Star Wars Episode 7 News

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Star Wars: Episode 7 Production Diaries and Other Star Wars TV Shows to Get Digital Distribution?

star wars iphone 

Jedinews got their hands on a very interesting rumor. Remember the great coverage gave us while the prequel trilogy was filming? What if this also happens with Episode 7 and this time you receive all great production news live on your Apple device...

According to their sources:
    “A Disney branded app for Star Wars will launch on Apple TV devices, with plans to distribute the final Clone Wars episodes exclusively digitally only through the Apple TV device for a limited period of time. This will happen in this holiday season.

    In 2014, plans are in an early stage to use the platform to deliver SW7 production news ‘live’ from the sets, followed with Star Wars Rebels in late 2014 taking us all the way through to SW7 release.”

    “Distribution will only be on Apple TV devices capable of running iOS7 and there has been no confirmation if the same app will be available to other iOS devices such as iPad or iPhone."
 apple tv ipad star wars

Unfortunately for now the rumors suggest that this digital distribution will be only for Apple TV devices and there may also be regional restrictions. It doesn't make much sense to do this only for Apple TV but leave the iPad and iPhone out of the equation.  Still this is an early rumor and it remains to be seen how things turn out. This would be a logical move by Apple considering the close relations between Disney and former CEO Steve Jobs and especially with iOS7 release next month and the rumored upcoming new Apple TV devices.

Source: jedinews


  1. Since I own an AppleTV & an iPad & an iPhone, this is fantastic news for me!
    Those who don't own any of those things are at fault & need to get one.
    Refurbed iPhones & iPads are EXTREMLY inexpensive and work just as well as new-in-box stuff.
    And Android is out of the question as it has rapidly become the Windoze of mobile: bloated, virus-infested SHIT.

    1. I think this is crap.. I hope this is not true. It would seem they would be leaving a huge portion of the market out. Especially people who don't want to own an apple product. I have tried on 2 occasions to buy an ipad and each time walked out buying an android product. I don't hate people with apple stuff, it's just a preference. But I know many people who are just like me on this, so it would seem ridculous to have such a release.

  2. There would be a lot of angry Star Wars fans out there if this is true...
    And No.... Most ppl I talk to don't are becoming disappointed with their IPhones/Ipads as they are so proprietary..
    That is why there is a recent report of the Apple products being slow.... Perhaps this is a gimmick between Apple and Disney to boosts Apples slie sales....
    Why punish the rest of us who do not have confidence in the IPhone/IPad...
    Also there are other streaming devices that you can connect to your TV such as Ruku (??) And Blue ray/game consoles that support services like netflix and Hulu+.
    Disney you will be pissing off a lot og fans if you do this.....!!!! Some of us SW fans would like to see those final episodes as well since you decided to cancel the show which could have gone one more season with closure....

    Am I reading this correctly, did they day tgay SW Rebels would be broadcast as such as well if the rumors are true

  3. I think you are absolutely right about Production Diaries and Other Star Wars TV Shows to Get Digital Distribution which have given me more comfortable In life. I am sure that If you buy this things by A Disney brand then your life will be very comfortable to this my idea. Thank for sharing this site.
