Star Wars Episode 7 News

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Mark Hamill's a Smack-Talking Monk in Virtually Heroes.

star wars

See the Jedi master in this exclusive clip from Roger Corman's tongue-in-cheek action flick about characters trapped in a Vietnam war video game.

Well it's not Star Wars related and the scenes were shot some time ago (the movie was at Sundance in 2013) but still it's Hamill in robe:

From IGN:


  1. LOVE Mark's voice! ;-)

    1. Hey Viral - just thought you'd be interested in seeing this if you didn't already know. Mark was just at Walt Disney World and did a 45 minute interview. Hes also sporting a beard and its apparently confirmed to be his look for Ep7!

    2. Wow. I just watched that link above ^ and Mark not only looks like he is in the best shape in the last decade, but he still has "IT"! His voice is incredible, his acting capabilities don't look aged a day. SO EXCITED!

    3. There's an article already with Hamil's Weekend appearance:

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Not an old-master-jedi-luke-skywalker kind of hairstyle at all

    2. I honestly don't think there will be a Jedi Order.
      I don't think Luke would make the same mistake as the Jedi of the Prequels, because he brought balance back to the Force and saved the galaxy. Would he really throw it back out of balance by rebuilding a religious order in a temple and intermingling with politics, which was the downfall of the Prequel era Jedi. I honestly think Luke returned to Tatooine and settled down as a farmer like his uncle always wanted.
      Or if there are Jedi, I believe they'll be much more like the original Jidaigeki, wandering samurai like warriors who roam the galaxy maintaining order wherever they go.

    3. I don't think it would be a very interesting plot if Luke became a farmer instead of rebuilding the jedi order ..

    4. It fits with Luke's character arc though.
      In A New Hope, he's a young idealistic boy who dreams of adventure and he wears white. In The Empire Strikes Back, he's been in war for three years, he's living his dream, fighting the good fight, but the war has taken its toll on his idealism, represented by his wearing of grey. He's trained by his mentors but he doesn't listen to their wisdom and he suffers the consequences of his actions. In Return of the Jedi, he's no longer a young boy, he's a man now and when his mentors tell him what to do, he listens to their wisdom but rejects it, and makes his own choice, because he's an adult and his own man, making his own way in life. He wears black now because he's accepted the darkness that is in his family. Just like in The Clone Wars where Yoda didn't conquer his darkness by pushing it away, he embraced it and accepted it, and Luke has done the same. By the end, he's lived his adventure, he saved the galaxy, redeemed his father and brought balance to the Force, he's gone from the boy dreaming of adventure to the man who's had it and it's changed him. I do honestly think he would return home to Tatooine and settle down as a farmer like his uncle always wanted him to do, and basically become an Obi-Wan like figure. The legend who lives alone in the desert.

    5. The Jedi Order in the PT was handled all stupidly. In no way did I get the sense that it was heavily faulted for the events that preceded the OT.

      There's no way in hell the PT Jedi Order would've lasted a thousand generations. They were purposely portrayed as being clueless and incompetent.

    6. Luke brought balance to the force and saved the galaxy ? That sounds like the chosen one to me.

    7. technically anakin killed the emperor, sooo, anakin brought the balance as prophesied

    8. Why wouldn't Luke at least attempt to rebuild the Jedi Order? They had protected the galaxy for a thousand generations. It felt like rebuilding the New Republic and Jedi Order was the next major step from Episode VI.

      I hope JJ and company aren't ditching all that just to recreate Episode IV where Luke is a hermit on Tatooine who was watching over Boyega for the last 20 years or so.

    9. Lucas always said that the Expanded Universe, or Legends now, post-Return of the Jedi with the New Republic and Luke's Jedi Order is not what he intended for the saga, it's not the vision he had for the nine film series.

      And The Clone Wars is great for seeing the full extent of how broken the Jedi Order had become during the Prequel era. Palpatine's machinations, the corruption of the Senate and the Republic, and even the blindness of the Jedi themselves all cost the Jedi to slowly go against everything they stood for, becoming essentially puppets of the Senate because they had become too mired in politics.

    10. That's why 'Return of the Jedi' is such a great title in so many ways.
      It's the return and redemption of Anakin, a fallen Jedi brought back to the light. Luke has finally become a Jedi as Obi-Wan and Yoda wanted, but he's also the return of the TRUE Jedi, as they were always meant to be.
      He does not ignore attachment, he does not get bogged down in tradition or politics, he saves the galaxy not through the Jedi code or denying attachment, he saves the galaxy through love for his father, something the Prequel era Jedi would forbid.

    11. DK743 knows whats up

  3. Ladies and gentlemen, your Jedi master.

    1. Ladies and gentlemen, Garfield and friends! :D

    2. We're ready to party, we're ready....

      I hope you bring lots of spaghetti.

  4. Worst fanboy ever trying to play make believe LOL!

  5. It's something to see how many fans say that Luke brought balance to the force and saved the galaxy, yet then they argue Anakin was the chosen one after he murderd kids in the Temple and blah........ Fk what Lucas numb azz says cause he lost his mind during the prequels. He flip flops all over changing things. Then he throws Darth Plaguies in the mix. They say they not using the EU yet they making Mara Jade toys. Part 7 is set 30 plus years after ROTJ. We gonna see the sith planet for first time in part 7. I doubt the planet will have nothing on it. The saga has always revolved around the Jedi and the conflicts with the Sith. Lucas words himself. Lucas wrote treatments for 7,8 and 9 while his azz was filming Revenge of the Sith with Darth Plaguies in it. So what do u get when u add all that up ? the so called chosen one aint here yet. I dont give a ratz azz what anyone says because the Jedi council in the first trilogy was not corrupt like some believe. The Jedi council was strong, and organized. They talked issues out and followed a code. What corruption was there ? lmao !!!! The only corruption there was, was from Darth Sidious and the crying of Anakin. So no one sit here and say Anakin was the one. Some of you have watched too much Vampire and Zombie movies. And probably the stupid Kardashians......MUAHHAHAHAHA

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I need oxygen and water.

    3. I need to be carbon monoxide and vodka. If you don't think Anakin is the chosen one, you are wrong. Plain and simple. It's not up for debate. I may as well claim that han solo was a droid.

    4. If you want to see the extent of the corruption of the Republic and the Senate, watch The Clone Wars, it's excellent seeing the slow transition of democracy into dictatorship, to the point where it essentially is the Empire just still under the pretence of 'Republic'. I would not say the Jedi Order is corrupt, but they're definitely broken. Lucas and Filoni talk about this behind the scenes of the Prequels and The Clone Wars, they become too closely intermingled with politics, essentially becoming lackeys for the Senate, and they're ignoring the principles of their order and what they stand for.
      Also, you kinda have to respect George Lucas. You may not like the Prequels, or some of the choices the man has made (I myself have problems with Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones) but it's still all his vision, even the Sequel Trilogy. None of it would exist without Lucas, and we should all be indebted to him.

    5. And I would agree, Anakin is the Chosen One, however, he could never have fulfilled the prophecy with his son, Luke. Both require the other to achieve their destiny. So in a sense the prophecy of the Chosen One is rather like the Force itself, two sides to it, the Dark and the Light, which make it whole.

    6. I am besides myself with the terrible thought that I'm the only person alive who thinks this prophecy thing is incredibly vague and beyond logic. 0_o

      It wasn't mentioned at all in the OT and was poorly explained in the PT. No wonder so many people online and trying to make sense of it.

    7. Watch the Mortis Trilogy, it adds quite a bit to the Prophecy of the Chosen One. It's all vague and philosophical, but incredibly intriguing with big implications.

    8. The reason why the prophecy was not mentioned in the OT was because in order of the episodes 1 to 6 that came out, we already had known that. Of course if the episodes was shown in order, then we fans would have never been surprised to find out Vader was Lukes father in part 5. But its easy to get headaches lol

  6. Billy D. Williams Confirms Rebels Involvement

  7. Star Wars Episode VII: George Lucas Papped By TMZ
