Star Wars Episode 7 News

Thursday, June 5, 2014

UPDATE! Mark Hamill With Beard and Getting Ready for Star Wars Weekends 2014 (June 6-9). New Interview With the Star.

star wars

A very curious picture was shared today on Twitter. I'm still not sure if the picture is new but it shows Mark Hamill with a very Jedi Master like beard. Hit the jump for that and another tweet by Hamill himself...

Here are the two interesting tweets:

I believe the image is recent because the second season of Gravity Falls is set to air in Summer 2014.

And here's a tweet from Hamill himself about his appearance on Star Wars Weekends this weekend!


Before making his Star Wars Weekends debut at Disney’s Hollywood Studios on Friday, Mark Hamill spoke with Orlando Sentinel discussing Star Wars VII, spoilers and more.

From Orlando Sentinel:

On a decades-ago visit to Disney World: 

“They treat you like royalty. It’s really an experience you’ll never forget. … We saw three or four attractions at Epcot within a couple of hours. If we had had to do it the traditional way, it would have taken the full day. But what I really loved was having someone there who was an expert in everything Disney. That’s what interests me more and more as I get older is the actual running of the operation, going underground in the golf carts and seeing the wardrobe and hanging out with the characters with their heads off in their lounge.”

On Disney’s early influence on him:
“I’ll never forget the Disney TV show, the first time I saw Clarence Nash doing the voice of Donald Duck. I was riveted. When you’re 8 years old, you don’t really put it together. ... That gave me a vision of something an actor would do and something I really wanted to do myself. So, eventually, when I was able to do voiceover for animated cartoons, it fulfilled a lifelong dream of mine. It’s something I really aspired to.”
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On his place in the “Star Wars” past: 
“In my mind, there was a beginning, and a middle and an end for me and my association with George’s trilogy. It was firmly in the past.  When the prequels came out, I watched from a distance, but I was totally fine.

On preparing for “Star Wars VII”: 
“I’ve altered my diet. I’ve started working out. There’s that.  But on the film itself: I toured the departments, I’ve looked at wardrobe, and I saw the creature shop. I went around and met all the cast people, saw the technicians working on some new things.”

On “Star Wars” spoilers: 
“This is a whole different world … The first one, no one cared. The second one there was a lot of interest, but it was before the Internet. … I tell people we’re not trying to annoy you or tease you or play some massive game. Basically what the goal is to keep the surprises for the movie instead of spoiling them on the Internet.”
Star Wars

On George Lucas’ vision for the characters:
 “He always liked the idea of seeing the original characters as elderly characters.”

On saying yes to “Star Wars VII”:
“Look, I’m aware that a lot of people don’t care one way or another, but for the UPFs – the ultra passionate fans – they would come after me like the angry townspeople with torches in the old Frankenstein pictures. I would have a lot to answer for if I didn’t at least try to make the effort. It’s not like I had a choice. I feel like I was called up for service by the Selective Service.”

On reuniting:
“I hadn’t seen Tony Daniels or Carrie [Fisher] or Harrison [Ford] or Peter Mayhew in ages. … I was wonderful to see them again, because I didn’t expect to. Again, this is all so unexpected. It’s like getting out that pair of pants you haven’t worn in five years and finding a 20-dollar bill in the pocket. Oh, this is nice.”
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On fandom:
 “I haven’t seen those movies since they were in movie theaters. I don’t watch them on home theater or DVD. There are people who are far more expert in it than I am. They know more, way more, about them than I do, and they care more. … You don’t have to love them, but I am surprised sometimes at how vehemently they get if they’re not satisfied, which is scary. I have this feeling that no matter what we do there’s going to be a faction that really is disappointed. You just can’t live up to that. Any kind of reunion type endeavor, whatever it is … you can never go home again.”

On Disney’s purchase of Lucasfilm: 
"I think he [George Lucas] really feels a great relief of passing this property into the right hands. I couldn’t be more exciting even nominally a part of the Disney family.”

On fan events and autographs: 
“If you hit me up on the street I’m not going to charge you. I’ll sign what you want. It makes a big difference if you’re making an 8 year old happy as opposed to some guy who’s going to take that same autograph, turn it around, slap a ridiculous price and gouge the fans on the internet. I’m really torn. It makes us crazy because you feel like you’re trapped like that.  There’s no way to make it go away. … That’s one thing that’s unpleasant. You’re trapped between the dealers and the fans.”


  1. Wonder if it's a recent photo.

    1. I have a vauge recollection of seeing this photo before. I may be wrong but I'm not sure how recent it really is.

    2. Well, he looks to be in good shape, so that points to it being possibly in the last six months (since getting into shape).

    3. Was it March that he had the picture of himself posted with the banana? He didn't have a beard then, did he?

    4. You probably refer to another similar photo in which he appeared with the guy that did the voice of Darth Maul

    5. My bad, it was late January:

    6. This is from March:

      I don't believe the photo above is prior to 2014. It's gotta be between March and the present.

    7. Taken in the last week

  2. He looks so f awesome with that beard !!

  3. @Darth Whiffy; Same thought here, or Mark is using the same pose with the pointing finger from time to time...

    1. That could be. I guess the point really is that he's got a beard and he's looking great!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. It means nothing.
      Celebs do that all the time: strike the SAME EXACT pose in pictures, say the SAME EXACT thing when making press rounds, etc

      Example: Barry Williams has been on TV a lot in the last few days to talk about the very untimely/unfair passing of Ann B. Davis.
      On every appearance, he said the SAME EXACT thing.
      Pretty much syllable for syllable.

      I'll bet if fans were to compare pictures taken with Mark Hamill, they'd all show him in pretty much the SAME exact pose. That's just thier non-comittal way of saying to fans: GFY.

    4. I agree with you on the point that they often say the same things, strike the same pose, etc but I think it's a bit cynical to say it's their way of saying GFY. In fact, we all know Harrison Ford has his own way of saying GFY which is to look you in the eye and say GFY. If they take the time out to pose for a picture with you, they're being generous with their time. Can you imagine how often this man has been asked to pose for a photo with someone? He's kind and generous enough to agree to it. By all accounts, Mark Hammill is a very nice, approachable and down to Earth guy.

  4. Wow so proud of Mark. He has really got on track and become a very healthy individual. Just compare this pic to the Jay Leno picture in the popular post section. Hopefully this lifestyle will be kept after Star Wars.

    1. This REALLY is a grand example of what proper nutrition and exercise can do for a person. Compared to pics of Mark Hamill taken a year or so ago, the transformation is nothing less than amazing!

  5. Now that's Luke freaking Skywalker.

    1. I thought it was Obi-wan Kenobi..?

    2. Mark and Carrie should hope Disney will be making Episodes 10, 11 and 12 as well. Then they will have motivation to stay fit and trim for their rest of their expected lifetime.

    3. I hope Leia is kept through-out the series as she's an important political figure to keep the story grounded. Han can be killed to create some emotional context and as I don't think Harrison will want to be any more films, and Luke could bite it as he can come back as a ghost.

  6. The Healer Twins have just talked about their Episode 7 roles. Saw it on Pretty cool read.

    1. I think a certain scene may be cut for saying too much.

    2. Imperial Officer "Rebel Scum"

    3. They just said they did not have speaking roles in the scene they shot, the only lead actors filming there were Ridley and Boyega, and they did nothing but react.

  7. Man, He looks so freaking cool. Super excited to see him rock the green saber again in Ep 7.

    1. Just one? You know he'll pull out another one because one just isn't good enough anymore.

    2. I would like to see him firing force lightning from his fingertips... like Yoda

    3. I believe Yoda actually absorbed and deflected Sidious' and Duku's force lightning.

    4. Yes he did that with the Emperor, but with the Count, they fire at each other, until they decide it to duel with lightsabers...

    5. I've watched the Dooku duel again, and I think it looks like he absorbed Dooku's lightning and threw it back to him. Watch it for your self. - start watching at the 3:20 mark.

    6. Oh man, can some people seriously believe that Yoda was hurling Force-lightning (a distinct DARK SIDE weapon), as opposed to just deflecting it?


    7. I just hope he's learned that you don't have to take force lightening. You'd think Obi Wan and Yoda would've clued him in on that.

  8. OBI-WAN type role....

  9. Once more the beard shall RUUUUULLLLEEEE the galaxy....!!!
    And there will be peace. ;{D

  10. VH - I've just heard that JJ is tweeting about the Millennium Falcon. Apparently he's got a
    nice sarcastic sense of humour.

  11. Credit to the Man, he looks in great shape here. The beard really suits him too.

  12. suited him in slipstream too ... looking good!

  13. Has anyone else noticed how much Hamill looks like Uncle Owen? I think that's kinda' neat.

  14. Hey Viral, here you go -

    1. Bittersweet in my opinion. I thought Chronicle was a pretty good movie, but Fantastic 4 was almost as bad as 2003 Hulk.

    2. Chronicle was a good movie but it went a little bit down hill toward the end.

    3. My mistake, I misread that bit about the Fantastic Four.

    LOL. funny tweet from bad robot. Is that the falcon chess board I see??? ;) ;) ;)

    1. At least they have a good sense of humor about it. Maybe it leads in to them actually leaking it themselves. Clever stuff.

  16. He looks like a turd with a beard. Very very ugly fat little non Jedi.

    1. Obvious Troll is obvious

    2. Obvious troll is obvious. I take it English is not your strength.

    3. Haha well somebody clearly hasn't heard the term 'obvious troll is obvious' before. And yeah yeah, Luke Skywalker, Yoda, and Old-Ben Kenobi were really popular because of their looks right? Yeah ok..

  17. Looks great. Nice beard to give off the whole wise-old-sage vibe, and the fact he is a little chubby is amazing. It reinforces the fact the force is beyond the physical. Yoda being an old tiny frog thing? Badass because of the force. Old-ben being old and slow? Badass because of the force. Luke being a bit chubby? Badass because of the force. Love it.

  18. The guy on the right looks like Luke Skywalker with a beard.

  19. He's slimmed way down- he was a chunk a year ago. Good on him- old Jedi Master Luke!

  20. LUKEing goood in a beard :) well, Lucas said he will have an: OBi WAN-type role, can't wait to see him in full beard & jedi-robes...

    I guess we will know if this pic is recent ot not after the weekend, since he will make a public appearance at disney world

  21. On Jedi news, the healer twins said they were given " the same special costumes and make-up"... could possibly be the costume and make-up from the #darkside picture.

  22. Es sieht gut aus mit Bart - aber ist es etwa zu der Diskussion?
    Und so Abrams Film fickt auf. Puppen, wird Millenium Falcon nicht ersetzen, eine gute Geschichte. Diese Lecks sind das Publikum. Das ist alles gesteuert Marketing

  23. It looks good with a beard - but is it about to the discussion?
    And so Abrams movie fucks up. Dolls, Millenium Falcon will not replace a good story. These leaks are the audience. This is all controlled marketing

  24. Abrams nie nakręci dobrego filmu. Ostrzegam Was. Klimat i estetyka to za mało...
