the general audience can understand it and not be confused. But I guess they could make it simple and only go into the Inquisitor and Son as more in-depth backstory if you want to know it.
ReplyDeleteAn interesting theory.
ReplyDeleteI personally do hope (and think) he could be playing Darth Plagueis.
As the novel is now not canon, I doubt he will be a Muun, but the actual character is still canon. THE ANCIENT FEAR. Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Implies a Sith.
The Sith Rule of Two, there was Sidious and Vader. And yeah they could do it that the big bad is another, 'secret' apprentice, but it would seem more interesting to make it the master rather than another apprentice.
Even though Palpatine says he was killed, Plagueis had power over life and death itself. Its possible Palpatine was, in his overconfidence, mistaken. It wouldn't be the first time.
And let's be honest, what could be more badass than finding out Luke, Han, and Leia saved the galaxy from an evil Emperor that brought down a Republic and the Jedi Order, but that guy had a master. There's someone even worse than Palpatine.
"And let's be honest, what could be more badass than finding out Luke, Han, and Leia saved the galaxy from an evil Emperor that brought down a Republic and the Jedi Order, but that guy had a master. There's someone even worse than Palpatine."
"... that there's someone even WORSE than Palpatine."
DeleteHear, fucking, hear!!!!
Best comment ever made on this blog.
And I hope & I pray that that "someone" is, indeed, Max Von Sydow ....
Palpatine could have just been purposely making up the whole Plagueis story also. Just for the sole purpose of peaking Anakin's interest in saving Padme's life. He was a master manipulator that Palpatine..
DeleteIt was George Lucas who said he was a Muun before the Darth Plagueis novel was written.
DeleteThe big problem I see with this is the idea of Palpatine surviving death. GL specifically told the CW team that Sith can't retain identity after death as it is only something a Light Side user can achieve. As revealed in the final episodes of Season 6, the key to retaining your identity requires things a Sith would never be able to do. Having a Sith achieve life after death in any real way (i.e. aside from something like a holocron) would cheapen what Obi-Wan and Yoda were able to do.
ReplyDeleteAnakin was also able to retain his identity...interesting as he spent the last 20 years of his life as a sith lord. Granted, he came around in the end, and maybe it was this fact that allowed him to do so. Maybe it was because he was the chosen one. But ROTJ shows us that it is at least plausible that a sith can retain his/her identity after death.
DeleteGL said it was Yoda and Obi-Wan that allowed him to retain his identity. I believe it was in the Bluray commentary.
DeleteAlso, Anakin sacrificed himself for others. Something a Sith would never do.
DeleteFrom Wikipedia
Delete"George Lucas has since indicated (on the Revenge of the Sith DVD commentary) that the appearance of Vader's former self, Anakin Skywalker, as a Force Spirit at the end of Episode VI is due to Yoda and Obi-Wan's spirits helping him extend his identity out of The Force."
They just make it up as they go, and fanboys try to make sense of it all.
DeleteI agree. Not everything needs to be explained, but it is interesting to hear GL's take on it (even if it will be different tomorrow). I haven't watched the DVD commentary in a long time and haven't seen the Blu Ray commentary, but that is an interesting thought about Yoda and Obi-Wan reaching out to him after death. Anakin was obviously redeemed in the end as he renounced the ways of the sith, and his situation was obviously different than the other two (Yoda and Obi-Wan) as his body did not disappear immediately at death. Luke dragged his body to the shuttle and it remains unclear (GL might have addressed this in commentary - not sure) from the films if Luke burned his body or just his suit. Either way, he did not pass away like his former masters. So it makes sense for Obi-Wan and Yoda to intercede on his behalf after death. Interesting.
DeleteJust because he makes it up as he goes (as all authors do in some way) and "might" change it later, doesn't mean that it isn't official cannon now. If we don't take into account what the official story is, then we might as well speculate that Yoda goes to the Dark Side after death, possesses Luke, and makes clones of himself to create a new master race to kill all other beings.
DeleteUntil we hear different, the official story has to be a boundary that we can use to guide wild speculations. If not, then why even bother with this franchise?
I'm liking the Darth Plagues angle the more I think about it.
ReplyDeleteI agree, when this rumor first started I got very excited I believe this would be a really interesting direction to take the ST, the fact that he was mentioned as a myth in Episode 3 also in a way makes me hope for this because I think it would put it all together. Think of the possibilities, Plagues "killed by Sidious in his sleep instead of in combat. Sidious never became stronger then Plagues and in doing this made the Sith weaker. And Palpetine also said that Plagues could influence the mideclorians to create life. Did Plagues create Anakin? Is Plagues in some weird way Luke Skywalkers grandfather? These are weird ideas but are they possible?
DeleteMe too. It really completes the arc. Not just another Sith Lord and Apprentice story. A truly manipulative and secretive evil.
DeleteDarth Plagueis!!!! Please, be Darth Plagueis! Would be ultramegafuckinglutely (Negan's quotes).
ReplyDeleteI believe kanan will be a founder with Luke and other Old Jedi Order survivors and their padre and in hiding to found the New Jedi Order right after Battle of Endor.
DeleteWell, would be a nice play. I was thinkin... Kanan Jarrus = New Kyle Katarn.
DeleteLuke, when gone am I... the last of the Jedi will you be... except for the others that survived the purge. Oh, forget to tell you did I?
Delete"Luke, when gone am I... the last of the Jedi will you be... except for the others that survived the purge. Oh, forget to tell you did I?"
Deletelol. This. Yes.
Maybe Kyle Katarn and others will quickly rebuild the order.I think there are more Jedi survivors and newly trained pads wans in hhiding than we know.
ReplyDeletePutting a complex, top-notch organization such as the Jedi Order takes a looong time, especially if you really want it to be effective, regardless on how many original members may have survived Order 66.
DeleteYou are assuming the Jedi will be what they were in the Legends books.
DeleteMaybe Luke takes it in a completely different direction. I doubt the Jedi will be directly involved in whatever government exists. I don't think we are going to see a large organization of Jedi, but a smaller, semi monk-like group. Maybe there are only a couple of Jedi at this point? Maybe Luke hasn't rebuilt the Jedi order at all beyond teaching a son or adopted apprentice. Whatever happens, Luke can't take the order back to where it was in the prequels; the end of ROTJ made that clear.
wouldnt it make more sense for Sam Witwer to voice him more so then a 85 year old ???
ReplyDeletesam witwer voiced him before , that is if this is true.
ReplyDeletePretty convincing posit.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see the following villains...
ReplyDeleteDarth Plagueis
Mortis/The Inquisitor (Wait, are they one in the same?)
Asajj Ventress
Some new , lesser villain, ala the Tarkin/the Fetts/Grievous
Everyone will learn that Plagueis was the dark lord that created Anakin who joins his murderer Sidious who both die before the Jedi twins ( Luke,Leia) who at least one of them will have a child or more continuing their bloodline leading up to the real chosen one. The entire saga has always been centered around the Skywalkers. It all got started with Anakin being born without a father, the twins redeamed the hope, and the last Skywalker will be the chosen one. The odds are that Leia will have a child without a father making that child the last Skywalker when you trace the bloodline. ( This is true if Luke doesn't have a child. )
ReplyDeleteAgree with everything except the part about Leia having a child without a father..any child that comes from her will be fathered by Han Solo.
DeleteIf the child is from Han, then it's a Solo, not a Skywalker. Each trilogy is about each Skywalkers adventures with the ones they were and came in contact with.
DeleteDo you not know how genetics work?
DeleteBy your process of thought Anonymous May 7, 2014 at 3:03 AM, then the Skywalker bloodline ended with Anakin. Him having Luke and Leia with Padme Amidala surely means that those two aren't legitimately a part of Skywalker bloodline. This is all based on your way of thinking of course.
DeleteTo say that Leia's kids with Han aren't Skywalkers is absurd; Leia is a Skywalker. If Luke had fallen to the darkside, Leia would be the other hope for the galaxy. Final note: George Lucas himself has stated that Anakin is the chosen one. By killing Palpatine he had ended a time of great despair.
The Prophecy:
In the time of greatest despair,
a child shall be born
who will destroy the Sith
and bring balance to the Force.
Guys... have you already thought about Kanan Jarrus being the new canon Kyle Katarn?
ReplyDeletePossible but Katarn was an imperial at first and later learned to be force sensitive. He Wasn't a Jedi to begin with but then the EU isn't canon anymore so yes he could be a new take on the character.
DeleteYeah, that's the problem, but Jedi Academy no longer exists in new canon, so he can be the new Kyle.
Deleteyeah it looks like we are going to see a lot of things from the EU happen differently and with new characters or newly names characters. Such as Kyle Katarn - Kanan Jarrus
DeleteAhh, I was forgetting... Kannan can be a Dass Jennir type too.
DeleteMaybe Kane Starkiller
DeleteHe's the voice of Darth Bane.
ReplyDeleteActually, it was Mark Hamill who voiced Darth Bane.
DeleteNow you got my imagination going. What if the Son of Mortis or another dark side character found an ancient relic or text with instructions on how to bring Darth Plagueis back to life.
ReplyDeleteYour own reasoning tells you the answer.
ReplyDeleteNature is the result of 2 inalienable entities:
"is-ness" & "not-ness", if you will.
One of the infinite number things that's a part of this most fundamental dichotomy is Good & Evil.
I won't get into a philosophical definition of these 2 things are because they, like EVERYTHING else, are self-evident.
The Dark Side is Evil. It's not "wrong" or "right". It's just, again, like EVERYTHING else, an absolutely necessary way of thought. So to say Anakin failed the test just because he chose the Dark Side is a 101% inaccurate assessment. It's his preference, nothing more. Dark Siders can argue for how thier way of life should be the one that prevails just as convincingly as Light Siders can argue for how thiers should be. Look at the Sith & thier likeminded folk. Do they look miserable to you? To also say the Sith are doomed to failure just because they're "bad" is also wrong to say. With all that being said, I hope MVS turns out to be the Sith version of Yoda & that he'll last through all 3 movies.
You guys got all that from "tough and opinionated"? That's all stretching it just a bit isn't it?
ReplyDeleteEven though it's not considered "canon" anymore, it could be possible the "Ancient Evil" is the Sith emperor Lord Vitate, since he reigned thousands of years before the original trilogy, but IDK. I'm really upset about the whole canon thing. Makes me not even want to see the new movies. The Thrawn trilogy, KOTOR and the Vong, not to mention the Legacy comics I thought were awesome, and now it's just being tossed aside. This is Star Wars, not Star Trek people! I feel ripped off.... :-(
ReplyDeleteits been said countless times... but what the hell. lets try one more time. the movies were never beholden or based on EU material. You never had any reason to expect that that would change going forward. if you liked those books great. but no one ever promised you that they would be the basis for future movies.
Deletesorry if you are disappointed but no one has cheated you.
He is going to play Obi-Wan's brother, who was taken away and trained by the Sith. As opposed to Obi-Wan who was trained by the Jedi.
ReplyDeleteMr. Eudonym, is it fair to assume that you are one with REAL insider info?
DeleteInteresting theory, and it works for me. Another thing I remember reading how proud they where of this arc.
ReplyDeleteI like this theory. I highly prefer he plays the Inquisitor rather than Plagueis.
ReplyDeleteinquistor is awesome
ReplyDeleteHe's going to play Obi-Wan's Force ghost, I think that's pretty clear. These wild theories are mildly entertaining though.
ReplyDeleteA well-conceived plot, however there's great risk. Does it not necessitate, or at least imply, that von Sydow, currently 85, will be available to do voice for Rebels for a number of years to come? And unless his character dies in Episode VII, probably act in Episode VIII, possibly also IX?
ReplyDeleteIn any case, very interesting and quite a plausible theory, Viral. Thanks!
Echo-07 gets the whole credit on this one. :)
DeleteHey Viral how do I send you a direct message without google+?
DeleteSend me an email. It's in the right sidebar. viralhide@gmail.com
DeleteYeah. I thought of this. He's old. I'm guessing that whatever role he plays in EVII, that'll be it.
ReplyDeleteit's not an official news website man. Give them some slack based on that fact. (sshhhh) Anyways, fan sites like this one speculate because it's fun and interesting.
DeleteIt wasn't a criticism, just an observation. And I agree, it is fun to speculate, but sometimes it just gets a bit much. Can't wait till the filmmakers start feeding us some real info on what's going on.
DeleteIt´s very clear he will be Plagueis for many things...1.- Ep.7 most be linked with the other movies and the Inquisitor is only linked to CW. 2.- Plagueis will match perfect to explain Anakin and Palpatine's origin 3.- There is a strong backstory of Plagueis on Ep.3...and finally: MVS height, face and age match perfect with Plagueis illustrations
ReplyDeleteMVS looks Muun? haha
DeleteI know, it is such an off-topic, but... IMDB says that Lando will be in Rebels o_O http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2930604/fullcredits?ref_=tt_ql_1
ReplyDeleteI really hope that the main antagonist isn't some living embodiment of the dark side or any other such nonsense.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I sort of agree with you. Probably the last thing I want to see is them telling me that the dark side can be destroyed or that the Force can be "clensed" somehow. Seems lazy to me.
DeleteCannot agree more. I don't want a fucking dark side force god.
DeleteI'll add my vote. The idea is lame as hell. Any aspiring filmmaker/author could come up with something faaar better and much more creative than this.
DeleteIn one way, I share that skepticism. At the same time, if the main villain in the sequels is just some random surviving Sith or dark side cultist dude, it will be quite difficult to make that story more than an afterthought to ROTJ and the ultimate downfall of Palpatine and Vader.
ReplyDeleteWhoa, what a load of crap.
ReplyDeleteI think von sydow might not be Plagueis, rather some good guy who may die in Episode 7. He is 85, They wont risk a big bad character. I dont want to speculate on Plagueis, but it will really be wonderful if they make the Plagueis a villian. A new villian, may be Palpatine's secret apprentice is good but not on the level of Palpatine or Plagueis. Lets c
ReplyDeletePlagueis was Sidious teacher. He killed him in his sleep.
DeleteAlthough we lost a wonderful set of stories in EU, atleast DARK EMPIRE AND STARWARS LEGACY is NON-CANON!!! I am extremely happy for that :)
ReplyDeleteSad only that Labyrinth of Evil, Darth Plagueis, Darth Bane all are Legends :(
Not buying this as i think they will go with something new.
ReplyDeleteI was under the impression that according to the Empire, Humankind were the hirarch species and they did not enlist any others into their ranks. Also, I really wish they hadn't given him that silly, round lightsaber hilt. It's even dumber than Dooku's, in my opinion.
ReplyDeletePlease let the writers understand how the Force works in Star Wars...
ReplyDeleteThe writers understand it just fine, as Kasdan more than proved with TESB's script. It's many fans who haven't gotten the slightest idea on how the Force works.
DeleteI just hate how the force has all gone to shit with the prequels and clone wars. I mean midichlorians? the father son and daughter of the force?? what the fuck?? They better go back to the simple and interesting mythology routes of the OT rather than this videogame-like rubbish.
Delete-Spoiler Alert-
ReplyDeleteWord within the industry is that his character raises the male Skywalker offspring. According to the spec script, Leia has two children, but is told one dies at birth, wen in fact he's been secretly raised by a 'new emperor type.' the plot twist being that of bringing a dark Jedi to the light (presumably over the course of the next films( That might also explain why only one offspring has been cast?
Thanks for that. I don't need to see the film now.
DeleteA very interesting theory indeed, whether the actual story plays out this way or not.
ReplyDeleteMy only question is, if the Son of Mortis is supposed to actually be evil incarnate, why would he have deigned to play the lackey of a lackey of the Emperor during the events of the Rebels series? Where the dark side is concerned, are we to believe that power defers to a lesser power?
Would the Son of Mortis not have been compelled to challenge Vader, if not the Emperor himself?
This is what makes me think that if von Sydow IS playing the main villain in the ST, the character would have to have spent the Galactic Civil War someplace far from the action. Otherwise, if he was part of the Vader/Palpatine nexus, it's going to be very difficult to justify why he was nowhere to be seen or even heard from in the OT.
Thank you for bringing this point up, DEKKA. I too was wondering the same thing. Logically, wouldn't the roles of the Inquisitor and Vader be swapped if this were the case? I'd assume the son of an incarnaton of evil would be the "chosen one" Palpatine was looking for and that their medichlorian readings would surpass those of Anakin dramatically. If they choose to go with this as a motivating plot point, it seems a bit backwards.
DeleteYou could always chalk it up to the Force working in myterious ways (not that I'm behind this idea of the dark side incarnate AT ALL). Maybe he just largely conceals his Force presence or something. Perhaps he needed the events of the OT to unfold the way they did as part of some grander destiny he sees for the galaxy.
Delete...outstanding article echo-07 (the main thing I love about Star Wars is it`s deep grounding in mythology);the rumoured "ancient fear" title (which I love) would certainly tie in with what you`ve written - again great job!
DeleteRocketKnight13, I don't think they'd be able to get away with simply saying, "Well, the Force works in mysterious ways" as a justification for this. Not after the continuity disaster of the PT. If "the Dark Side incarnate" has been quietly kicking around the galaxy for half a century while the Empire rose and fell and the Rebellion/New Republic rose in its place, then there is going to have to be a good solid explanation for it. Otherwise, the audience isn't going to buy it.
Delete"Wait a second... this guy is more powerful than Darth Vader and the Emperor combined, and yet he waited until his adult diaper years to make his big move to take over the galaxy? Riiiiighht..."
They would have to justify it based on the Inquisitor's grand plan and what had to be in place for it to happen. And why would the incarnation of the dark side even age or become tangible in the first place? I really struggle with that last one which is why I'm very oppossed to this idea.
DeleteYeah, it doesn't really work for me either. In the Star Wars world, much the same as in the real world, power seeks more power. Sure, they could come up with some grand plan for the Inquisitor that requires that he sit on his thumbs for a few generations, staying out of the way of those with significantly less power before making his big move.
DeleteBut I can't see anyone really buying into that.
The Inquisitor could not know about his real identity as "Evil incarnate", and could actually think that he has less power than Sidious. Maybe he will discover who he is through time, and he will understand that he best plan to defeat the Jedi is to wait until Plagueis is defeated and the New Republic is created.
DeleteThink of it like the Antichrist. I would imagine he will be a devil possessed man who doesn't understand (at least at first) his condition, but is guided by the devil and becomes the most important person in the world.
Also, an incarnate of evil would age normally, because he is "incarnate", which means that he goes through the normal biological cycle of every living being. Jesus Christ for example did age, and did die, even if he resurrected in the end and ascended.
I hope they don't make SW7 overly elaborate. JJ should keep it reasonably straightforward and accessible.
ReplyDeleteThe vast bulk of the audience won't be fanboys and some will be put off if the plot is too dense. Star Wars is about good v evil.
I agree. If they try and do too convoluted an attempt to tie together the OT, the PT, TCW and Rebels, the whole thing is bound to collapse under its own weight.
DeletePlenty of time to complicate things in Episode VIII. In my opinion, VII needs to be more of a straightforward "dragon-slaying" sort of tale.
Totally agree. The prequels partly require you to read the books to explain everything. Completely stupid. A good script explains everything. If it presumes you know background knowledge on everything and requires you to watch a tv series to fully understand it and tie everything together, then it's failed as a single movie script.
DeleteThey can explain who the Inquisitor is in the ST easily without considering preceding knowledge of the CW and Rebels series by the audience.
DeleteIn the OT, we are introduced to Vader/Anakin by Obi Wan, who with a few lines create a solid backstory for the character. Anakin's story is then elaborated more in ESB and ROTJ by Yoda, Obi Wan, and Vader himself. At that time we didn't have the Prequels to understand every single details about Anakin's life, but what was said was enough.
I think they can pull it off with the ST if they want. No need to complicate things.
"No need to complicate things."
DeleteNo need to dumb things down to the point of turning the villain of a cartoon into the main antagonist of the new film trilogy either…regardless on how he might be introduced.
i personally hope the word sith is never used in the ST. as is was not in the OT. Darth vador was a jedi who was seduced by the dark side because it was faster easier more seductive. if that makes him a sith... fine. but all this "rule of two" and home wold nonsense is garbage. home world of what? character weakness and bad decisions? the same goes for prophesies about bringing balance to the force and chosen ones. its fairly obvious to me that the GL that made the OT had an interest in Mythology. he has on many occasions talked about the influence of Joseph Campbell. and that interest naturally infused into the OT. I believe the older GL who made the PT no longer had an interest in the subject. He only forced it into the PT because he thought it was necessary for continuity. consequently his use of mythological themes in the PT is a total hack job. its rather sad that GL originally had a plan to use Star wars as a platform for all kinds of unique and innovative stories (some of which may have worked others may not have. but at least they where original)but in the end took the fast and easy route of simple cashing in on the first story. ESB and ROTJ complete Luke's "hero's journey" of Campbell's Monomyth. and they were of course awesome. but after that GL went down the dark path and it has dominated SW destiny. (interestingly I think GL knows this. Say what u will about him, the man has self awareness. he has openly critiqued his own path from artist against Corporate control of movies to corporation himself) There is no reason why SW had to be about the Skywalker line. Long ago GL said the PT would be about Obi-wan.(just one of many differing supposed back stories) they could have been his "Hero's Journey" or that of an as yet unknown Hero or even a completely different kind of story. but instead GL tried to shoehorn, through ridiculously overt hero/Savior themes, anikan into a role he does not fit. GL has always claimed that the back story was always there from the beginning. (this is just part of the story telling. to give the story a sense of history and scale.) but it should be obvious to anyone who has watch the movies that that is not true. the PT goes with the OT like Honey and Ketchup (stooges reference :) I dont know what the ST will be about but its a sure bet that if its any good it will be better than anything i would come up with. I just hope the next movie does justice to what SW once was. and to do that, they must distance themselves from all of the post 1983 baggage.
ReplyDeleteGeorge Lucas also said before that Anakin and Vader were 2 different people. He also said Luke and Leia at first was not the brother and sister until he changed it ROTJ to shortn the movies into a trilogy. Lucas has changed his mind over many times on many different stages. You can debate all you want about what Lucas said about this and that. But if you actually followed the script in ROTS ( ep 3) Lucas gives a blueprint on who Anakin really was and how he was created. Many of you fans always hit the breaks in your arguements about the saga and always go back to what Lucas said at one time or another. Face the facts. the sith are still out there. Anakin was not this fantastic savior of hope like many of you want to keep hanging on to. This new trilogy will connect the holes Lucas left in the other movies and explain more in depth on the true magic of the dark side and the Jedi. And for the record, the prequel trilogy was really focused about Anakins rise and fall. Lucas just took to dam long to get to the Vader part and then it ended before you could blink your eyes. Thats what pissed the fans off the most, that and a drag out script that bored many of us.
Deleteim not sure. but i think you missed my point. I was not trying to hold GL to something he has said in the past (i thought i made that clear by saying my example was One of many back stories he offered) You keep harping on this weather Anakin is the chosen one or not but my point is that whole story line is stupid. "chosen for What?" "to bring balence to the force" why the hell would the Jedi {representing the Light) what to bring balance to the force in a time when as far as they know there was no dark presence. it sounds to me like a clumsy attempt to mimic So called "eastern" ideas like Yin/Yang. just like the chosen one/virgin birth is a clumsy attempt to draw upon the Savior/miraculous birth stories( Jesus being the most notable to the majority of the audience) Now if this was skillfully put together into a good story i would not care if it was his "original" back story. but the fact is as much has he tried to mangle anakin into a "hero" story he is not a hero. I not saying he could not have made a good movie or even trilogy about anakin. but i am saying that he failure miserably to do so. these are just a few of the reasons why. the movies also sucked because Anakin was a thoroughly uninteresting and unlikable character who did not in any way shape or form resemble the character of darth vador.
DeleteThis is precisely the problem with penning everything on one man who was only utilizing preexistin (mythological) concepts to begin with.
DeleteThe term "Dark Lord of the Sith" IS IN the Star Wars Ep VI script and novel.
DeleteResuming: OT was a masterpiece based on ancient mithology, on Flash Gordon series, on the Second World War, made by a young man that wanted to make something cool with his youth stuff, something that became a entire new universe. PT was shitpiece made by the same young man, but influencied by his fans, media and fame, wanting to retire and to pass the legacy that he and a lot of other wonderfull people: John Williams, Ralph McQuarrie, Ben Burtt, actors, producers, and a lot of other workers once (in the OT) have created.
Delete"Iger also said that he visited Pinewood Studios several weeks ago and felt confident that Episode VII would be "phenomenal." "
ReplyDeleteWell what's he gonna say? That Star Wars will suck?
-Spoiler Alert-
ReplyDeleteAlso, a close aquaitance told me they're taking the Two Towers approach for the opening of the film. Won't give away too much, but I think you can figure it out.
Well fuck me Jonesy, if it weren't for people like you we would have no idea on what's happening in the next 3 films. Keep up the good work.
DeleteAnd also, a close friend of a casual acquaintance of my cousin's gf told me that the opening of the film will be similar to A Game of Thrones, and that the new threat will be this supernatural, really terrifying ice-zombies bent on taking over the galaxy.
Isn't that the main primise of the first Thor movie? Until he winds up in New Mexico looking like Kurt Cobain...
DeleteI think the Son and the Inquisitor just happen to look the same. If Von Sydow is portraying ANYONE from Rebels, I would assume it would be Kannan Jarrus and he will help Luke establish the New Jedi Order. He would eventually be killed by the new villian in Ep VII (Driver).
ReplyDeleteI like the Plagueis idea though, if he was able to save himself from dying, tricking Palpatine into thinking he was actually dead. The whole time, from his supposed death until Ep VII he has been waiting for Palpatine to die and raise up a new Sith apprentice (Driver). Seeing as Luke more than likely has reestablished the Jedi Order, Plagueis would send his new apprentice to wipe them out.
This may be my inner nostalgia coming out, but it would be annoying if the ST tried to out do the OT in terms of galactic significance. That is the same mistake the EU did which ultimately leads into Star Trek territory. I really liked what Lucas said about the saga being closed with Anakin's story and the next one would be a sequel as in a sequel saga if I understood him correctly. Whatever the case just bring us another high stakes adventure trilogy that takes us to places we haven't seen before and makes Star Wars feel new and unexplored again.
ReplyDeleteI belive you're correct!
DeleteLumping the EU together again. If you mean the Vong storyline just call it out specifically.
Deleteyes that's what i hope for. i really cant imagine these movies being as bad as the prequels. but my fear is that they will be just an OT knockoff. I would like to see SW return to an OT feel but that has nothing to do with story and new characters. I think its important to understand that the OT were not really scifi . it was a kind of new mythology with an old west grittiness that just happened to be set in "space" beyond that I just want a good story with interesting, engaging and fun characters
DeleteAnon.5:42pm no offense but i cant help be notice the irony of u "lumping" him in with other posters. :)
Deleteone good turn deserves another ...
DeleteJust hope we get some sort of stormtroopers, new bountyhunters.
DeleteSydow will be the leader of the sith homeworld. Oh yes we will see there planet. before it gets blown to bits, by some supernova typething.
the remaining sith will choose to settle on Tatooine.
Why do I feel like this could actually be pretty close? It would certainly be an ironic use of The Ancient Fear title.
DeleteRemember one thing: All Star Wars movies are not just about Anakin's story...They are about The Skywalker family.
DeleteVery interesting article, I'll keep this in mind...
ReplyDeletePALPATINE: To cheat death is a power only one has achieved, but if we work together, I know we can discover the secret.
ReplyDeleteI believe this is the character that will be the big bad in the new trilogy. Palpatine never refers to this as Plageius or anyone else, so the Star Wars team has complete freedom here. The "One" to cheat death might be a character that would give the Exorcist character a run for their money. Is it someone that has been referred to before? maybe. It could just be a new Sith character derived from EU material like Darth Andeddu (not sure if thats how you spell it). Maybe it the son from the Clone Wars story arc, maybe Luke and company finds the Mortis planet. I think that would be pretty cool myself because if a good portion of the movie is in a "Dagobah Cave" like environment then anyone could make an appearance in this movie; Vader, Palpatine, Obi-Wan, Padme, etc, could all appear as guides to Luke or another Jedi. So many possibilities.
So what you're basically saying is that nobody in charge of bringing this project to life is capable of imagining any options whatsoever, outside of the EU realm.
DeleteHey, just because some fans couldn't write a piece of fanfic (let alone a true literary work or screenplay) to save their lives, and can't see beyond a few scattered stories here or there, that doesn't mean that Abrams, Kasdan, etc. are as creativity-barren as all that.
There's a gazillion exciting, original possibilities that could be explored in these films, outside anything that's been done before, including the 6 previous films. If I can imagine them, I'm certain the new SW PTBs can come up with something of their own.
My 'ancient fear' is that you are right which sounds an awful like like Dark Empire in terms of cheating death with cloning and body transfer. Again, Star Trek hard sci-fi stuff, not Star Wars. I know Lucas did something similar himself with the early drafts of ANH, but thankfully he discarded them later. Best thing these new movies can do is ignore the PT altogether.
DeleteQui gon jinn is the one to cheat death as he was the only one to speak from the afterlife at this point of the story. It would be plausible that Sidious knew this.
DeletePalpatine was obviously referring to his story about Darth Plagueis with that line. That was the whole setup to con Anakin into turning to the dark side. And the caveat from "The Tragedy.." that "he was able to save others from death, but not himself" makes it pretty clear that Plagueis was dead and gone.
DeleteIt would be a ridiculously cheap cop-out for the screenwriters to take that line and say, "Well, since he didn't explicitly say in that one line that he meant Darth Plagueis, we can just bring him back." Lucas pushed the bounds of credibility with his cavalier attitude toward continuity, especially in the PT. We don't need any more of that in the ST.
I agree, this is a chance to start fresh knowing that three movies are going to be made upfront and avoid the convoluted plot twists of the previous two trilogies that resulted from Lucas not knowing where he was going with the story in the OT that resulted in incest, Obi-Wan being a habitual liar, Leia being delusional, etc. They should be just rebooting this thing with an all new threat to fight and keep the relevant continuity within the scope of this new trilogy without adding further conflict to the previous two.
DeleteI assume Vader began teaching this crap looking Inquisitor with his crap looking lightsaber then, like Dooku trained Grievous? I can see that the puzzle pieces match. So Ep VII might feature a Sith after all...too bad, it ruins the integrity of Ep IV - VI. At least it doesn't require a ghost Palpatine. Still if they use this silly looking character from a silly cartoon they might as well give us the return of fucking Jar Jar.
ReplyDeleteMaybe it's we who have changed...and bit the movies. I defy you to find a teenager (or anyone who grew up during the prequels) who doesn't think they were amazing. You won't here jargon about story issues, or 'returning to the feel of the originals.' Because here's the issue: Anyone under the age of 25 has undergone serious mental rewiring due to technology, and it's effect upon how we perceive even stories. And this is coming from a psychologist.
ReplyDelete'not' the movies, rather.
DeleteI was 9 when The Phantom Menace was release. I thought I could have been a better Anakin than Jake Lloyd at that point. Aside from crappy acting, I thought the PT was great, not as good as the OT of course, but still I loved all six movies. All my friends who are Star Wars fans think the OT were better, but the not as die-hard fans liked the PT better. Regardless, everyone I know is indeed excited for the new ST.
DeleteI grew up with the OT, and aside from AotC (which was a huge disappointment for me), I have no problem with the PT.
DeleteAs a student of Buddhism, I was very pleased to see that Lucas took the Jedi in the exact direction that I expected. I was also pleased to see all of the corruption plaguing the Senate and how Sidious used this to his full advantage.
I couldn't care less about Binks, nor do I lose any sleep because of this intergalactic "Goofy". To me, he's not that important to the overall story, and I've certainly seen countless films that are much worse than the prequels (Batman & Robin, anyone?).
So it's not only kids who grew up with the PTs that like those films. Nothing wrong with thinking for yourself and standing up against peer pressure (which is, I'm sure, the reason why many take such delight in bashing the prequels. After all, I'm also sure that all of these people were amongst the first in line to see the films, and not just once).
agree with Ian I do. Learn from this we must! :)
DeleteMy son (teenager now) and many of his friends think that the PT was "sick" or "awesome" or "Darth Maul is the best" or "The Gungan battle with the battle droids was my fav", etc and many of their favorite moments in the entire SW Saga are from The Phantom Menace and believe it or not Return of the Jedi. Must be those cute Ewoks! And I do believe that TPM was the first SW movie that most of these kids saw in the theater ... hmm now that sounds familiar! :)
I do not know what it is exactly (I will differ to Ian as he is the psychologist here) but there is something to the PT and RotJ that teenagers (and younger children) just love! I know that I am generalizing a bit (well maybe a lot) but my experiences are similar to Ian's re: Teenagers/children and the PT being "amazing" and "sick" and "the best". I had one kid (my son's friend) spend the better part of 30+ minutes telling me all the cool parts of Episode I ... and did I see this ... and that ... and do you think Lucas meant this? ... did you see the last Clone Wars' episodes? ... got to love SW! :)
May The Force be with us ... all of us!
Would fit with this: http://www.blastr.com/2014-5-2/rumor-day-title-jj-abrams-star-wars-episode-vii
ReplyDeleteMax von Sydow's character is "voice only".
(This notwithstanding, personally I hope he is Plagueis!)
If the few spoilers above turned out to be true on top of Plagues being in the film I would be very excited.
ReplyDeleteExcept that Plagues was "killed in his sleep."
DeleteAccording to Palpatine who:
Deletea) was a notorious liar
b) turned out to be the one who was mistaken "about a great many things"
Exactly and Palpatine said Plagues learned how to cheat death, Palpatine claimed Plagues lost his powers but he could again have been wrong about that.
DeleteOw, what the heck! You guys want a CG alien that talks about that prequel bullshit of midi-chlorians to be the villain of the new movies? And the Inquisitor? Since when StarWars is dictated by a cartoon series? The movies are the ones! (Even though the prequels make me cry). If they are going to put a true Sith Lord in the whole shit why they don´t ressucite Darth Revan from the dead then?
DeleteI'm not saying it's my first choice but you could do worse. My feeling is that Plaguies will remain dead though so as not to interfere with Palpatine's story. As for the Inquistor I'm not really a fan yet but I'm willing to give him a chance.
DeleteThe canon is pretty undefined at this point but Reven went from Jedi to Sith and then back to Jedi. I'd like to see someone perhaps based on the ancient Sith Emperor from TOR (fits "The Ancient Fear" working title and creates a bridge from the ST back to the ancient Sith).
I don´t know if you noticed about that, but the Sith don´t exist anymore, or they souldn´t. Darth Vader was the last of them, and if they return, they must be new ones. JJ Abrams will be a total creativeless person if he does it. He should create new threats, not go back in the old ones.
DeleteI liked the TOR Sith Emperor as well but I think they should be more creative and don´t put another Sith based villain in the movie.
DeleteIf you haven't noticed Randomic, Star Wars is a modern myth that carries certain themes throughout the saga. One of those themes being the on-going conflict between good and evil (commonly used in mythology). The essence of evil in Star Wars has always been the dark side of the force. Manipulators of the dark side happen to be sith. There's nothing "creativeless" about it. In fact, there's quite a lot that can be done with the sith after the empire has been thwarted. We'll just have to wait and see what they come up with.
DeleteSee, and I don't get the notion that anyone proficient with the dark side of the Force absolutely MUST be Sith. Isn't a more hard-won and valuable lesson the fact that evil does not always come with the trappings and labels that we've been conditioned to expect?
DeleteThe Sith line was destroyed at the end of ROTJ. Now, what's more dramatic? The idea that a long-dead Sith lord suddenly reappears and we pick up pretty much where we left off? Or the idea that dark side Force adepts are gaining power in their own way, without embracing the Sith teachings or claiming the Sith line as their own?
That's more understandable. We'll just have to see what they decide to go with.
DeleteIt would be foolish to create a new unknown villian...and foolish to bring a EU or a CW villian...Plagueis is the only character linked to the movies, and linked to Sidious and Vader.
DeleteBut Plagueis is dead... That's been made known already. To revive him would be even worse than bringing in Sidious clones or the Vong.
DeleteAll right. I got your point, I was just too upset about Echo idea of the inquisitor to be the episode VII villain. I know that StarWars franchise has a strong basement in the light vs darkness/good vs evil idea. They can bring another Sith Lord to the screen. Even a dead one. IMO, If they make a good story with it, indeed, why not? I just don´t want them to make another shit like the Prequels were. Anyway, as Master Yoda always said: "Always in motion, the future is." - Let´s wait more and speculate less.
DeleteWhen will people understand that SW is not TLotR, A Song of Ice and Fire, Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, etc?
ReplyDeleteTo think that the new films will be dependent on some henchman with a few Dark Side abilities as the main villain is even worse than thinking that the NJO books or Thrawn trilogy will be the basis for the ST.
It's the films that influence the novels, cartoons, videogames, etc. Not the other way around.
I come to remember that a few months ago there was discussion on Plageuis being a central point to the new trilogy. And it got bashed big time by a lot of people. This thread seems to imply otherwise. I personally think this would be a good approach. Regardless, I'm 100% confident that JJ and Kasdan will provide an exciting story that will please majority of the SW fans and will surely out do the PT.
ReplyDeleteIf they don´t put Darth Plagueis, you mean.
DeleteIt's also a probken with movies in general, which are, by their very nature, absolutes. That is, they usually come down to the vision if one person..told from their point if view and set in stone. If books (and the EU to that extent) have anything going dir them...
ReplyDeleteIs this what's come from the George Lucas outlines? It just sounds like forcing people to buy into this clone wars crap that completely contradicts what the force is all about
ReplyDeleteIt appears that the Star Wars Facebook page has confirmed Lando's participation in REBELS.
ReplyDeleteThis theory is completely ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteHe'll totally be Thrawn! You all know it!
ReplyDeleteNew report is saying that The Big 3 signed on before Disney even bought Lucasfilm. Which makes those recast rumors even more Bullshit. It also says that Han will be a lead character, along with the new three leads.
If Han Solo is a fucking lead character then I will cry.. and no, not tears of joy.. I'm way more interested in seeing Luke and Leia anyway. Plus Harrison Ford is such a shoddy actor nowadays. Han's involvement should just be as a dad to handle down the milenium falcon keys to his daughter, and then die to create some emotional depth to the story and his daughters character. Luke is the last jedi so he needs to have a big role and Leia is a princess/senitor and is probably the leader of the new republic so her role needs to be big. Han is only there because he's an interesting personality.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWhy is some fans think this is about Plagueis coming back from the dead etc etc ?....lmao..... what's coming back is what he did ?... It was known that he was able to use the dark side of the force to create life and prevent death. Now did you just read what i said ?...... " create life and prevent death "...... So we know he could create life. We know he could prevent death. Now if he was the one who created Anakin, then so be it. Im sure we will learn more in part 7 if this theory comes true. And he prevented death. So, could it be possible he was able to fake his death when Sidious killed him, or used some dark magic to bring himself back ? Who knows, but the point about plagueis was about his legend. If he created life and prevented death, im sure someone out there, sith or not, would try to find out and continue his ways. So its possible Plagueis could have made a holocraun of himself telling and/or showing how he did these things and many sith, etc are out and have been out trying to find this info. Thats the point of Plaguies part in the new trilogy.
ReplyDeleteNo. Hate to drop the hatchet on all this stuff, but all this EU and TV show stuff is not going to happen. Ep 7 will resemble the original trilogy in that it won't be Jedi everything. The character archetypes will be rounded, it will be an adventurous call to arms mixing old characters and new, with one or two offspring. Expect Sydow to be military or a combination of military and force minded because he understands the balance is necessary. This is my educated guess as someone who's written this stuff for a living.
ReplyDeleteI think that's actually so vague that it can't be wrong, so I agree.
DeleteMy point is that they're steering away from the types of things that are above.
DeleteI think SW7 will have Han, Leia and Luke involved in a battle of good versus evil. In fact, I'd mortgage my house on that.
DeleteI like this...what if Sydow was a former member of the Emperor's Royal Guard? A military man, privy to the secrets of rule and the dark side. He may not been 'strong' in the force but could be grooming someone who is...
DeleteJust some fuel for the fire - nothing serious:
ReplyDeleteI don't particularly care for this Inquisitor / Father/Son/Daughter theory. To me it borders on gods controlling the force, so I really hope it's wrong. Having Plagueis appear sounds desperate and colonies of Sith hiding about kind of breaks the "bringing balance" story element. But what is stopping some new amateur, evil character from having spent the last 50 or so years researching the sith and trying to find a way to revive it? Some expect Luke to have done this, so why not someone else? They don't have to be a copy of Palpatine, but a cunning, power hungry military leader trying to save the last of or rebuild the empire, who could throw lighting at you when you fail would be an tough enemy.
Not to be a stickler but Hercules did 12 labors not 7
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to think of a direction where the next film might take, but Disney has made it clear. The only canon is the 6 films and any TV shows that Lucas Films has made.
ReplyDeleteSo they are talking about Prequels, Clone Wars, Originals, Rebels and the Sequels so far. I'm a big fan of the EU, but I am not holding onto those stories.
Oh by the way, Han shot first....