Once again TMZ catches a lucky break and manages to get a comment or two from the legendary George Lucas, regarding the leaked pics from Abu Dhabi...
George Lucas seems like he is keeping as far away from Star Wars as he can, saying things such as "I'm Retired". The Reporter goes on to ask if he is bored of retirement and George responds "Nope! I'm really happy!" The video is really short, only 22 seconds as George is rushed away in a car at the end.
Didn't hear a single comment regarding the leaked photo's....
ReplyDeleteI think his gesture (on the picture) speaks for itself. :)
DeleteLeave the man alone.
ReplyDeleteseriously - TMZ is garbage.
DeleteCant argue about that.
Delete0 story to tell here.
ReplyDeleteSo he isn't even hanging around the set? I'd thought he'd at least be 'consulting' with JJ.
ReplyDeleteLeave him alone..
First off, I get that this is George Lucas, and we're supposed to laugh because we're all beyond mad at the dude for hastily throwing together the PT. Furthermore, I get that TMZ is trying to make a buck by conjuring up news, but I'm becoming increasingly perturbed at TMZ. To them, this whole Star Wars thing is a joke, and I sincerely feel that the fans are being treated in a disrespectful manner. First the leaked photos, and now they're going out of their way to be a d*ck about leaking them. It feels very much like something of mine has been vandalized and the big bully is going around bragging to everyone about it. At first I was excited about the photos, but now that I'm seeing how they're making a joke about it... I'm getting the distinct impression that they're glorifying in the destruction of the very thing we love most. For now on, I am ignoring anything that TMZ has to say. I refuse to support those that gain by making others suffer. =/
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you. Maybe the webmaster should just post a link to the articles/videos tmz puts out and nothing further. I think this site is awesome, I hate seeing it tarnished with TMZ content.
DeleteThe other thing is that TMZ doesn't "catch a break". They're the most massive tabloid there is, and they simply pay people who get them juicy stuff that they want to print. So, anyone who is willing to be an obnoxious reporter, or take out their camera phone in risk or losing a job, is their "employee".
Deleteexactly, if anything TMZ is promoting that people do shady things- and for whose benefit? No one but their own "click bait" tactics.
DeleteI'm not mad at George for making prequels. I'm thankful he created those amazing movies!
DeleteYou will be. You....willlll.beeee...
Delete1. No comment what so ever about the leaked photos
ReplyDelete2. The lack of respect from the "reporter" towards George Lucas is astonishing! "Good seeing you bud"?? Who are you talking to son? Your college roommate!??
When talking to a person decades older than yourself, and an American legend at that, some modicum of respect would indeed be vaguely proper.
DeleteIt was George all alone
ReplyDeleteThis article was as pointless as they come.
ReplyDeletegod damn it i hate TMZ
ReplyDeleteYeah, I hate them too.
ReplyDeletePointless article
ReplyDeleteWell such a "story" posting here makes from Star wars episode 7 news same a-Holes like T M Z in the first place.
ReplyDeleteNo. No it doesn't.
ReplyDeleteLucas was at the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Canada today
ReplyDeleteSay what you will about the PT, Clone Wars TV, etc but George is THE REASON we have any of this! May the Force be with you George ... always! And enjoy that retirement you deserve it. :)
ReplyDeleteNo one's denying that. However, how different would things have been if Lucas had full control from the start? How different would Luke, Han and C-3P0 have been?
DeleteI'm so glad we have the opportunity to possibly see movies that are much more like the OT rather than the PT.
I dunno, dude, I remember reading the original script for ANH on the Behind The Magic discs I had as a teenager, and it was pretty poor, to be fair - Luke Starkiller, anyone? It had a great premise behind it, but it needed a LOT of tweaking to get it to be as good as it is today. I'm not bashing George, he's clearly a visionary legend, shaking whose hand would most likely make me pee my pants, I'm just saying he had a fair bit of guidance, that's all. ^_^
DeleteHe's the main reason not the only reason. He did have help from others not to mention Alan Ladd Jr. at Fox willing to take a huge risk and even went to bat for him during the original production while other big wigs at Fox wanted to shut thing down and cut their loses.
DeleteIt's sort of like how the Beatles did awesome as a group, but solo.... mehhhhhhh. Star Wars is a group effort... that's what the PT should have been.
DeletePoor George. When he's not getting shit from overly entitled fans he's gotta take a bunch of crap on how people are handling a franchise he publicly announced he was stepping away from. What's a man gotta do not to get heckled.
ReplyDeleteWell it was only for 5 seconds as he was getting in his car. He wasn't kidnapped and interrogated lol
DeleteIt wasn't because they were DECENT PEOPLE or anything. They just didn't have the chloroform ready.
DeleteSounds like great news to me. Now leave the poor guy alone. He already gave us two of the biggest gifts ever. He started Star Wars... and he handed it off when it outgrew him.
DeleteAt last someone who seem to like the Prequels appeared and saved the day! Woo!!!
So George Lucas has ZERO to do with Star Wars now?!?
ReplyDeleteOne of the biggest cultural phenomena on human history and he has ZERO to do with it now?!? I simply refuse to believe that. That he has NOTHING to do with Star Wars anymore, Simply refuse to belive that. It just doesn't make any logical sense.
... and I didn't know he was here in the city. Darn, I woulda gone down to the St. Regis & asked for an autograph.
DeleteAnd to those criticizing Viral Hide because there is no information from Lucas on the leaked photos, READ THIS ARTICLE'S HEADLINE: George Lucas On The Leaked Star Wars Photos. The article is 100% accurate. This video was, indeed George Lucas on the leaked photos. He had no comment & said he eas retired. Thst IS his stated stance on the leaked pictures.
DeleteDude, chill. Lucas didn't say he had nothing to do with SW anymore. He just gave a very brief, and most important, a very elusive reply.
DeleteHe treated that "reporter" the way anyone with two functional brain cells would treat an idiot like that lol. That's easy for, again, anyone with 2 functional brain cells to see.
It's funny how people are now blaming Lucas for problems with the franchise when he's not even involved. That's what I call REAL hate.
DeleteCould you cite an example?
DeleteGeorge Lucas sold Star Wars because he is done it and made sure a response with posted videos; on how and why he would do so, would have a " there you have it" explanation for all to know. He is done!
ReplyDeleteViral hide, I have a possible plot outline for episode VII that i'm sure others have come up with as well but I'd like to know your opinion on it if that's cool. So.....
ReplyDeleteLuke needs help with whatever problem comes up in the plot, but needs to talk to someone like a force ghost or something, and he wants to communicate with anakin as a ghost.
How would you feel if anakin were a ghost of his younger self but they cast hayden as anakin? Would you prefer hayden or a recast of ? Hayden would get negaive reactions but what if jj could get him to stop doing that creepy look and maybe act a little better? I hope this makes sense.... lol
recast of Sebastian Shaw?*
DeleteYes I've seen this new plotline as well. Luke finds out that they hid the children from Anakin because of his "creepy, child molester type smile". They then pool all their remaining republic credits on acting lessons for him, and replace him with a cgi young version of Sebastian Shaw. Balance is restored to the force. The end.
Deleteenough of sebastian shaw. You guys are making him to be some kind of god. just stop.
DeleteI agree. In fact, how can we NOT see the reappearance of Anakin, if Episodes I-VI were supposed to be the guy's rise, fall from grace, and redemption. Anakin was the chosen one, so what if he his job is not yet over? What if his final job is to guide Luke and the new jedi order to overthrow the remainder of the empire (or something like that?)
"enough of sebastian shaw. You guys are making him to be some kind of god. just stop."
DeleteNope, not really. It's just that not creeping people out goes a long way.
As for Hayden, I think most of the perceived problems have to do with the script and the direction, not so much the actor.
DeleteIan McDiarmid is so great that he can take even Lucas dialogue and make it sound good, and it is like watching some kind of alchemical miracle taking place: before our very eyes, shit is turning into gold. But one cannot demand or expect such near-miraculous acting skills from the younger actors.
George Lucas has openly admitted that he doesn't enjoy writing and maybe isn't even a very good director. Then the man who has more money than God should have been humble enough to bring in professional writers and an accomplished director, able to coax the actors into giving an optimal performance.
It would actually be interesting to see what kind of performance JJ could get from Hayden, should Anakin's ghost make an appearance. I think some would be surprised.
He is acting as a consultant not an executive producer... I hate this paparazzi crap. The poor guy is just trying to go about his business and some over eager reporter is being out of line.
ReplyDeleteLeave man alone!
ReplyDeleteTo me, both are guilty of their own creations. First, Lucas brought the heat on himself when he was greedy and refused to let others help write and direct the PT. Lucas even said himself that he was never a good writer doing it by himself. That right there should have told himself to get others to help like maybe Kasdan. But he ignored it, and he has paid the price. Second, TMZ reporters are just like communist babies. They think they can trash bag anyone, yet they cry cry cry when the heat gets on them. And they start crying " We have a right ! Its not stalking ! its the freedom of the press !!!!! "...... So where does that put us at ? Lucas will always get ripped for the prequels. TMZ will always remain communist bastardz..... Its that simple....
ReplyDeleteLucas tired to get Kasdan on board to help shape the screenplays for the PT. Kasdan turned Lucas down. George also talked to other directors, including Speilberg, about helming episodes of the PT. Nobody he talked to was interested. So, I blame George's professional peers in the industry for what happened with the PT, almost as much as George. Nobody noteworthy that he approached wanted to be involved.
DeleteKasdan and Speilberg is not the only ones in Hollywood. There were a lot of directors and writers that would have been honord to help with the PT. Lucas got too picky with only a few. He would have found some if he really tried.
DeleteTMZ = Scum of the earth.
ReplyDeleteif i was George I would buy tmz and turn it into an agency that attacks paparazzi
ReplyDeleteTMZ Rebel scum...
ReplyDeleteThey're such Rebel Scum they stole the VII plans...
DeleteWait. Are we the bad guys now? I mean, sure, we don't steal and we're not scum, but... I- I just don't feel right about this. ^_-
DeleteHey Viral Hide!
ReplyDeleteIs THE GALACTIC RUIN the oficial title?
It seems appeared in Toronto casting or something like that...
What do you know about this recent rumor?
Check the net for us please ;)
George gave 4.5 billion to charity...the prequels weren't brilliant but they had their moments... Time to give an old bloke a break...star wars is in good hands and I'm sure jj will do a great job
ReplyDeletewell said
DeleteIt wont be if TMZ keep ruining things...
DeleteTo the guys out there complaining about the articles on starwars7news - why the hell are you posting on this site then, let alone browsing it? Are you just trolling?
DeleteOverall I think the articles on this site are very decent and moreover; fun to read! It's just this one in particular that got much critiszism. Don't generalize so much...
Delete"I hear you, man. Well good seeing you, bud."
ReplyDeleteFuck you, TMZ. Go die.