Star Wars Episode 7 News

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

J.J. Abrams' Message About the Leaked Photos!

It looks like the note is attached to a very familiar chess board:

Thanks to Slewnay for pointing that out to me.


  1. I still think they are leaking them. Funny, though.

    1. Very true. Definite leak from Lucasfilm.. a very weak jedi mind trick.. -.-


  2. Yeah, with a little legwork it would be pretty easy to find out who took the photos and in turn who leaked them, which makes it pretty obvious to me that they leaked the photos.

  3. going out on a limb here... but isn't that the chess set from the falon??? love the sarcasm...

  4. It is obvious they are leaking them intentionally...

    1. Of course not, silly. These aren't the droids you're looking for...

    2. You're right on that one. The note is a joke, that's why it's on the chess board. J.J. is trying to be funny. I think it worked

  5. Also, notice the table is actually the hologame table from inside said Falcon.

  6. JJ has a good sense of humour

  7. For those that do not know this. At one time the original chess set from the Falcon was on display at Disney/MGM studios as part of the exit exhibit on Star Tours. I don't know if it is still there or not but it's interesting that Disney had access to it.

    1. They could easily make a copy

  8. I love JJ's way of handling things.

  9. I think the oppossite. I think they had no intention to leak MF photos and he decided to give the Hologram chess, with sense of humor of course. The photo for me says: ok, MF photos are leaked, i'll give you a better image for the fans hoping it will be the last.
    With Boyega, Daisy and leaked set photos i see some kind of security is out of control.

    1. What is this "security" you speak of?
      You know how many people are on the set for a movie of this magnitude?
      Disney should be be grateful for what has, SO FAR, only been leaked.
      I'm surprised the script hasn't leaked out by now.
      Time will tell ....

  10. Looks like the table got a 'lil upgrade. Haha JJ's awesome... I hope they stop leaking photos too because I have zero willpower.

    1. I think there will be a bit of it now and then it will die down as they go into post production =) which is fine, then they will have more control of press releases as it gets closer to release date. Social media age star wars ups the excitement level at least in terms of keeping involved while the filming is happening :D

  11. Gotta love his sense of humour XD

  12. Looks like the note was photoshopped onto the board. Still really funny:P

    Dude's handwriting looks like it belongs on a brick wall in spray paint, haha.

    1. I don't think it's photoshopped... if you look closely you can see that note casting a shadow into the board. I guess that shadow could be photoshopped but I don't get the point of why it would be.

    2. It doesn't look photoshopped to me at all. I figure that's probably the board they have in their replica Falcon now.

  13. Jesus look at the detail on that chessboard!
    All the tabs on the edge have individually different symbols on 'em!!
    It absolutely KILLS me to say this, but I might, just MIGHT, be warming up to this Abrams feller ....

  14. This is obviously an intentionally ironic note from Abrams. How can anyone doubt that the crew is deliborately leaking the photos themselves to gauge fan feedback and build anticipation in this manner?

    1. Yesterday Viral said that he knows for a fact that they didn't want the photos leaked, but He couldn't say why... I think we can trust him on this.

      I would tend to agree anyway... I mean those photos were pretty junky if you know what I mean... bad quality/nasty TMZ logo across the pic/low rez. The official pics we get look cool and generally only show finished products... a lot of those set pieces look like they are still being made... I highly doubt JJ wants people to see unfinished products... just like a band wouldn't want to release music until it's been comped and mixed.

    2. Unless that band has a world wide fanbase and is considered to be the classic of classics, then I'd think the fans would really like to see the progress of their recordings whether they sound nice or not.

    3. They're leaking the photos for god sake! They were lots of places in the ship to leave the note, but he choses the chess table. Why? because he's playing with us.

  15. That still doesn't explain the bad quality of the pictures themselves. You honestly think JJ wants bad quality photos of his sets when he's got like 500k worth of cameras on set? An iphone with instagram filter would have been like 10x better than those pics.

    History doesn't serve your argument well... just look at the beatles, there's lots of songs and different takes that they didn't want released that have either ended up on youtube or bootlegs. The beach boys was the same thing... that Smile album never got an official release until 2 years ago... most of what people heard was not officially released by the beach boys.

    I think Radiohead did podcast their album in production but they were pissed when Hail to the thief was leaked prior to final mix.

    1. Of course Disney is not doing the leaks! lol
      They won't even say what the name of the movie is, but they WILL show the MF? Come on ....

    2. Well, to counter that a little, remember the video JJ released a few days ago about a Force for Change (or Good...can't remember). Sure, there was a full blown reveal of a creature, but you also had some actors walking by in costume and not.

      If I were trying to make it seem like a group of photos were leaked and not intended to be released, the best cover up would be a lower quality picture. Also, there's no one around in the second batch of photos (the Falcon pics). That means it's possibly after hours during the building of the sets and if I'm a security guard at the set, I know that everyone knows who is working that shift and my job will be in jeopardy if I leak photos.

      Musicians will put out rough cuts of samples of songs, from time to time. They'll also play them in concert, as well. "This one is from our new album coming out in XXXXX"

    3. My thoughts exactly, @Rebel Scum

    4. Take the Beatles Anthology collection for example.

    5. I just don't get the point of unofficial leaks? The actors walking behind JJ in the video were just sort of there, I mean were they supposed to CGI them out or something?

      Purposefully lower quality? I just don't get the point. With each pic or video we've seen released, it looks like the quality has been pretty good. I guess I just don't get the point of why they'd go the extra mile to make the photos suck? I mean, they could just take good photos.

    6. The Beatles Anthology was released like 30 years after they recorded the stuff, not while the Beatles were recording their music. Granted, the internet didn't exist back then, but I think you missed the point of what I said before... there are lots of songs the Beatles never officially released... but they are out there anyway. If the Beatles wanted that stuff out they could easily make people pay for it. The out takes released in the Anthology usually had some type of point, like showing how different the songs sounded with different arrangements.

    7. The pictures were taken while no one was there. So, it had to be someone with access, a security guard, or someone who broke in. If you have access off hours, you are high up. If you're a security guard, do you risk your job for anonymous internet fame? If you break in, you're good but security would surely see you, unless they're incompetent.

    8. I still don't get the point though. Why not just release stuff instead of pretending not to?

    9. @Rebel Scum
      While you DO make a good point about the "Force For Change" video, it STILL doesn't add up,that they'd show in high detail a creature, show the Millenium Falcon being built, have the MF being built confirmed by the director BUT WILL NOT SAY THE NAME OF THE MOVIE. None of this-the FFC video, the leaked images, no movie name-makes any sense at all, and I think they're stumbling all over themselves trying to come up with "hip" marketing gimmicks are now contradicting each other and creating confusion instead of drumming up excitement.

    10. Buzz and TMZ gets a little scoop, hits. Win/Win for both parties.

      It also could be misinformation. Also, it's not really Earth shattering news the Falcon or some large snout creature is in Star Wars. It gives nothing way about the plot. Free press. Free buzz. We haven't seen Imperial ships, so that doesn't say whether or not the Empire is even in existence.

      And also, it could be that it's really an unintentional leak. But, it could very well be intentional.

    11. iPadCary....on the contrary, the pictures of the Falcon ARE drumming up excitement. How many comments has the pics spurred like "I'm having a nergasm!"

    12. It still doesn't make sense though... what is Badrobot/Disney/ whatever getting out of this deal? They don't really need news agencies to generate buzz about Star Wars... I mean within an hour of JJ's video being released it already had 200k views.

    13. You could be right. But you could be wrong.

      Buzz for the movie may not be needed. But you may need it for toy lines, the new cartoon series, Disney parks,

      It's all fun either way. New Star Wars. And everything I've seen so far has been positive.

    14. We can at least agree on that haha, nothing but good news coming from the crew. I don't think they can possibly do any better!

      (My one desire would be to see them bring back the modelmakers and artists who worked on the OT, like the guys who built the star destroyer mordels/ Slave I... who knows maybe they are involved) Aside from that a++++++

    15. *models not "mordels" haha

  16. Would be nice to have a scene of Han or someone using the chess board now.

    1. I'm sure there will be... along with many other things OT Falcon, and new tricks :) Can't wait to see what they come up with.

  17. Hilarious. Looks like Abrams has a much more open mind than Lucas when it comes down to spoilers (cough*David Prowse*cough).

    1. Wow I didn't know about that... man wtf happened to Lucas? Spiteful!

    2. He must have forgotten all about Yoda's words about anger leading to hate, suffering, etc., etc.

      Good article, that one, though, lol. Thanks for posting.

  18. Couple of things:

    While JJ is renowned for control over his productions, he can't really do that too well while in the trenches directing. It's just not possible, no matter how much of a micro-manager you are. (Lucas said this himself in regards to the original trilogy) so dont be surprised about the leaks because at this point, they're out of his control.

    About JJ's recent Tweet, it contains a familiar set piece from the Millennium Falcon.....which unquestionably will have been built on a sound stage. Curious, since JJ is supposedly busy shooting in....Abu-Dhabi.

    As you may know, JJ was intent upon filming Episode 7 entirely in LA (minus location shoots). As this wasn't the case, he extenuated his contract to include shooting select scenes of his choice in his in-house sound stage directly neighboring his production company. The interior shots of the Falcon are said to be the only scenes he plans to shoot there...with exteriors filmed only in Enlgand. Call it the fanboy in him, but he seems to have gotten his some degree.

    Mark Hamill was recently photographed in prep for Star Wars weekends in California, which kind of calls into question his presence in the scenes reportedly being filmed in Abu-Dhabi.

    Surprised more people haven't picked up on thi

  19. so cool to see a close up of the chess board & see all the little symbols on the side, that is something you don't see in the first movie

  20. They've been in Abu-Dhabi for months...This is nothing new!
